Modern Forgings and Alloys Industries is a Casting and forging unit located in Vadodara, Gujarat. Established in 1992, the world class roll manufacturing unit was started by dynamic visionary Mr. Dilip Kalra, a first generation entrepreneur with close to two decades experience, The entrepreneur is now assisted by his son Mr. Himanshu Kalra (B.Tech. IT, MBA Production) Strategically positioned, MFAI today holds Modern roll making facilities equipped with up-to-date technology, machinery and human resources in the field of Roll Manufacturing. Technology for some people is a tool to manufacture quality products, for us it's a passion to render Quality Value. Our Promoters, along with the highly experienced and proven engineers in the field, look personally into every aspect of customer requirement and their ultimate satisfaction. Beginning with the knowledge of material, our concern for Quality runs through an extensive Quality Control process and ends into constant innovative development of products for every application. At Modern Forging and Alloys it is the management, staff and workers who put their experience, knowledge and hard work into the production process. With our commitment to highest quality and ability to technical excellence, we know that the choices of metal and composition of rolls dependent on applications, and hence we thrive constantly to make sure that they are continuously updated in accordance with the latest development. While most believe in satisfying customers, at Modern Forgings & Alloys Industries we thrive to delight you with our products and service.