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  6. Viscosity Instruments 3 Products available
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We offer the best product range of ALUMINIUM STAVES, LE CHATLIER FLASK, Shrinkage Limit Set, Extractor Frame Universal and Straight Edge.


  • International Standard, Automatically processed under strict quality control.
  • Strong High Tensile extruded aluminiums alloy
  • Painted with water proof Powder Coated/Enamelled paints.
  • Brightly coloured for high on site visibility.

Model Extended
of Sec.
Graduations Width
the Sec.
Front Back
4 Meter 4 4 White 5mm 1mm 51 27 1215 1.650
4 Meter 4 4 White 5mm(E) 1mm 51 27 1215 1.650
5 Meter 5 5 White 5mm 1mm 51 27 1245 1.900
5 Meter 5 5 White 5mm(E) 1mm 51 27 1245 1.900
6 Meter 6 6 White 5mm 1mm 51 27 1445 2.300


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Used for finding specific gravity of hydraulic cement. Made from Borosilicate glass. The flask is 243mm in total height, having a bulb of 90mm dia of 250ml approximate capacity. The long neck of the flask has at top a funnel of 50mm dia in that fits a ground glass stopper. The neck has over-all 11mm i.d. upper portion is graduated from 18ml to 24ml with 1 ml graduation. Just at the bottom of the neck 1 ml capacity is marked in between there is 17 ml capacity bulb.

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Vibration Machine

Concrete moulds are easily cast by using a tamping bar or a vibrating table. However air trapped in cement mortar paste can not be thus removed while casting cement mortar moulds. Easy method is to impart greater vibrating of lesser amplitude to the mould while casting This is achieved in a vibrating machine.

Vibrating machine is used for the preparing of mortar cubes for the determination of compression strength of ordinary and rapid hardened Portland cement, low heat Portland cement, Portland blast furnace cement and high alumina cements.

A specially designed Vibration Machine is used for vibrating the mix in moulds according to strictly controlled programmer at a frequency of 12, 000 400 cycles per minute. The Vibrator is mounted over coiled springs and the vibrations are developed by means of a revolving eccentric shaft. The center of gravity of the vibrator, including the cube and mould, is either at the center of the eccentric shaft or within 25 mm below it. The simple design of the machine facilitates easy assembly and dismantling of the cube moulds. The machine is suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, and single-phase, AC supply. Each machine is supplied with one cube mould.

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  • 20cm Dia Brass Frame Sieves
  • 30cm Dia G.I. Frame Sieves
  • 45cm Dia G.I. Frame Sieves

BSS Mesh No. (410/1969) ASTM Mesh No. (11-70) ISS (469/1972) Microns
4 5 4.00mm 4000
5 6 3.35mm 3353
6 7 2.80mm 2812
7 8 2.36mm 2411
8 10 2.00mm 2057
10 12 1.70mm 1680
12 14 1.40mm 1405
14 16 1.18mm 1204
16 18 1.00mm 1003
18 20 .850mm 850
22 25 .710mm 710
25 30 .600mm 600
30 35 .500mm 500
36 40 .425mm 420
44 45 .355mm 355
52 50 .300mm 300
60 60 .250mm 250
72 70 .212mm 210
85 80 .180mm 180
100 100 .150mm 150
120 120 .125mm 120
150 140 .106mm 105
170 170 .090mm 90
200 200 .075mm 75
240 230 .063mm 63
300 270 .053mm 53
350 325 .045mm 45
400 400 .037mm 37
500   0.25mm 35
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Length Gauge

The Length Gauge or Elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles whose greatest dimension(length) is less than nine-fifths (1.8 times) of their mean dimensions. This test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm.

it consists of a hard wood base with vertically mounted metal studs as specified in the Indian Standard.

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Vaccum Pump

Useful for specific gravity test by removing air voids from the Bitumen Mix.Oil Sealed Rotary High Vacuum Pump capacity 50 Ltr/min. complete with 0.25 HP- 1 Phase- 220 V- CROMPTON Make Electric Motor. Ultimate Vaccum : 0.05 mm of Hg. Complete with Non-Return Valve, Belt guard and vaccum gauge with regulator.

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Used to maintain in water the Marshal specimens to be tested at 600 + 10C (Asphalt specimens) or 37.8 + 10C (Tar Specimens) as prescribed by the specifications. The same Waterbath can also be used for penetration test, stripping test or even soundness test of cement with the use of additional accessories.

