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2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of BM-6tr Research Trinocular.
DS-50 : Stereo Binocular Microscope
Specifications :
Double Disk Polishing Machine (Table top model)
This machine is suitable for pre-grinding, grinding and polishing the metallographic specimens. It is necessary for users to make metallographic specimens. The machine is equipped with a water faucet, which can cool the sample in the process of pre grinding, so as to prevent the metallographic structure from being damaged by overheating of the sample.
It can be used by two people at the same time.The machine is easy use, safe and reliable. It is an ideal sample preparation equipment for factories, research institutes and laboratories of colleges and universities.
Double Disk Polishing Machine (Table top model)
This machine is suitable for pre-grinding, grinding and polishing the metallographic specimens. It is necessary for users to make metallographic specimens. The machine is equipped with a water faucet, which can cool the sample in the process of pre grinding, so as to prevent the metallographic structure from being damaged by overheating of the sample.
It can be used by two people at the same time.The machine is easy use, safe and reliable. It is an ideal sample preparation equipment for factories, research institutes and laboratories of colleges and universities.
Instrument Feature
Precise measurement for the diameter of indentation in brinell hardness testing. Determining the width and length of scale mark, slit, key slot and dent, etc. Checking the metal surface quality, density of fibre and field specimens, etc.
This is a simple and convenient machine for rough and fine polishing of metallurgical specimen. This specimen after mounting and after being polished by hand on emery paper is polished on this machine. The specimen is held against a rotating flat disc, on which a polishing cloth, impregnated with suitable polishing media such as silicon carbide powder, alumina or diamond powder, is stretched. Disc polishing gives the specimen a scratch free mirror like finish.
Abrasive cut off machines that allow a cool, burn free sample production and ensure an absolute minimal deformation. These machines possess a robust construction and rigid clamping thus minimizing wheel breakage.
Technical Specifications:
Belt Grinder (Wet & Dry) Model No: MMP-9
This Belt Grinder Machine is designed for initial rough grinding. This grinder provided has rigid construction and completely enclosed body which help in easy operations. These also have full cover mask in their base and dynamically well balanced rollers.
Specifications :
ALMICRO AUTOCOLLIMATOR is a sensitive, extremely accurate optical instrument which is precisely used in optical workshops, inspection departments and quality control labs.
It is basically a comparator where we compare optical element like slabs and prisms for flatness. It is used for very small angle measurements of the order of minutes.
This Belt Polisher is designed for initial rough/polishing, grinding, using 1/2 HP motor.The grinder has rigid construction complete enclosed body with full cover mask in its base. Dynamically well balanced rollers made up of aluminum material.
Specifications :
Working on 220V in single phase
Operation -Manual Belt -100/915 mm endless belt
Pulleys -Balanced aluminum pulleys
Polishing Motor Power 1/2 H.P single phase
1/2 H.P Single phase
Accessories : Emery Belts of various grades, Aluminum Drum Set (1 HP motor can be provided according to customer request). Used/Application : Metallurgical Laboratory, Forging Industries, Fasteners Industries, Casting Industries, Iron & Steel Industries, Auto-Parts ancillaries.
DSZ-88 : Zoom Stereo Trinocular Microscope The latest three dimensional zoom trinocular microscope with high point wide-field Eye pieces 10x or 15x, parfocal zoom objectives of lx to 7x providing continuous variable magnification from 10x to 210x depending upon the eye pieces and supplementary lens used, having well designed pole stand, having extension pillar, 360 revolving zoom trinocular head, 6 volts 21 watts incident spot light illuminator.
Our Advance Student Spectrometer (SM-7/7A) is a solidly - constructed instrument, thoughtfully provided with features and accessories that assist students in making precise measurement of spectral lines or prism angle. High Quality, large aperture optics produce sharp spectral images, while precision machining allows for precise rotation and accurate measurement. The 175mm diameter, precision engraved degree plate is complemented by 2 precision engraved verniers, one on each side of instrument for convenient reading. Nicely packed in Styrofoam box.
