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Milton Enterprises
gstGST : 27ACMPW8938M1ZD Verified Write a Review




68,500 - 75,500 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Brand Name MILTON
  • Country of Origin India

The Radial Arm Maze (RAM) is a widely used behavioral test in pharmacology and neuroscience research to study spatial learning and memory in rodents, typically rats and mice. Here are the primary uses of the Radial Arm Maze in pharmacology research: Assessment of Spatial Memory: The RAM is designed to evaluate an animal's ability to remember and navigate to specific arms to obtain rewards (usually food). The maze typically consists of multiple arms (often eight) radiating from a central platform. Successful navigation with minimal errors indicates good spatial memory. Studying Learning Processes: Researchers use the RAM to study the learning processes in rodents. By repeatedly testing animals over several trials, researchers can assess how quickly and efficiently the animals learn to remember the locations of the rewards, providing insights into the cognitive processes involved in learning. Evaluation of Cognitive Enhancers: The RAM is used to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive enhancers, such as nootropic drugs. These substances are tested for their ability to improve learning and memory performance in the maze. Improved performance after drug administration suggests potential cognitive-enhancing effects. Assessment of Cognitive Impairment: The RAM is also used to model cognitive impairments associated with conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, aging, schizophrenia, and other neurodegenerative or psychiatric disorders. By observing deficits in maze performance, researchers can study the underlying mechanisms of these conditions and evaluate potential treatments. Pharmacological Studies: The RAM is employed to investigate the effects of various pharmacological agents on cognitive functions. Researchers can study how different classes of drugs, such as cholinergic agents, glutamatergic modulators, or neuroprotective compounds, influence spatial memory and learning. Neurobiological Research: Using the RAM, researchers can explore the neurobiological mechanisms underlying learning and memory. This includes studying the role of specific brain regions (e.g., hippocampus, prefrontal cortex), neurotransmitter systems, and signaling pathways involved in cognitive functions. Genetic Studies: The RAM is used to assess the impact of genetic modifications on cognitive abilities. By comparing the performance of wild-type and genetically modified animals, researchers can identify genes that play critical roles in learning and memory. Longitudinal Studies: The RAM allows for longitudinal studies to assess how cognitive abilities change over time in response to aging, chronic drug treatment, or environmental factors. This helps in understanding the progression of cognitive decline and the long-term effects of interventions. Behavioral Phenotyping: The RAM is part of a comprehensive battery of behavioral tests used for phenotyping rodent models. It provides valuable data on the cognitive phenotype of different strains or genetically engineered models, contributing to a better understanding of the genetic basis of cognitive functions.

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65,000 - 70,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Unit
  • Brand Name MILTON
  • Driven Type Electronics Laboratory Instruments
  • Color Grey
  • Condition New
  • Automatic Grade Automatic
  • Power 1-3kw
  • Certification ISO 9001:2008
  • Voltage 110V
  • Type Pharmacology Lab Instruments
  • Weight 40-50kg
  • Warranty 2yrs
  • Country of Origin India
  • Application Laboratory Use
  • Size 6 feets