Rectangular, Double walled construction. Inner Chamber made of stainless steel and outer body made of mild steel duly powder coated. Temperature Range 50C above ambient to 990C. Fitted with immersion type heater, Digital Temperature Controller cum Indicator accuracy + 0.50C. Operating on 230V AC. Fitted with circular pump with stirrer.

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Shrinkage Limit Set

Shrinkage limit is the maximum water content at which a reduction in water content does not cause an appreciable reduction in volume of the Soil Mass. At shrinkage limit, on further reduction in water, air enters in to the voids of soils and thus keeps the volume constant. The apparatus can be used to determine shrinkage limit and to calculate other shrinkage ratio, shrinkage index and volumetric shrinkage.

Specification : Set consists of one each :-

  • Porcelain evaporating dish
  • Shrinkage dish
  • Glass cup
  • Perspex plate with three metal prongs
  • Flexible spatula 100mm
  • Glass cylinder
  • 25ml x 1ml, supplied without mercury
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Laboratory Pulveriser

Laboratory Pulveriser is a disc type grinder, designed for grinding material to produce a fine mesh sample in one operation. It is a self contained grinder furnished with a rotating disc having a planetary movement in a vertical plane. This feature gives added life to the wearing parts and delivers a product to uniform fineness. The pulverizer will reduce 1 pounds sample of quartz type material to 100 mesh in 1 minute. Maximum feed size is 1/4 inch Grinding is done between two discs one of which is stationary and the other reolving eccentrically at high speed. The apparatus is supplied with heat treated disc of 7 inches in diameter adjustment of size of product may be made by use of a convenient hand wheel while the machine is in operation or at rest. A self locking device holds the hinged grinding chamber in place and affords easy and quick access to the grinding chamber for removal of ground samples and for cleaning.

The Laboratory Pulverizer is supplied complete with a 3 HP motor, starting switch, V-belt pully drive and mounting electrical requirements are 440 volts 3 phase A.C.

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Extractor Frame Universal

Designed to extract specimens from almost every type of sampling tube and mould used in solid engineering laboratory or in the field. It can be mounted vertically or horizontally as desired. It has an unique feature that three 38mm dia sample.


Comprises of a frame designed for screw jack operation, one each of the adaptors for 38mm, 75mm, 100mm, 150mm dia meter specimens and a stand to obtain simultaneously three 38mm diameter samples from one 100mm diameter sample. The adaptor plate which slides along the slotted support can be claimed at any desired position by means of locking nuts. Besides this, the tube or mould can be held in position by raising the tube guides and held in position with locking screws. The lead screw movement can be stopped at any predetermined position by tightening the lead screw collar. Plunger adaptor for 200mm dia samples. Adaptor plate with 200mm dia hole and device to extract b number 38mm dia samples.

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Straight Edge

Used to measure irregularities in road pavement. Made from steel channel or Alluminium Alloy.

3 Meter Length. Complete with measuring wedge.

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Length Comparator

The apparatus can be used for three basic tests :

  • Initial drying shrinkage The difference between the length of the cured specimen and the length when it is dried.
  • Drying shrinkage - The difference between the length of the specimen from existing structure and its length when completely dried.
  • Moisture movement - The difference between the length of the dried specimen and its length when again saturated with water.

The apparatus consists of a frame with adjustable cross plate and a recessed seating and a 300 1.0 mm long alloy steel reference bar having coefficient of thermal expansion less than 2x10-6deg with 6 mm dia steel balls mounted at the ends. Supplied complete, with a dial gauge 0.002 mm x 10 mm.

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Laboratory Jaw Crusher

Laboratory Jaw Crusher is designed to speed up the crushing of aggregate, ores, minerals, coal, coke, chemicals and other similar materials. It is compact and of rugged construction for general laboratory.

Two jaws of manganese steel are provided in the jaw crusher. The moveable jaw produces two blows for every revolution, thus reducing over sizing to a minimum. A combination of forward and downward and strokes with a rocking action experts pressure on the coarse material to pass through the jaws. A hopper is provided at the top for feeding materials. The smooth jaw ensure a uniform product and easy cleaning is possible.

