Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Seed Germination Jar, Botany Plastic Embedded Specimen and Botany Museum Specimen.
Germination Seed Sets
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Displayed in Jar |
BGS-526 | Castor Germination | L |
BGS-527 | Gram Germination | L |
BGS-528 | Maize Germination | L |
BGS-529 |
Pea Germination | L |
BGS-530 | Bean Germination | L |
BGS-531 | Onion Germination | L |
BGS-532 | Wheat Germination | L |
BGS-533 | Date Germination | L |
BGS-534 | Viviparous Germination | L |
Product code | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BEMS-1 | Acetabularia | 370 |
BEMS-2 | Chara | 370 |
BEMS-3 | Polysiphonia | 370 |
BEMS-4 | Ectocarpus | 370 |
BEMS-5 | Codium | 370 |
BEMS-6 | Cladophora fresh water | 370 |
BEMS-7 | Caluerpa Plant | 370 |
BEMS-8 | Ulva Thallus | 370 |
BEMS-9 | Dictyota | 370 |
BEMS-10 | Fucus imported male | 425 |
BEMS-11 | Fucus female USA | 425 |
BEMS-12 | Gracillaria | 370 |
BEMS-13 | Laminaria | 370 |
BEMS-14 | Odeogonium on twig | 370 |
BEMS-15 | Padina fertile | 370 |
BEMS-16 | Sargassum fertile | 370 |
Product code | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BEMS-20 | Alternaria | 370 |
BEMS-21 | Albugo conidia on leaf | 370 |
BEMS-22 | Albugo hypertroph | 370 |
BEMS-23 | Agricus | 370 |
BEMS-24 | Bracket fungus | 390 |
BEMS-25 | Citrus canker | 370 |
BEMS-26 | Geaster (star agaricus) | 370 |
BEMS-27 | Lycoperdon | 370 |
BEMS-28 | Lichen | 370 |
BEMS-29 | Morchella | 370 |
BEMS-30 | Peziza clusters | 370 |
BEMS-31 | Phytophthora on colocasia | 370 |
BEMS-32 | Penicillium | 370 |
BEMS-33 | Polyporus | 370 |
BEMS-34 | Phyllectinia | 370 |
BEMS-35 | Puccinia on wheat leaf | 370 |
BEMS-36 | Puccinia barberry | 370 |
BEMS-37 | Root nodule | 370 |
BEMS-38 | Synchytrium | 370 |
BEMS-39 | Ustilago (U avenae) | 370 |
BEMS-40 | Ustilago loose smut tritici | 370 |
BEMS-41 | Xyllaria | 370 |
BEMS-42 | Lichen collection | 600 |
BEMS-43 | Collection of fungi set of 4 | 600 |
BEMS-44 | Collection of thallophyta | 600 |
Product code | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BEMS-45 | Anthoceros sporophyte | 370 |
BEMS-46 | Cryptomerium fertile | 370 |
BEMS-47 | Cyathodium | 370 |
BEMS-48 | Dumotira fertile | 370 |
BEMS-49 | Fimbriaria fertile | 370 |
BEMS-50 | Fossombronia fertile | 370 |
BEMS-51 | Funaria fertile | 370 |
BEMS-52 | Jungemania fertile | 370 |
BEMS-53 | Marchantia with gemma-cup | 370 |
BEMS-54 | Marchantia with antheridia | 370 |
BEMS-55 | Marchantia with archegonia | 370 |
BEMS-56 | Marchantia with sporophyte | 370 |
BEMS-57 | Marchantia with developing stages | 370 |
BEMS-58 | Lunularia gemma-cup | 370 |
BEMS-59 | Moss LH | 420 |
BEMS-60 | Plagiochasma fertile | 370 |
BEMS-61 | Pellia fertile | 370 |
BEMS-62 | Porella fertile | 370 |
BEMS-63 | Polytrichum fertile | 370 |
BEMS-64 | Ricciardia fertile | 370 |
BEMS-65 | Riccia fertile | 370 |
BEMS-66 | Sphagnum fertile | 370 |
BEMS-67 | Targionia fertile | 370 |
BEMS-68 | Collection of bryophyta | 600 |
Product code | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BEMS-69 | Azolla with sporocarpus | 390 |
BEMS-70 | Equisetum plant with cone | 390 |
BEMS-71 | Isortes entire plant | 390 |
BEMS-72 | Lycopodium shoot with cone | 390 |
BEMS-73 | Marsilea fertile plant | 390 |
BEMS-74 | Ophioglossum with spike | 390 |
BEMS-75 | Psilotum with Synangi | 390 |
BEMS-76 | Selaginella fertile plant | 390 |
