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  1. Ores And Minerals 7 Products available
  2. Calcium Carbonate Powder

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Ores And Minerals

Our product range contains a wide range of Talc Powder, Calcite Powder, Dolomite Powder, Barytes and Feldspar

Talc Powder

  • Brightness Soapstone powder 78 to 97%
  • Mesh Soapstone powder 300 to 1200
  • Partical Size Soapstone powder, steatite powder Upto 10 Microns d97
  • Appearance Soapstone powder White Powder
  • Water solubility Soapstone powder 0.09% to 0.10%
  • Oil Absorption Soapstone, steatite powder, Micronized Talc powder25 to 42.5
  • CaCO3 Soapstone powder

Soapstone powder is also written as H2Mg3(SiO3)4 (Magnesium Silicate), which corresponds to 4.8% H2O; 31.7% MgO and 63.5% SiO2. It is essentially a secondary mineral formed by the hydrothermal actions and regional metamorphism of magnesium rich rocks like dolomite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, seerpentine, dunite and chlorite. In pulverized form it is whiter in appearance. The compact variety of soapstone powder is called steatite or soapstone. The word soapstone powder has been named probably due to its soapy feel. The impure and hard variety is called potstone, which is mainly utilized for making carvings, models, decorative vases, utensils, pots and the like and hence the name potstone. French-chalk is the trade name of pulverized soapstone powder of pure white quality which forms the base for many cosmetics and toilet preparations. Talcum powder is valued for its extreme softness, smoothness, high lubricating and hiding power and ability to absorb oil and grease. It is chemically inert to acids and alkalies. It has been found to be an excellent filler. It can withstand temperatures upto 1300C. It has low electrical and thermal conductivity. Above all it can be easily powdered, cut and sawn into any shape and size. These properties in talc are of extreme value for various industrial applications described later in this chapter. Soapstone powder is found in three forms, fibrous, nonfibrous and massive. The fibrous variety consists of rich proportions of tremolite, anthophyllite, and serpentine. The nonfibrous variety contains mostly of srpentine and carbonates. Fibrous variety is slightly difficult to grind.

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Calcite Powder

  • Color Super snow white (Free from dirt & black grit)
  • CaCo3 90 to 98% min, SiO2
  • Whiteness 96.% to 99.0% (gloss reflectometer)
  • Brightness 95% to 98.0%
  • Particle size Available from 30 to 2 Microns.
  • Oil absorption 18 to 23 (depending upon particle size)
  • Bulk density From 0.40 to 1.2 gms/lt. As per particle size
  • Total carbonate Up to 99%
  • Free Silica Below 1%
  • Moisture 0.2% Max

Calcium Carbonate Calcite Powder(CaCO3) has a pivotal role in the modern industrial economy due to its versatility, availability, and traceability. Mewar Microns offers calcite Powder (Calcium Carbonate) derived from cal veins in South West Rajasthan. The Mewar Microns range offers chemical purity, outstanding brightness and controlled particle size distribution. Available in a wide range of micron sizes. The particle structure is spherical and microcrystalline. We provide extremely suitable particle-size distribution to ensure better dispersion and excellent physical properties (e.g. increased impact strength and High Opacity) in various polymers/plastics application.

Also, our Micronized Calcite Powder is used as a Functional filler/additive in RPVCA pipes, Master batches, PP, HDPE, LDPE, ABS, Epoxy, PS and other polymer based compounds & as an extender in paints. We have firmly positioned ourselves as one of the major Cal Rock Exporters and Suppliers based in India.Cal is found in veins traversing various rock types, particularly limestone of the Aravalli and Ajabgarh series in Rajasthan, India. Calcium carbonate veins 30 to 150 cm. Thick, running uniformly sometimes for long distances, are usually found. Calcium also occurs as calcareous tufa, travertine, stalactite and stalagmite.

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Dolomite Powder

  • Color Super Snow White
  • Mesh 200 to 1250
  • Partical Size 150 to 3 Microns
  • Brightness 90 TO 98%
  • Whiteness Up to 98%
  • Spicific Gravity 2.85
  • Oil Absorption 20
  • Packing 25/50Kg.

Dolomite Powderis the limestone powder with composition of CaCO3 and MgCO3 pertaining to 100% in combination, the proportion being varied as per mining zone. Dolomite is also being used as Fillers by detergents, steel, paints and ceramics.We offer a highly versatile range of mineral powder which is used in various industries. Dolomite mineral is a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium and it exhibits a granular structure. It has high natural whiteness and its noted for their ease of dispersion. Its use improves properties such as wheather ability, reduces shrinkage, fissure development and water absorption. We use best quality machines to ensure the quality of our Dolomite mineral.We have carved a niche as one of the leading Dolomite Ore Manufacturers in India. In nature, considerable variations in the composition of dolomite relating to lime and magnesia percentages are found. When the percentage of CaCO3 increases by 10% or more over the theoretical composition, the dolomite mineral is termed 'calcitic dolomite', 'high-calcium dolomite' or 'lime-dolomite'.With the decrease in percentage of MgCO3, it is called 'dolomitic limestone'. With the variations of MgCO3 between 5 to 10%, it is called 'magnesian limestone', and upto 5% MgCO3 or less it is taken to be limestone for all purposes in trade and commercial parlance. Dolomite mineral usually contains impurities, chiefly silica, alumina and iron oxide. For commercial purposes, the percentage of combined impurities should not go beyond 7% above which, it becomes unsuitable for industrial use. It is then used only for road ballasts, building stones, flooring chips etc.