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Shrinkage Bar Mould

Hand Driven Operated ASTM C 151 also specifies the use of shrinkage bar moulds for the determination of soundness. Length Comparator listed in the concrete section determines the change in length of the specimen. Two models are offered. One is provided with stainless steel smooth reference points and the other is provided with knurled and threaded reference points. Both the models are available as single mould and multiple mould compartments. Each mould is supplied complete with base plate and two reference points per compartment of mould. Mould size: 25 x 25 mm section and 250 mm effective length (Distance between two inner-most of the reference points) The models are available in three kinds of apartments i.e. One, Two, Four with smooth and knurled threaded reference points.

  • Shrinkage Bar Mould - Double Gange
  • Shrinkage Bar Mould - Tripple Gange
  • Shrinkage Bar Mould - Four Gange

Optional Extra:-

  • Set of 20, Smooth Reference Points
  • Set of 20, knurled and threaded reference point
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Cube Moulds

Concrete cube moulds that are used in the preparation of concrete cube specimens of high strength materials for compression testing. These moulds are employed to examine the strength of portland cement, low heat portland cement and some classes of lime.

Salient Features

  • Concrete Cube Moulds are available in different sizes and shapes.
  • Made as per the Indian and other international standards.
  • All types of moulds are supplied complete with base plate.

(1) Mould Cast Iron, for 5cm, cube(2) Mould Gunmetal, for 5cm, cube(3) Mould Steel for 7.06cm cube with loose base plate.(4) Mould Cast Iron for 7.06cm cube with loose base plate(5) Mould Cast Iron for 10cm cube(6) Mould Cast Iron for 15cm cube(7) Mould Plastic 15cm(8) Mould Cast Iron, for 20cm cube(9) Mould Cast Iron, for 30cm cube.

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Universal Extruder Frame

The extractor frame is used for taking out soil samples compacted or undisturbed, from 100mm dia and 150mm dia cylinders such as Core Cutters, Proctor moulds, C.B.R. moulds etc.


It consists of a 50Kn capacity hand operated, hydraulic jack mounted on a suitable frame. Two plungers, one for 4/100mm dia and the other of 6/150mm dia moulds are supplied Height of thrust plate is adjustable.


Set of plungers adaptors and thrust plates for 38mm, 50mm and 75mm dia specimen.

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Accelerated Curing Tank

The tank has been designed to accommodate 150mm/70.6mm cube moulds upto 36/72 cube mould and fully insulated, complete with a hinged lid, heater, thermostat and re-circulated pump. Provision of two removable racks allowing free circulation of water around each mould. The pump, drain valves and electrical equipment are housed in a compartment located at one end of the tank. The Tank is heated by a immersion heater under normal conditions and refrigeration system for grey cement the temperature is controlled at 35oC or 100oC 2oC / 27oC +2oC , expect for the 15 minutes after immersion of the freshly made specimens.

  • Curing Tank for 6/12 moulds of 150mm / 70.6mm size
  • Curing Tank for 12/24 moulds of 150mm / 70.6mm size
  • Curing Tank for 24/48 moulds of 150mm / 70.6mm size
  • Curing Tank for 36/72 moulds of 150mm / 70.6mm size
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Core Drilling Machine

Often, existing concrete structures will need to be examined and tested to ensure the concrete remains of adequate strength and durability. This test is used to determine the compressive strength of a concrete core, which has usually been extracted from an existing structure. The value of compressive strength can then be used in conjuction with other measured properties to access the conditions of the concrete.

Extraction of concrete cores, achieved by rotary drilling using a diamond tipped hollow barrel, serve as a means of taking a sample of concrete which can then be used to determine various physical properties, but most commonly compressive strength.

Cores can generally be extracted from wherever access allows, and would include floor slabs, walls and columns. 10cm diameter cores, generally afford the minimum diameter required for a representative sample and require less reinstatement than larger diameter cores. 15cm diameter cores will generally give more representative samples than smaller diameter but require more reinstatement.

Available in Two Versions, Electrically Operated or Engine Operated for field operation. The Electrically operated machine is fitted with 3 HP 3 Phase AC Motor while on field use Engine operated models have petrol/kerosene run, air cooled 4 stoke single cylinder engine developing 3 to 4 HP at 3000 RPM. The drive from engine to drill head is through V belt and socket speed reducer with a standard reduction 8:1 and totally enclosed in belt guard and sealed. The engine starts with petrol and later on run on kerosene oil. The engine is with ISI certification Mark. The Engine operated models are fitted a water tank for on site application. Depending upon the application and preference of user, in option to petrol/kerosene driven engines.

