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Laboratory Apparatus
2 Products availableMeasuring Instruments & Equipment
1 Products availableLab Instrument
1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Nano Fluid Interferometer, Forbidden Energy Gap Kit, Fourier Analysis Kit, Lattice Dynamics Kit and Planck's Constant Kit
1.Characterization of Nanofluids like Ag/Au & Ferrofluids etc.
2. To evaluate modest nanoparticles concentration in the fluid for
significant enhancement of its property.
1.Characterization of Nanofluids like Ag/Au & Ferrofluids etc.
2. To evaluate modest nanoparticles concentration in the fluid for significant enhancement of its property.
3. Prediction of enhanced thermal conductivity due to suspension of the metallic nanoparticles with very low concentration in to the polymeric fluids.
4. Sound Velocity and compressibility of nanoparticles with liquid suspension.
5. Study of Phase transition and to detect/assess weak and strong molecular interactions in Nanofluids.
6.To determine the extent of complexation and calculate the stability constants of such nanofluid complexes.
WORKING PRINCIPLENanofluid Interferometer generate sound wave in Nanofluids of different concentrations at different temperatures. This instrument is low cost & effective tool to optimise the concentration of nanoparticle for best results to achieve the desired property.
In this instrument, Ultrasound waves of known frequency are produced by a Piezo-Electric transducer and its wavelength is measured with digital micrometer with high accuracy within 0.001mm.
From the knowledge of frequency (f) and wave length(); the compressibility of nanofluid is determined by thefollowing formula
Sound Velocity in nanofluid
MODELSModel NF-10(2MHz )
Model NF-10X (1, 2, 3, 5, 7&10MHz)
Model NF-12X (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10& 12 MHz)
Other properties possible with Nanofluid Interferometer
It may be used to evaluate several properties i.e. Hydration number, Hydrogen Bonding, Internal Pressure, Free Volume, Intermolecular Free Length, Miscibility, Compatibility and Glass Transition of Polymers, Phase Transition, Proton Relaxation Rate, Rao Constant Formalism, Relative Association (RA), Space Filling Factor, Specific Heat Ratio, Solvation Number, Surface Tension, Stability Constant Vander Waal's Constant, Wada Constant etc.
Adiabatic compressibility
whereis density of nanofluid.
The Nanofluid Interferometer consists of the following parts:
Wave Generator
Nanofluid Cells
Temperature Controller Unit. (RT to 90C)
Nanofluids Chemicals to make Ag nanofluid in
various concentrations.
Intermolecular Free Path Length (Lf) wheread= adiabatic compressibility, K = temperature dependent Jacobsons Constant Ref:P.S. Nikam and Mehdi Hasan, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 5 (1993), No. 2, pp. 319-321. |
Solvation Number (Sn) where M and Mo are molecular weight of Solvent and Solution respectively, and are adiabatic compressibility of Solvent and Solution respectively and x is the number of grams of salt in 100g of the solution. Ref:R Ezhil Pavai, P Vasantharani and A N Kannappan, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.42, , pp.934-936. |
Internal Pressure () where b=(packing factor), R=universal gas constant, K=temperature independent constant, =viscosity of liquid, = density and M= molecular weight. Ref:C.V. Suryanarayana and P. Pugazhendhi, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 24 (Aug. 1986), pp. 406-407. |
Relative Association (RA) RA= where = density of solvent, = ultrasonic velocity of solvent Ref:Anwar Ali and Anil Kumar Nain, Acoustics Letters, Vol. 19 (1996), No. 9, pp. 181-187. |
Raos Constant (R) R=V ()1/3. or R=( /)1/3 where = density, V = molar volume and M= Molecular Weight. Ref:R. Paladhi and R.P. Singh, Acustica, Vol. 72, (1990), pp. 90-95. |
Wada Constant (W) where = density, M= Molecular Weight and R= Gas Constant. Ref:R.P. Singh, G.V. Reddy, S. Majumdar and Y.P. Singh, J. Pure Appl. Ultrason, Vol. 5(1983), pp. 52-54. |
The Specific Heat of nanofluids decreases as nanoparticle concentration increases. The specific Heat of nanofluids increases with temperature.
The Specific Heat of nanofluids decreases as nanoparticle concentration increases. The specific Heat of nanofluids increases with temperature. Thus future research are required to measure thermophysical properties of different nanofluids as a function of temperature and concentration. Our Nanofluid specific Heat Apparatus is a good tool for Research and Laboratory experiment for Nanotech Labs.
