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2 Products availableWe offer the best product range of MMP-6A Metallurgical Polishing Machine, MMP-6 Specimen Polishing Machine, MMP-7A Double Disc Specimen Polishing Machine Variable, SP-100 Spectro Polishing Machine and MMP-6A Specimen Polishing Machine.
The disc polisher consists of a 20 cm balanced polishing disc mounted on a steel spindle. The spindle is located on heavy duty ball bearing. The disc is easily removable for quick changing of the polishing cloth or paper, which is fastened on the disc by mean of spring or rubber girdle or the rimof the disc. Around the disc is an aluminum drain jacket fitted with drain tube.
The speed of the disc can be continuously varied from 450 to 1200 r.p.m. A metallic reservoir is also provided for dropping water on the specimen. The machine is electrically operated suitable for operation on 220/230 volts single Phase A. C. supply.
The disc polisher consists of a 20 cm balanced polishing disc mounted on a steel spindle. The spindle is located on heavy duty ball bearing. The disc is easily removable for quick changing of the polishing cloth or paper, which is fastened on the disc by mean of spring or rubber girdle on the rim of the disc. Around the disc is an aluminum drain jacket fitted with drain tube.
This is a simple and convenient machine for rough and fine polishing of metallurgical specimen. This specimen after mounting and after being polished by hand on emery paper is polished on this machine. The specimen is held against a rotating flat disc, on which a polishing cloth, impregnated with suitable polishing media such as silicon carbide powder, alumina or diamond powder, is stretched. Disc polishing gives the specimen a scratch free mirror like finish.
Spectro Polishing Machine
Avail from us on exclusive range of quality Spectro Polishing Machine that is made out of latest technology and quality row material procured from reliable sources.This machine is compact in size & robust in design. Paper replacement is easy. Built in dust collector, collects all the hazardous particles in a separate disposable bog. We meet customize demonds at really affordable prices
This is a simple and convenient machine for rough and fine polishing of metallurgical specimen. This specimen after mounting and after being polished by hand on emery paper is polished on this machine. The specimen is held against a rotating flat disc, on which a polishing cloth, impregnated with suitable polishing media such as silicon carbide powder, alumina or diamond powder. Disc polishing gives the specimen a scratch free mirror like finish.
The speed of the disc can be continuously varied from 450 to 1200 RPM. A swan neck tap is also provided for dropping water on the specimen. Water inlet and outlet nozels are given behind the machine. The machine is electrically operated suitable for operation on 220 / 230 volts single phase . A . C . supply.