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Thin Film Oven

This dual purpose oven is designed to determine the loss in weight of bitumen and flux oils (Loss on Heating test) and the effect of heat and air on asphaltic materials (Thin Film test). The unit is heavily insulated and has a double glass door for viewing the test chamber thermometer and samples. Temperature is controlled at 163 C 1 C by means of a variable temperature controller and thermostat. Two rotating platforms are supplied with each oven: One accepts 9 standard penetration cups for the loss on heating test, the other accepts two 140mm diameter test pans for the thin film test. The platforms are rotated at 5 to 6 rpm by an external motor. Chamber dimensions 350 x 350 x 350mm (length x width x height)

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Double walled inner chamber in stainless steel outer chamber in mild steel temperature range Ambient to 100C controlled by capillary thermostat. Accuracy 1C operated on 230V A.C. Single Phase. These baths are suitable for washing Marshall specimen. Lid is made up of stainless steel with a hole for glass thermometer to penetrate.

  • 12" length x 9" width x 7" height having rating 750W.
  • 18" length x 12" width x 7" height having rating 1500 W.

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Riffle Sample Divider

Efficient sampling out of bulk materials/deposits is the most important for getting the true idea about the bulk material. The volume of material to be tested is usually quite huge and it requires reduction in volume in a methodical manner. The Riffle Sample Divider helps to reduce the bulk while maintaining the character of the material and thus it is a helpful, light and handy device for sampling work. The standard units are made of GI sheet and mounted on rigid steel frame and supplied with three pans and one scoop.

Available in following sizes.

Sizes : 13mm - 14 slotsSizes : 20mm - 16 slotsSizes : 25mm - 16 slotsSizes : 40mm - 16 slots

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Aluminium Tripods

  • International Standard, Automatically processed under strict quality control.
  • Rugged construction with strong specially designed telescopic aluminium/ seasoned wood legs.
  • Painted with water proof Powder Coated/Enamelled paints.
  • Easy operation due to the simplified hinge design which makes it unnecessary to loosen and tighten the hinges when setting up the tripod.

Size (mm)
Bore (mm)
Length (mm)
Length (mm)
(Approx Kg)
Flat 150 60 1675 975/ 5/8"x11 3.650

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Saybolt Viscometer

For determining the hardness number of Mastic Asphalt for flooring. It consist of an internally insulated cabinet to the base of which is fitted a water bath having two taps. The bath is heated by an immersion heater and the temperature is controlled with the thermostat at 35 +/- 0.5 C. A 6.5mm dia pin is loaded on the specimen by means of a lever to give a 31.7 Kg weight. A dial gauge 0.01 x 25 mm is provided to record the penetration of pin into the specimen.

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Vibrating Table

It is designed to carry a load of 140 kg . The apparatus consists of a motor fitted with a variable pitch pulley housed in a cabinet. The vibrations are imparted by means off-balance masses rotating on a shaft of a vibrator clamped to the underside of the table top. The table top is 50cm x 50cm and has stops along its edges to prevent moulds from walking off the table during vibration . A crass arm adjustable on a vertical rod at the centre of the table is provided to hold the moulds while operating the between a maximum of 3600 vibrations down to 2600 vibration per minute. A speed regulation handle is provided for increasing or decreasing frequency. A switch is provided for starting the motor. Suitable for operator on 440 Volts, A.C. Three Phase, 50 Cycles.

  • Table top size : 50 cm x 50cm
  • Table top size : 75cm x 75cm
  • Table top size : 100cm x 100cm

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Standard Tar Viscometer

It is used to determining the viscosity of fuel oil and lubricating oil (thin and thick). The unit consists of stain less steel bath oil cup that centrally placed in water bath. The bath has a lid, which contains a water-cooling tube. Two handles with two starrier blades, the thermometer soaked and a straight heater, stirring is done by turntable arrangements. Operates on 220 volts AC 50 HZ.

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Flow Table

This is used for determining the workability of building limes.

The flow table consists of a 30 cm dia polish steel plate with 3 engraved annular circles 7, 11 and 19cm dia. The table top is arranged for a free fall of 12.5mm by a cam action. Supplied complete with one brass conical mould, 65mm i.d. at base and 40mm i.d. at top, height of the mould 90mm.