The water maze, often referred to as the Morris Water Maze (MWM), is a widely used experimental apparatus in behavioral neuroscience for assessing spatial learning and memory in rodents, particularly rats and mice. Here are the primary uses and significance of the water maze in research: Primary Uses of the Water Maze Assessment of Spatial Learning and Memory: Spatial Navigation: The MWM is primarily used to study spatial navigation. Rodents must learn to locate a hidden platform submerged just below the water surface using spatial cues around the maze. Reference Memory: The test assesses the rodent's ability to remember the location of the hidden platform over repeated trials and across days, providing a measure of long-term spatial memory. Improved performance, such as faster learning and quicker location of the platform, suggests the drug's potential as a cognitive enhancer. Cognitive Impairments: The MWM is also used to model cognitive impairments due to factors such as aging, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's disease), brain injuries, or genetic modifications. Poor performance indicates deficits in learning and memory. Studying the Effects of Neurotransmitter Systems: The MWM helps investigate the roles of various neurotransmitter systems (e.g., cholinergic, glutamatergic, dopaminergic) in spatial learning and memory. By administering specific receptor agonists or antagonists, researchers can elucidate the involvement of these systems in cognitive processes. Behavioral Phenotyping: The MWM is used for behavioral phenotyping of different rodent strains or genetically modified animals. It provides insights into the genetic and molecular basis of spatial learning and memory. Neurodevelopmental Studies: Researchers use the MWM to study the effects of early-life experiences, environmental factors, and developmental processes on spatial learning and memory. Neuroplasticity and Brain Function: The MWM is valuable for studying neuroplasticity, brain function, and the effects of various interventions (e.g., exercise, enriched environments) on cognitive abilities. Procedure Overview Apparatus Setup: The MWM consists of a large circular pool filled with opaque water to hide a submerged platform. The pool is usually divided into quadrants, with spatial cues placed around the room to aid navigation. Training Sessions: Acquisition Phase: During training, rodents are placed in the pool and allowed to swim and search for the hidden platform. They use distal spatial cues to learn the platform's location over multiple trials. Probe Trials: In probe trials, the platform is removed, and the rodent's search pattern is observed to assess memory retention. Time spent in the target quadrant (where the platform was located) is measured. Testing Sessions: Retention Tests: These tests assess how well the rodent remembers the platform location after a delay period, which can range from hours to days. Reversal Learning: In reversal learning tasks, the platform is moved to a new location, and the rodent's ability to learn the new location is tested, assessing cognitive flexibility. Data Analysis: Key metrics include the latency to find the platform, path length, swim speed, time spent in the target quadrant during probe trials, and search strategies. These measures provide insights into spatial learning, memory, and cognitive flexibility. Significance in Research The Morris Water Maze is a powerful tool in neuroscience and behavioral research due to its ability to provide robust and reliable measures of spatial learning and memory. Its applications span various areas, including: Drug Development: Testing the efficacy of potential treatments for cognitive disorders.

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35,000 - 68,500 /Piece Unit Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Unit
  • Brand Name MILTON
  • Country of Origin India

The T-maze is a commonly used behavioral apparatus in research with rodents, typically rats and mice, to study learning, memory, decision-making, and spatial navigation. Here are the primary uses and significance of the T-maze in pharmaceutical and neuroscience research: Primary Uses of the T-Maze Assessment of Learning and Memory: Spatial Learning and Memory: The T-maze is often used to assess spatial learning and memory. Rodents learn to navigate the maze to find a reward, typically food or water, based on spatial cues. The ability to remember and navigate to the correct arm of the maze indicates intact spatial memory. Working Memory: The T-maze is used to evaluate working memory by requiring the animal to remember and use information over short periods. A common procedure involves alternation tasks, where the rodent must remember which arm it previously entered and choose the opposite arm in subsequent trials. Decision-Making and Cognitive Flexibility: The T-maze can be used to study decision-making and cognitive flexibility. Researchers can set up tasks that require the animal to adapt to changing rules or conditions, testing their ability to switch strategies and learn new rules. Pharmacological Testing: Cognitive Enhancers: The T-maze is utilized to test the effects of cognitive enhancers or nootropic drugs. Improved performance, such as increased correct choices and faster learning, indicates the efficacy of these compounds in enhancing cognitive function. Cognitive Impairments: The maze is also used to model cognitive impairments caused by factors such as aging, neurodegenerative diseases, or drug treatments. Poor performance in the maze can reflect deficits in learning, memory, or decision-making. Studying Neurotransmitter Systems: Researchers use the T-maze to investigate the role of different neurotransmitter systems (e.g., cholinergic, dopaminergic, glutamatergic) in cognitive processes. By administering specific receptor agonists or antagonists, they can study how these systems affect learning and memory. Behavioral Phenotyping: The T-maze is used for behavioral phenotyping of genetically modified rodents. By comparing the performance of wild-type and genetically altered animals, researchers can identify the effects of specific genes on cognitive functions. Modeling Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders: The T-maze is employed to model and study various psychiatric and neurological disorders, such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Changes in maze performance can provide insights into the pathophysiology of these conditions and the potential therapeutic effects of drugs. Procedure Overview Apparatus Setup: The T-maze consists of a central starting arm and two choice arms arranged in a T-shape. One of the choice arms typically contains a reward (food or water). Training Sessions: During training, the rodent is placed in the start arm and allowed to choose between the two choice arms. The goal is for the animal to learn which arm consistently contains the reward. Testing Sessions: Spontaneous Alternation: In spontaneous alternation tasks, the rodent is expected to alternate its choice of arms in successive trials, which tests working memory. Forced Choice Tasks: In forced choice tasks, one arm is blocked, forcing the rodent to choose the open arm. In subsequent trials, both arms are open, and the animal must remember which arm was previously blocked to make a correct choice. Data Analysis: Researchers analyze the number of correct choices, latency to choose an arm, and patterns of arm entries to assess learning, memory, and decision-making abilities.

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35,000 - 38,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Unit
  • Brand Name MILTON
  • Country of Origin India

The Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) is a widely used behavioral test in pharmacology and neuroscience research to assess anxiety-related behaviors in rodents, typically mice or rats. Here's how it is used and its significance: Assessment of Anxiety: The primary use of the EPM is to evaluate anxiety levels in rodents. The maze consists of two open arms and two closed arms, elevated above the ground. Rodents naturally prefer enclosed spaces and avoid open, elevated areas due to fear of falling and exposure. Thus, the time spent in the open arms versus the closed arms serves as an indicator of anxiety levels. Testing Anxiolytic and Anxiogenic Compounds: The EPM is used to screen the effects of pharmacological agents on anxiety. Anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) drugs typically increase the time rodents spend in the open arms, indicating reduced anxiety. Conversely, anxiogenic (anxiety-inducing) substances reduce the time spent in open arms. Behavioral Profiling: The EPM helps in profiling the behavioral effects of various compounds. Researchers can observe changes in exploratory behavior, risk assessment, and overall activity levels, which provide insights into the drug's impact on anxiety and related behaviors. Mechanistic Studies: By using the EPM in conjunction with pharmacological manipulations (e.g., using receptor antagonists or agonists), researchers can investigate the underlying mechanisms of anxiety and the role of specific neurotransmitter systems, such as serotonin, GABA, and glutamate. Genetic Research: The EPM is used to study the genetic basis of anxiety by comparing the behavior of different rodent strains or genetically modified animals. This can help identify genetic factors that influence anxiety and contribute to our understanding of anxiety disorders. Longitudinal Studies: Researchers use the EPM to conduct longitudinal studies on the effects of chronic drug treatment, stress, or developmental changes on anxiety. This helps in understanding how these factors influence anxiety over time. Validation of Animal Models: The EPM is an essential tool for validating animal models of anxiety disorders. By showing that certain genetic, environmental, or pharmacological manipulations lead to anxiety-like behaviors in the EPM, researchers can establish the relevance of these models to human anxiety conditions. Behavioral Phenotyping: The EPM is part of a battery of behavioral tests used for phenotyping rodent models, particularly in studies investigating the impact of neurological or psychiatric conditions. It provides valuable data on how these conditions affect anxiety-related

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Zero Maze For Rats And Mice

68,000 - 75,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Set
  • Shape Rounded
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Milton

The Zero Maze is a circular behavioral test apparatus used to assess anxiety-related behavior in rats and mice. It consists of an elevated circular track with two opposing open sections and two opposing enclosed sections. Animals are placed on the maze, and their movements between open and enclosed areas are monitored. Time spent in the open sections versus the enclosed sections indicates levels of anxiety, with more time in the open sections suggesting lower anxiety. The Zero Maze is a valuable tool in neuroscience research for studying the effects of drugs, genetics, and environmental factors on anxiety.

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Y Maze For Rats & Mice

45,000 - 48,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Milton Enterprises

The Y Maze is a behavioral test apparatus used to assess spatial memory and cognitive function in rats and mice. It consists of three arms arranged in a Y-shape. Animals are placed at the center of the maze, and their entries into each arm are recorded. Spontaneous alternation behavior, where the animal alternates between different arms, indicates working memory performance. The Y Maze is commonly used in neuroscience research to study learning, memory, and the effects of pharmacological agents or genetic modifications on cognitive abilities.

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