Welcome to Mother Dairy Calcutta
MOTHER DAIRY CALCUTTA -a Government of West Bengal project, was started under Operation Flood II of National Dairy Development Board . It was set up initially to cater to the demand of the Kolkata urban agglomeration spread over the Kolkata Metropolitan area, approximately 852 sq kms. Mother Dairy is also reaching out to the consumers of other Districts. The commissioning of the Dairy started in July 1978 and the first Distribution vehicle loaded with milk sachets rolled out of the Dairy in the morning of 8th December 1978. Initially, the management of Mother Dairy was looked after by the National Dairy Development Board . On 24th March 1982 , the then Honourable Chief Minister Shri Jyoti Basu dedicated Mother Dairy Calcutta to the rural milk producers and urban milk consumers of West Bengal. From then onwards, the story of Mother Dairy is one of success after success. The growth of the Dairy continued unabated . Mother Dairy safeguards the interest of the rural milk producers by encouraging co-operative movement & marketing the surplus milk available from the villages, thus helping the milk producers to realize their own potential for organized endevour & the creation of more rural wealth in the shape of Anand Pattern as profounder by Dr. V.Kurian, The MilkMan of INDIA. In November 1996 , the management of Mother Dairy was taken over by West Bengal Cooperative Milk Product Federation Ltd.