This apparatus is designed to measure Heat Capacity of nanofluids from RT+5C to 70C.
The apparatus will consist of following parts-
1. Cooling system like fridge available in the lab. Thermally insulated chamber with heating arrangement and Temperature measurement system as per block diagram.
2. Data logger unit for measurement of Time, voltage, current and temperatures at regular intervals.
The power to system will be provided by D.C. power source with specially designed constant current supply to measure power vs temperature rise. The logged table on computer will be displayed as under.
Fluid required-250 ml.
A software will automatically log all parameter, i.e. Power, Temperature vs. time at set interval. Heat capacity within temperature range will be displayed on the apparatus.
System will be having USB interface where data can be recorded on a pen drive.
The Apparatus follows widely accepted theory of heat conduction in liquids based on Debyes concept in which the hydroacoustic vibrations (phonons) of a continuous medium(base fluid) are responsible for the heat transfer in liquids.
The Apparatus follows widely accepted theory of heat conduction in liquids based on Debyes concept in which the hydroacoustic vibrations (phonons) of a continuous medium(base fluid) are responsible for the heat transfer in liquids. Based on this heat transfer mechanism, Bridgman has obtained a formula, characterized by the direct proportionality between thermal conductivity and sound velocity in pure liquids
where = ultrasound velocity,
N (Avogadro's number) = 6.021023and V (molar volume) =mp &
K= (Boltzmann's constant) = 1.380710-23J/K
It is modified by J.Hemalatha for nanofluids as under:
where, kbmis the thermal conductivity value obtained through the modified Bridgman equation, nf is the density of nanofluid, and Mnf= xbfMbf+ xpMpis the molar mass of nanofluid. xbfand xpare the molar fractions of the base fluid and nanoparticle respectively whereas Mbfand Mpare the respective molar masses of the base fluid and nanoparticle.
Ultrasound waves of known frequency are produced and its wavelength is measured. Then sound velocity in Nanofluids
After calculating velocity of sound in Nanofluid, one can calculate the thermal conductivity by the formula give above by Bridgman. Error in results is found less than 3%.
Thermal Conductivity Apparatus consists of following parts: Electronic unit, Conductivity Cell- 2MHz, Stability Cell 4MHz to increase settling time of the suspension, Temperature Controller Unit - To maintain temperature of nanofluids at desired temp from RT to 90C
References of Papers using our Instrument
Other properties possible with this Apparatus
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Objective:Determination of Energy Band Gap of Silicon, Germanium etc using diodes and light emitting diodes.
Objective: Determination of Energy Band Gap of Silicon, Germanium etc using diodes and light emitting diodes.
Theory: The current-voltage characteristic of a p-n junction can be described by the ideal diode equation
Considering the diode in forward bias, 1 can be neglected in above equation. isproportional to theBoltzmann factorand towhereis a constant. We may thus write
Neglecting thedependence ofas compared to the exponential dependence on T and can treat B = Aas almost constant. Therefore,
Combining Eqs. (1) and (2), and neglect 1 in Eq. (2), we obtain
Experimentally if the current I is constant, above equation may be rewritten as
where C=ln(I/B). If we rewrite Eq. (3),
we have
which is the linear relation, provided thatis constant. If we compare Eqs. (4) and (1), we see thatinterceptand slopeWe divide b by a and obtain
Equation (5) relates the band gap energy to the experimentally determined values of the parameters a and b in Eq. (1).The Setup facilitates determination of Energy Band Gap of semiconductors by measuring the voltage drop across sample at a constant current. A graph of V vs T1is plotted and ratio of its slope and intercept gives the value of Energy Gap as per equation (5).
Objective:To verify the existence of different harmonics and measure their relative amplitudes in complex wave (square, clipped sine wave, triangular wave etc.)
Objective: To verify the existence of different harmonics and measure their relative amplitudes in complex wave(square, clipped sine wave, triangular wave etc.)
Theory:A kit has been designed to analyze any complex wave (square, clipped sine wave triangular wave etc.). It enables one to verify the existence of different harmonics and measure their relative amplitudes. Typical results obtained with the kit are shown below:
Objective:The following experiments may be performed with the help of this setup:
Study of the dispersion relation for the mono-atomic lattice-Comparison with theory.
Determination of the cut-off frequency of the mono-atomic lattice.
Study of the dispersion relation for the di-atomic lattice acoustical mode and optical mode energy gap. Comparison with theory.