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We supply high quality Barite Mineral, processed in a quality certified plant that is well equipped with most sophisticated laboratory for stringent quality control. It is a natural Barium Sulphate having good whiteness. It is used as filler due to its high bulk density, insolubility in water, resistance to acids and alkalies, low abrasiveness to under coats. We have firmly positioned ourselves as one of the major Natural Barium Sulphate Manufacturers and Barytes Powder Exporters, based in India. Perfect for different industrial applications, our Barytes is highly reliable and proficient.

<b>Typical Physiochemical Properties</b>

Bulk Density gm/cc 4.2 max
Whiteness (Compared to MgO) 0% 96 +/- 2
Moisture% max 0.5
Water Absorption%12-15
pH of 5% aqueous slurry--9.2 -9.5
Specific Gravity--4.2 max
Refractive Index--1.63
BaSO4%94% max
SiO2% max.1%
Residue on 500 mesh% max.0.05
Average particle sizemicron4-5
PackingKgs/bag25or 50 kgs
End Application
  • Paints
  • Ceramics
  • Rubber
  • Linoleum Flooring
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Feldspar is the most common rock-forming mineral (about 60% of the earths crust). The mineral name feldspar is derived from the German words feld + spar. Feldspar minerals are usually white or very light in color, have a hardness of 6 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness and perfect to good cleavage (plane of breakage) in two directions. Feldspar is a common name that applies to a group of minerals with a general chemical formula of x Al(Al, Si)3O8, where x can be sodium (Na) and/or calcium (Ca) and/or potassium (K). (Specific compositional varieties (i.e. albite, microcline) are discussed under Mineral Descriptions). Feldspar weathers to kaolin which is the main clay mineral used in ceramics and fine pottery. We supply the best quality Feldspar Powder which is hard to find anywhere else. Also, our Sodium Feldspar is available at the most reasonable rates. We are one of the largest Feldspar Mineral Manufacturers besides being one of the best Feldspar Powder Exporters in India.

<b>Typical Physiochemical Properties</b>

Bulk Density
Whiteness (Compared to MgO)
Water Absorption
pH of 5% aqueous slurry~ 9.0
Specific Gravity(g/cc)2.60-2.65
Refractive Index
Silica SIO2% max65.25
Alumina Al2O3% max20.32
Ferric Oxide Fe2O3% max0.14
Titanium Oxide TIO2% maxNil
Manganese Oxide MnO% maxNil
Calcium Oxide CaO% maxNil
Magnesium Oxide MgO% maxNil
Sodium Oxide Na2O% max2.23
Potassium Oxide K2O% max10.74
Loss on Ignition% max0.31
Residue on 500 mesh
Average particle size
Packing50 lbs. bags, bulk bags, loose bulk
End Application Ceramic tiles, whiteware, glazes, glass, porcelain enamel frits, ceramics, filler, welding electrodes, and abrasives.
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We present the finest quality Talc Mineral in the national as well as international market. Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide is an important industrial mineral. Its resistance to heat, electricity and acids make it an ideal surface for lab counter tops and electrical switchboards. It is also an important filler material for paints, rubber and insecticides. It is also used in textile industry as an absorbing agent for bleaching cotton, removing grease spots etc. and to make high voltage insulators, glazes, acid and alkali proof vessels rain water piping etc. Even with all these uses, most people only know talc as the primary ingredient in talcum powder. Besides, we are one of the distinguished Natural Talc Manufacturers as well as Suppliers in India.

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We provide high quality Natural Calcite which is micronized natural Calcium Carbonate for achieving good results at higher loadings in various applications, specially paints and plastics. The particle structure is spherical and microcrystalline. We provide extremely suitable particle-size distribution to ensure better dispersion and excellent physical properties (e.g. increased impact strength) in various polymers/plastics application. Also, our Micronized Natural Calcium Carbonate is used as a Functional filler/additive in RPVCA pipes, Master batches, PP, HDPE, LDPE, ABS, Epoxy, PS and other polymer based compounds & as an extender in paints. We have firmly positioned ourselves as one of the major Calcite Rock Exporters and Suppliers based in India.

<b>Typical Physiochemical Properties</b>

Avg. particle size (d 50)Microns 2-3 MICRONS
Bulk densitygm/cc 0.79-1.3
Brightness% 98­/+ 2
Oil Absorption%22-25
Specific Gravity--2.7
Moisture% max0.2
pH of Saturated
acq. solution
Total Carbonate% max98
Total Silicates% min0.1
Free Silica% max.0.08
Other Oxides% max0.2
Coating (stearate)%upto 3%
End Application Functional filler/additive in RPVCA pipes, Master batches, PP, HDPE, LDPE, ABS, Epoxy, PS and other polymer based compounds & as an extender in paints.

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