Our Student Spectrometer (SM-6/6A) is a solidly - constructed instrument, thoughtfully provided with features and accessories that assist students in making precise measurement of spectral lines or prism angle. High Quality, large aperture optics produce sharp spectral images, while precision machining allows for precise rotation and accurate measurement. The 150mm diameter, precision engraved degree plate is complemented by 2 precision engraved verniers, one on each side of instrument for convenient reading. Nicely packed in Styrofoam box.
Moisture balance comes with solid electronic regulator for stable and optimum performance. It is very easy to operate and has an accuracy of 0.2% by direct reading, 0.1% by estimation. It comes complete with ‘L’ bend Thermometer, 10 nos. disposable pans, one tweezer, dust cover.
Microtomes & Sharpner
We will offer a full range of Refractometer is designed for determining the Refractive Indices and the Mean Dispersion of Liquids, Solids and Powders. Measuring them within from N.D. 1.300 to 1.700 requiring no calculation and skillfulness. The body of the instrument is fixed, having a leaning of 60°. Correct Refractive index and sugar Percentage can be read directly in field. It consists of Abbe Double Prisms with the Thermostat, Compensator, Telescope, Mirror, Limb, Graduated Sector Reading Magnifier & Radial Arm ‘which carries Vernier. Abbe’s Double Prism leaves a narrow space (about 0.1 mm) between the adjoining faces of the prisms. Compensator consists of the Amice Prisms which serve for rendering the line of achromatic separation.
Adjust the eyepiece of both telescope and reading magnifier, so that well defined image of cross lines and scales is obtained. Open the Abbe’s double prism and put two or three drops of liquid upon the adjoining face of the prism for measuring. When the prisms are closed the liquid spreads over the whole surface of the prism forming a thin layer. Adjust the mirror to get proper incident light, and also the Compensator and Radian Arm , so that the boundary line of bright and dark is clearly seen in the visual field of telescope. Turn Radial Arm by means of Fine adjustment to bring the line precisely on the cross line and read of scale on the Sector. In case the substance to be examined are dark coloured, such as molasses, fructose or jam and the light from the mirror is not sufficient for observation, take off the cover of the circular opening. Then the light proceeds so as to be reflected on the boundary surface and the prism for convenient observation.
Measurementoffatsinoilandothersuchproductsgivingareadingdirectlyin terms of the oil scale also known as butyro scale, the micrometer eye-pieceallows anaccuracyonthisscale of0.1andtheoilscale mayalsobeconvertedintoarefractiveindexscaleusingconversiontables.
Thisallowsmeasurementsonmaterialswithindexofrefractionintherangeof1.42 to 1.49 withan accuracyof 0.0002 as tables aresupplied for
convertingoilscalereadingintoindexofrefraction, relativetomeansodiumlines.The prism box is water jacketed for temperature control and a sampleachromatizingdeviceenablestheremovalofallcoloursfromtheborder
An abrasive cut-off machine with complete operation for precision cutting of copper, brass, steel, alloy steel or non-metallic materials in cross sections range. A thin 12” Dia abrasive wheel can be used and highly accurate cutting length can be achieved.Specifications of our abrasive cut off machine are as follows:
Equipped with imported optical components and accepts observation tube up to the length of 200mm. It ensures permanent and undisturbed focus, even with different types of dense liquids. The angular scale is divided 0 to 360 in steps of 1 degree to enable direct reading 0.005 and estimation of 0.002. ISS units enable direct reading 0.1 and by estimation to 0.05 sugar degrees. Supplied with two Polarimeter tubes 100mm & 200mm. Sodium lamp, power supply for sodium lamp and raxine cover in plywood cabinet.
ALMICRO ABRASIVE CUT OFF MACHINE (MMP-8): An abrasive cut-off machine with complete operation for precision cutting of copper, brass, steel, alloy steel or non-metallic materials in cross sections range. A thin 12” Dia abrasive wheel can be used and highly accurate cutting length can be achieved.
Specifications of our abrasive cut off machine are as follows:
This apparatus is used for determining the Harden ability of steel by an experiment called Quench Test. This experiment will enable the student of know about the Ha rdenability characteristics of different alloying element.