Theory:Lattice dynamics is an essential component of any postgraduate course in Physics, Engineering Physics, Electronic Engineering and Material Science. In particular it is essential for understanding the interaction of electromagnetic waves and crystalline solids.
In present setup, mono-atomic and diatomic lattices are stimulated using the transmission line having ten identical sections of LC resonant circuit.
The dispersion relation for electrical analogue of the mono-atomic lattice is
With the help of the simple and user friendly setup the phase difference between the input and output wave is measured at different frequencies and tabulated as given below:
Then a graph of the experimental value and the theoretical value is plotted and compared. Lattice Dynamics Kit consists of the following parts:
It consists of an Audio oscillator with amplitude control and facility to vary the frequency from 0.9 KHz to 90 KHz. It has built in powersupply and output stage to match the impedance of simulated lattice. Another part of Lattice Dynamic Kit consists of transmission line, which simulates one- dimensional mono-atomic and di-atomic lattices. The only additional equipment needed is a General purpose C.R.O
Objective:Determination of Planck's constant using light emitting diodes (LED's) by observing the 'reverse photo-electric effect'.
Objective:Determination of Planck's constant using light emitting diodes (LED's) by observing the 'reverse photo-electric effect'.
Theory: If a bias voltage is passed across the LED, which is equal or greater than the difference in the energy of the bands, i.e. the barrier potential, then the bands will 'line up' and a current will flow. When current flows, electrons flow from the conduction band of the N type conductor and are forced up into the conduction band of the P type. Since the P type conductor's valance band is lacking in electrons and we are overpopulating its conduction band with the bias voltage the electrons readily fall into the 'holes' in the valance band of the P type conductor. When they fall, this energy is released in the form of a photon. The energy of the photon emitted can be written as:
Where h is Plancks constant and v is its frequency. The energy of one electron is the charge of an electron (i.e. the current flow of one electron per second in amps) times the voltage. Using this knowledge we then form the equation:
where e = 1.6 x 10-19 C (electron charge)We then solve equation (1) for h and replace theEterm with the equivalent ofEin equation (2), as well as replace with:
Where c = 3 x 108 m/sec (speed of light)
We then get:
or this equation can be rewritten as
It is this equation that we will use to determine Planck's constant.
The Setup facilitates determination of Planck's Constant (h) by measuring the voltage drop across light-emitting diodes (LEDs) of different colors at a constant current. Current is chosen such that bulk resistance of the LED is neglected. A graph of V vs. -1 is plotted and its gradient gives the value of Planck's Constant as per equation (5).
Plancks Constant Kit consists of the following parts:
Objective:Determination of dielectric constant of PZT material with Temperature variation and thus determining Curie Temperature.
Theory: Ferro-electricity usually disappears above a certain temperature called the transition (or Curie) temperature. Knowledge of the Curie temperature and the variation of the dielectric constant below and above the Curie temperature are of interest to the physicists and the engineers.
In this experiment an LC circuit is used to determine the capacitance of the dielectric cell and hence the dielectric constant. The circuit details are shown below:
The dielectric cell DC is placed in PID controlled hot air furnace. The temperature of the furnace can be measured by inserting a thermocouple in a hole (provided on one of the Teflon discs), so that it touches one of the capacitor (metal) plates.
The audio oscillator is incorporated inside the instrument. If CSC and CDC represent the capacitances of the standard capacitor and dielectric cell respectively and if VC1 and VC are the voltages across SC and DC then
By measuring VSC& VDCand using the value of CSCwe can determine the capacitance of the dielectric cell containing the sample.
If C0represents the capacitance of the dielectric cell without the crystal and the plates separated by air gap whose thickness is the same as the thickness of the crystal then C0is given by
where r represents the radius of the crystal and d represents its thickness
The dielectric constant of the crystal at any given temp. is given by
The Setup facilitates determination of dielectric constant of PZT sample at different temperature. Dielectric Constant increases as temperature increases, and near Curie temperature, it shows a steep increase and reaches a peak at Curie Temperature.
Theory In the conventional techniques of tracing the B-H loop, one has to wind a primary and a secondary coil on the specimen and experiment with it.
The KIT contains two black copper radiation plates with heater element in between, three thermometers, built in power Supply, ac. voltmeter, ac. Ammeter and their controls.
The KIT contains two black copper radiation plates with heater element in between, three thermometers, built in power Supply, ac. voltmeter, ac. Ammeter and their controls.