BEMS-77 | Salvinia with Sporocarp B | 400 |
BEMS-78 | Fern prothallus with sporophyte | 390 |
BEMS-79 | Fern Pteris fertile twig | 390 |
BEMS-80 | Collection of Ptetidophytes | 600 |
Product code | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BEMS-81 | Cycas young plant | 370 |
BEMS-82 | Cycas male sporophyll | 370 |
BEMS-83 | Cycas female cone | 455 |
BEMS-84 | Pinus male cone (Cluster) | 370 |
BEMS-85 | Pinus female cone (Cluster) | 390 |
BEMS-86 | Pinus young plant | 370 |
BEMS-87 | Gnetum cones male & female | 420 |
BEMS-88 | Ephedra Twig with cone | 390 |
BEMS-90 | Zamia female cone LS | 420 |
BEMS-91 | Collection Gymnosperm | 600 |
ALGAE [Price Rs- J=138, K=170, L=200, M=250, N=280, P=345, R=430)
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Code |
BMS-1 | Amphiora | K |
BMS-2 | Acetabularia | K |
BMS-3 | Acanthosphora | K |
BMS-4 | Batrachospermum | K |
BMS-5 | Bryosis | K |
BMS-6 | Botrydium | K |
BMS-7 | Chara | K |
BMS-8 | Codium | K |
BMS-9 | Ceramium | K |
BMS-10 | Cladophora fresh water | J |
BMS-11 | Cladophora on shell (Marine) | K |
BMS-12 | Coleochaete on host | K |
BMS-13 | Caulerps plant | K |
BMS-14 | Compsopogan | K |
BMS-16 | Corallina | K |
BMS-17 | Cutlaria | K |
BMS-18 | Chempia | K |
BMS-19 | Dictyota | K |
BMS-20 | Drapernalidia | K |
BMS-21 | Enteromorpha | K |
BMS-22 | Ectocarpus | K |
BMS-23 | Fucus imported Male USA | M |
BMS-24 | Fucus imported Female (USA) | M |
BMS-25 | Gelidium | K |
BMS-26 | Gracillaria | K |
BMS-27 | Gigartina | K |
BMS-33 | Laminaria | K |
BMS-34 | Lyngbys | K |
BMS-35 | Lomentaria | K |
BMS-36 | Ligora | K |
BMS-37 | Mougeotia | K |
BMS-38 | Nitella | K |
BMS-39 | Nereocystis | K |
BMS-40 | Nostoc | K |
BMS-42 | Oscillatoria | K |
BMS-43 | Oedogonium | K |
BMS-44 | Pithophora | K |
BMS-45 | Polysiphonia | K |
BMS-46 | Porphyra imported | M |
BMS-47 | Prasiola | K |
BMS-48 | Phormidium | K |
BMS-49 | Rivularia | K |
BMS-50 | Sargassum vegetative | K |
BMS-51 | Sargassum fertile | K |
BMS-52 | Spirogyra fertile/ Vegetative | K |
BMS-53 | Scytonema | K |
BMS-54 | Stigonema | K |
BMS-55 | Spathoglossum | K |
BMS-56 | Schizothrix | K |
BMS-57 | Stigoclonium | K |
BMS-58 | Tolypothric | K |
BMS-59 | Turbinaria | K |
BMS-60 | Ulva thalus | K |
BMS-62 | Ulothrix | K |
BMS-63 | Ulva Reproductive | K |
BMS-64 | Vaucheria | K |
BMS-65 | Volvox | K |
BMS-66 | Velonia | K |
BMS-67 | Zonaria | K |
BMS-68 | Zygenema | K |
FUNGI [Price Rs- J=138, K=170 L=200 M=250, N=280, P=345 R=430)
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Code |
BMS-69 | Alternaria | K |
BMS-70 | Aspergillus | K |
BMS-71 | Albugo Conidia on Leaf | K |
BMS-72 | Albugo sexual on fruit | K |
BMS-73 | Albugo hypertrophy | K |
BMS-74 | Agaricus | K |
BMS-75 | Angular Leaf of Cotton | K |
BMS-76 | Ascobulus | K |
BMS-78 | Apple Rust | K |
BMS-79 | Agaricus amenitia | K |
BMS-80 | Bracket Fungus | K |
BMS-81 | Bean rust uromyces | K |
BMS-82 | Bremia | K |
BMS-83 | Cyathus | K |
BMS-84 | Claviceps | K |
BMS-85 | Clavaria | K |
BMS-86 | Collectorichum | K |
BMS-87 | Citrus Canaker | K |
BMS-88 | Curvaularia | K |
BMS-89 | Erysiphae | K |
BMS-90 | Fusarium | K |
BMS-92 | Geaster (Star agaricus) | K |
BMS-93 | Graphiola | K |
BMS-95 | Helminthosporium | K |
BMS-96 | Lycoperdon | K |
BMS-97 | Lemnaon | K |
BMS-98 | Melampsora (Linseed) | K |
BMS-99 | Mucor | K |
BMS-100 | Morchella | M |
BMS-101 | Nigrospora on rice | K |
BMS-102 | Peziza clusters | K |
BMS-103 | Phytophthora on potato leaf | K |
BMS-104 | Phytophthora on colocasia | K |
BMS-105 | Protomyces | K |
BMS-106 | Penicillium | K |
BMS-107 | Polyporus | K |
BMS-109 | Phyllectina | K |
BMS-110 | Puccinia on wheat leaf | K |
BMS-111 | Puccinia on wheat stem | K |
BMS-112 | Puccinia barbery | K |
BMS-113 | Puccinia Pycnogonial | K |
BMS-114 | Phragmidlim on rose | K |
BMS-115 | Ravenillia | K |
BMS-116 | Root nodule | K |
BMS-117 | Ring Spot of brassica | K |
BMS-118 | Ring Spot of Potato | K |
BMS-119 | Rhizopus | K |
BMS-120 | Sclerospora | K |
BMS-121 | Synchytrium on Leaf | K |
BMS-122 | Synchytrium on Fruit | K |
BMS-123 | Synchytrium black potato | K |
BMS-124 | Sphaerotheca on Jawar | K |
BMS-126 | Taphrina | K |
BMS-127 | Ustilago (U.Avenae) | K |
BMS-128 | Ustilago covered smut | K |
BMS-129 | Ustilago Losse smut (Tritici) | K |
BMS-130 | Ustilago oat | K |
BMS-131 | Ustilago Barley | K |
BMS-132 | Ustilago wheat | K |
BMS-133 | Ustilago maize | K |
BMS-134 | Ustilago suger cane | K |
BMS-135 | Uromyces | K |
BMS-136 | Xylaria | K |
VIRUS PLANTS [Price Rs- J=138 K=170, L=200 M=250, N=280, P=345 R=430)
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Code |
BMS-137 | Citrus canker | K |
BMS-138 | Leaf curl of tomato | K |
BMS-139 | Lea curl of chills | K |
BMS-140 | Leaf curl of papaya | K |
BMS-141 | Leaf curl of tobbaco | K |
BMS-142 | Leaf Chlorosis | K |
BMS-143 | Leaf mosaic | K |
BMS-144 | Leaf mosaic motting | K |
BMS-145 | Leaf ring spot | K |
BMS-146 | Leaf distortion and over growth | K |
BMS-147 | Necrosis of flower | K |
BMS-148 | Virusus corium, solani (Leaf curl of potato) | K |
BMS-149 | Virusus nicotianntabacum | K |
BMS-150 | Virusus curl of papaya | K |
PLANT PATHOLOGY SPECIMENS [Price Rs- J=138, K=170, L=200 M=250, N=280, P=345 R=430)
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Code |
BMS-151 | Blast of Rice | K |
BMS-152 | Brown spot of Rice | K |
BMS-153 | Bacterial blight of Rice | K |
BMS-154 | False smut on Rice | K |
BMS-155 | Black rust of Wheat | K |
BMS-156 | Brown/Orange rust of Wheat | K |
BMS-157 | Loose smount of WheatLoose smount of Wheat | K |
BMS-158 | Flag smut of Wheat | K |
BMS-159 | Powdery mildew on Pea | K |
BMS-160 | Leaf blight disease | K |
BMS-161 | Grain smut disease | K |
BMS-162 | Downy mildew on Grapes | K |
BMS-163 | Leaf spot on Sorghum | K |
BMS-164 | Citrus canker | K |
BMS-165 | Ergot of Barley | K |
BMS-166 | Green Ear of Bajra | K |
BMS-167 | Smut of Bajra | K |
BMS-168 | Smut on Maize | K |
BMS-169 | Soft rot of Maize | K |
BMS-170 | Mosaic disease | K |
BMS-171 | Wilt of Gram | K |
BMS-172 | Rust on Pea/Gram | K |
BMS-173 | Anthracnose on Beans | K |
BMS-174 | Tikka disease of Groundnut | K |
BMS-175 | Damping off | M |
BMS-176 | Club root of Crucifers | K |
BMS-177 | White rust | K |
BMS-178 | Root knot disease | K |
BMS-179 | Vein cleaning disease | K |
BMS-180 | Leaf spot on cucurbits | K |
BMS-181 | Late blight of Potato | K |
BMS-182 | Early blight or Potato | K |
BMS-183 | Rust of Linseed | K |
BMS-184 | Mosaic of Tamato | K |
BMS-185 | Mosaic of Papaya | K |
BMS-186 | Mosaic of Chillies | K |
BMS-187 | Mosaic of Tobacco | K |
BMS-188 | Leaf curl on Peach | K |
BMS-189 | Bacterial blight n Banana | K |
BMS-190 | Red rot of Sugarcan | K |
BMS-191 | Smut of Sugarcan | K |
BMS-192 | Red stripes of Sugarcan | K |
BMS-193 | Black arm of Cotton | K |
BMS-194 | Stem gall of Coriander | K |