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The Bitumen or Centrifuge Extractor are useful for determination of bitumen percentage in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples. The mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifugal action. The extraction are available in Two Models. Hand Operated and Electrically Operated.

Hand Operated Model:The Instrument is used for determination and checking of Bitumen Percentage in Bituminous mix, the mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifugal action. Consists of a removable Aluminium rotor bowl, capacity 1500 gms. With a cap and tightening nut. The bowl assembly is mounted on a vertical shaft, which protrudes from a cast housing. This shaft and thus the bowl is rotated fast manually by enclosed gears in the cast body & handle. Solvent is introduced during the test through the holes in the cap of the housing. A drain is provided to collect dissolved bitumen coming out of the rotating bowl and getting collected in the housing.

Electrically Operated Model:Centrifuge Extractor, Electrically operated model is provided with a variable speed control device and a hand brake to stop rotation when switched off. The electric motor is 0.25 HP capacity coupled to a geared assembly. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts, 50 Hz, AC Single Phase.

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Standard Penetrometer

Used to determine grade of bitumen. The penetration tests determine consistency of bitumen for the purpose of grading. Depth in units 1/10 of millimeter to which a standard needle having a standard weight will penetrate vertically in a duration of five seconds at a temperature of 250C determines penetration for gradation. Two Models. Hand Operated and Electrically Operated.

Hand Operated Model:It consists of a vertical pillar mounted on a base provided with levelling screws. The head, together with dial plunger rod a cone (or needle) slides on a pillar an can be clamped at any desired height. A rack and pinion and pointer assemble provides fine adjustment of needle or cone tip to sample. It incorporates a clutch mechanism. Which makes reading of penetration and subsequent resetting a simple and accurate operation. The dial is graduated in 400 1/10 and the millimeter subdivisions and the needle pointer against figures makes easy reading. Supplied with a bitumen penetration needle, ring weight One 50gm, two sample containers.

Electrically Operated Model:Bitumen Penetrometer, Electrically operated model is provided with Automatic Digital Timer and electrical arrangement to carry out the test without needle of stop watch and with great ease and accuracy.

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Density Basket


Made of brass with stainless steel wire mesh 6.3mm size ruggedly constructed, approximately 20cm dia x 20cm high. Complete with handle.

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Kinematic Viscosity Bath

  • Temp. Range 50C above ambient to 99.90C +/- 0.50C or as per requirement
  • Temp. Control Digital Temperature Controller
  • Inner Chamber Stainless Steel
  • Outer Chamber Mild Steel Powder Coated / Stainless Steel
  • Lid S.S. Lid with Viscometer Holders
  • Glass Window TOUGHNED Glass Window at Front & Back side of the Bath.
  • Illumination Illumination Provided behind the TOUGHNED Glass
  • Insulation Glasswool Insulation
  • Heater S.S. Immersion Heater
  • Circulation CIRCULATORY Motorised Stirrer
  • Capacity of Viscometer 2, 4 and 6 (as per requirement)

Used for determination of kinematic and intrinsic viscosity of fuels, lubricants & petrochem raw materials at constant temperatures in accordance with ASTM D 445 and other equivalent methods.

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Vibrating Hammer

This apparatus provides a method for the compaction of soil samples in the determination of dry density/moisture content relationship, the determination of unconfined compressive strength of stabilized soil and for CBR tests. This also useful for compacting concretespecimen in cube and beam moulds

  • Electrically operated fitted with Motor for vibration
  • The Hammer Plate will be of approx. 95mm dia x 10mm thick and or 140 x 140mm square.
  • Used for compaction of test specimen. The vibratory Hammer is mounted on two guide rods; one on either side of the hammer. A mounting head is fitted to the vibratory hammer to allow a surcharge of 10kg to be mounted to the vibratory hammer
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Planetary Mixer

Electrically operated, fitted with heating jacket for thorough mixing of Bitumen. The mixer is operated by 0.5 HP single phase electric motor connected to epicyclic type stainless steel paddle to impart both planetary and revolving motion for uniform mixing. Mixer blade has low speed of 140 + 5 rpm and medium speed of 285 + 10 rpm, while it also has a planetary movement of 62 + 5 rpm in low range and planetary movement of 125 + 10 rpm in medium range. A stainless steel bowl of approx. 5 ltr capacity with handle is also supplied. The 500 Watts heating jacket with energy regulator to control the temp. is fitted below the bowl. Complete unit is supported on a strong iron frame. Suitable to work on 220V, 50 Hz, AC single