The electricity fed to the heater element is radiated by radiating disc whose steady state temperature gives the total power radiated. If E is the total amount of heat radiated per unit area of the body per unit time andTis the absolute temperature of the body, then according to Stefan's law:
Wheresis the Stefan's constant. If the body is put ina surrounding oftemperature then it is also receiving an amount of heat radiation given byThe net amount of heat radiates given out by the body per unit area per unit time is therefore.
IfAis the total area of the body given out the heat radiation then the net heat radiated per unit time is given by
In the present case if we neglect the heat transfer on account of conduction and convention of the air in contact, heat energy radiated by copper discs per unit time is equal to the power supplied to heater element. Therefore ifVis the potential difference across the heater andIis the current passing through it, then,
from which the Stefan's constant is determinedV, I&Tare measured from voltmeter, Ammeter and thermometers provided in the KIT.
There is practically no loss of heat energy from heating element by conduction, convection or radiation Therefore, entire heat energy of the heating element is transferred to the discs.
As the efficiency of the heating element is nearly equal to one, almost entire electrical energy supplied to the heater will be converted in heat energy.
Objective:Determination of Boltzmann Constant from forward I V characteristics of Si-diode.
Theory:The I V characteristics of a semiconductor diode can be used to determine Boltzmann Constant accurately with the help of this simple equipment with ease and convenience.Diode equation can be written as
If applied voltage V >> kT/e, the Boltzmann constant can expressed as:whereis the slope of the straight line drawn between V and ln(I)The setup facilitates to measure the voltage and current across the sample in forward bias as tabulated below:
From table above, plot a graph between V and ln (I) and Boltzmann constant can be calculated from the eqn (1) and slope of the straight line.Boltzmann Constant Kit consists of the following parts:
Objective:Determination of dielectric constant of non aqueous liquid at different concentration and hence determination of Dipole Moment (e.g. of Nitrobenzene etc.)
Objective: Determination of dielectric constant of non aqueous liquid at different concentration and hence determination of Dipole Moment (e.g. of Nitrobenzene etc.)
Theory:Dipole Meter is an adaptable instrument that is used for measuring the dielectric constant of non-polar liquids. In the equipments a particular circuit has been developed for audio oscillator that produces stabilized wave. In this experiment dielectric cell is standardized using reference liquid having known dielectric constant by immersing the dielectric cell assembly in to reference Liquid. Then experimental liquid whose dielectric constant has to be determined is taken and assembly is immersed into liquid, resulting in change in oscillation frequency. From resulting shift, capacitance of cell in unknown liquid is calculated (CX). Dielectric Constant of unknown liquid is calculated using relation:
whereCapacitance of Air, Capacitance of standard liquid, Capacitance of test liquid anddielectric constant of standard liquid
Solution of polar molecule having molecular wt.with non-polar solvent having molecular wt.in different concentrations, is considered. Molar Polarizationof the mixture is obtained by relation
where k is dielectric constant of the solution having molefractionof polar molecule and mole fractionof non polar solvent andis the density of the mixture.
A graph betweenandis obtained
The dipole momentis calculated using relation
Where T is absolute temperature, is molar polarization of non-polar liquidand is molar polarization of non polar liquid.
The apparatus consists of :
An Ultrasonic Interferometer is a simple and NDT device to determine the ultrasonic velocity in liquids with a high degree of accuracy.
Using this instrument several Ph.D. Thesis are awarded and innumerableResearch papersare published in National & International Journals. Velocity measurement combining with other physical quantities provides information of more than 30Parameters. For ready reference fewEquations are listed here. FewExperimentsare also suggested for laboratory purpose.
Working PrincipleThe principle used in the measurement of velocity () is based on the accurate determination of the wavelength () in the medium. Ultrasonic waves of known frequency (f) are produced by a quartz crystal fixed at the bottom of the cell. These waves are reflected by a movable metallic plate kept parallel to the quartz crystal. If the separation between these two plates is exactly a whole multiple of the sound wavelength, standing waves are formed in the medium. This acoustic resonance gives rise to an electrical reaction on the generator driving the quartz crystal and the anode current of the generator becomes a maximum.
If the distance is now increased or decreased, and the variation is exactly one-half wavelength (/2), or multiple of it, anode current becomes maximum. From the knowledge of wavelength () the velocity (v) can be obtained by the relation: Velocity = Wavelength x Frequency
v = xf
The Ultrasonic Interferometer consists of the following parts:
Optional: If the variation in the velocity with temperature is to be studied, water at various desired constant temperatures is made to circulate through the double walled jacket of the cell with external circulating water bath.
A number of parameters related to ultrasonic velocity are: