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million billion dreams hub private limited

million billion dreams hub private limited

gstGST : 23AAHCC4075D1Z0 Verified Write a Review

Welcome to million billion dreams hub private limited

With more than 60 years of legacy in pharmaceuticals. We started with MBDH Wellness where we infused new technological advances in the field of alternative medicine, and supplements together building products conforming to international protocols of.. Read More

  • CEO


  • Year of Establishment


  • Primary Business


  • Number of Employees

    20 - 50

  • Annual Turnover

    Rs. 0.5 to 2.5 Crore Approx.

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FAQs : million billion dreams hub private limited

Where is million billion dreams hub private limited located?

million billion dreams hub private limited is located in Kamri Marg, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.

What range of products and services are available at million billion dreams hub private limited ?

Company deals in ENERGY GOLD MALT IMMUNITY BOOSTER, EYE CARE MALT Ayurvedic Formulations, GENIUS GOLD MALT TONIC, GASTRICELL CAPSULES, LIV PRO DS CAPSULES, IGNITE D CAPSULES, Testoboost Capsule, Miremba Capsule, Miremba Syrup, Immunohab Syrup etc.

What is the GST number of million billion dreams hub private limited ?

GST Number of million billion dreams hub private limited is 23AAHCC4075D1Z0 in Madhya Pradesh.
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