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Laboratory Concrete Mixer

The Mixer is used for preparing Mix Design of Concrete. It consists of a steel vessel of 55/ 110 Litres capacity, mounted on a frame. The vessel is rotated at 20-22 RPM with the help of a motor and a pulley arrangement. The vessel can be titled to any angle by a hand wheel and counter weight. This facilitates mixing and discharge. Blades are provided inside the vessel to mix the material thoroughly. The large pulley wheel facilitates manual rotation of the drum during power failure. The drum, pulley wheel, and motor, etc, are mounted on a steel frame.

The Machine is fitted with HP motor. Suitable for Operation on 220V, Single Phase, 50Hz, AC Supply

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Thickness Gauge

The Thickness Gauge or Flakiness index of aggregates is the percentage by weight of particles whose least dimension (thickness) is less than three-fifths (0.6 times) of their mean dimensions. This test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm.

It consists of a frame with sliding panel with accurate slots of different standard width length, the complete assembly is chrome plated or powder coated.

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For determining the liquid limit of soils. This is specially useful to obtain reliable and accurate results of those soil which have low plasticity index. The percentage moisture contents determined when cone with half angle of 15-30 minutes under a total sliding weight of 148 gm penetrates 25mm gives the liquid limit.

The test is based on the relationship between moisture content and the penetration of the cone into the soil sample. The moisture content at a given depth of penetration of the cone is taken as the liquid limit. As an inferential test, empirical correlations have been developed to assess the shear strength of soils at liquid limit.

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Sampling Auger Post Hole

Augers are used to collect disturbed soil samples at reasonal depths for laboratory tests. Augers are available in two types and each in different sizes. Blade type (posthole type) and helical type (screw type). Each auger outfit consists one each of auger head, one meter long rod, tee piece and handle. Depth of excavating can be increased using additional extension rods.


(a) 50mm, (b) 75mm (c) 100mm dia (d) 150mm dia


(a) 25mm, (b) 38mm, (c) 50mm, (d) 75mm, (e) 100mm, (f) 150mm, (g) 200mm, (h) 250mm, (i) 300mm dia,


Extension rod 1 meter length with threading at both ends and couplings, set of two spanners and tee piece.

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Automatic Compactor for Bituminous Mixes. The Automatic Compactor eliminates the laborious process of manual compaction and an even degree of compaction is achieved. The driven mechanism lifts the weight of 4.5kg and drops it through a correct height of 457 mm. The rammer foot is removable, which facilitates preheating. A compaction pedestal with specimen holder is fixed to the base. An Automatic Blow counter enables the number of blows to be present before each test and automatically stops the machine on completion. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply.

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Mortar Mixer

It is used for mixing cement pastes, mortars and pozzolana. Specification :

The apparatus consists of an epicyclical type stainless steel paddle imparting both planetary and revolving motion, by means of gears. It has two speeds of 140 + 5 R.P.M. And 285 +10 R.P.M. With planetary motions of approximately 62 r.p.m, +5 R.P.M. And 125 R.P.M. +/- 10 R.P.M. Respectively. The stand of the mixer has arrangement to raise or lower the bowl. Complete with stainless steel bowl of about six liters capacity. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 cycles, Single Phase A.C, Supply.

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High Speed Stirrer

This is for mechanical analysis and also other laboratory applications for stirring Speed approximately 4000 R.P.M. under load. A dispersion cup is supported on a rest on the stand of the stirrer and has a removable baffle. For operation on 230V A.C. supplied with dispersion cup or baffle cup.

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Cement Autoclave

It consists of a stainless steel cylinder with an insulated cover, mounted on a sturdy supporting frame, enclosed in a heat insulated metal housing, attractively finished. The attached control unit encloses a sensitive pressure regulator and pressure gauge, power switches and pilot lamps for controlling the electric heating units. Inside Chamber dimensions: 15 cm dia x 60 cm height, with stainless steel Cylinder (20 kg/cm2pressure capacity) Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC Supply. Supplied complete with Test Bar Holder, Special Rack to hold specimens above water level in the autoclave and in a vertical position to expose them in the same manner.

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