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  1. Business Management Consultants

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  3. Coaching Classes

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  5. Business Consultant

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  6. Trademark & Copyright Consultants

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  7. Projects Consultants

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  8. Others Products / Services 9 Products / Services available

Products / Services

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of MECHA STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS, Fund Raising Application Assistance, Bottle Neck Solutions, Designs Logo Samples and Standard Document Set.


Food processing & manufacturing companies, involves both the simple & complex processes. With increasing and changing demands of people for packaged food with respect to its quality, packaging, design, taste, flavour and all other organoleptic attributes, the processor needs to be carefully scrutinized to the production pattern to achieve desired output.At mbspl, we offer services which would help you to plan execute and monitor all the processes involved in. You could be relived of the mundane activities and could utilize the saved time for the strategic growth of your organization. We have professionals from food industry to guide you.
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Market Research Solutions

In order to adapt, sustain, & grow in the dynamic business environment, you need to understand, what exactly your market is? What is the market size? What exactly your customers needs? What are their strategies? What exactly your position in the market? What are the upcoming technologies? How big will be your market in five years down the line? In order to get answers to all your questions you need something better & reliable source.
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Fund Raising Application Assistance

Every startup needs funds to start with, so entrepreneurs has to chase it and has to knock the door of banks, vcs, angel investor or any other fund provider. Each source has protocols, sop, application pattern, presenting pattern, documentation and may be explanations which need to be fulfilled.Our expert team would equip you with all the pre-requisites and will guide you to apply and pitch your business to get the required funds.
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Bottle Neck Solutions

Many organizations suffers from business myopia even if they have efficient resources, clear goals, & dynamic leadership. They run business for several years but dont get the anticipated results because of some missing business catalysts. We at mbs consult you to conquer your bottle neck & facilitate with strategic solutions to incorporate business catalysts.
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Designs Logo Samples

Our design team has a vast expertise to design logos, brands, letterheads & visiting cards.Get unique designs from us.
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Standard Document Set

Standard operating procedure(SOP) are the back bone of business, key to the success and enable smooth running of all the business processes. So, it is important to set up SOP & proper communication system one needs standards documents like Quotation, Proforma Invoice, Sales Invoice, Purchase Order, Appointment Letter, Contracts and so many documents formats.Our expert can set up SOP & proper communication system according to the mode & nature of your business and also can prepare standards document formats for you.
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Human Resource Management Services

Any organization cant achieve any goal. Strategies dont accomplish any goal. Neither the theories of management matter much. Businesses win or lose because of the people involved. Our aim is to offer cost-effective and efficient hr solutions to client by transforming a traditionally high-overhead hr function into a series of services that empower all levels of an organization. We do thorough human capital analysis to identify and address each organizations unique resource challenges and opportunities. Our experts can tell you more about it just contact us. I. Hr capital relation managementii. Recruitmentiii. Training & development technical behavioraliv. Performance managementv. Compensation & pay roll managementvi. Hr policy & documentation
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Marketing Services

As it is often said that marketing is the start and end of any business, and all the success of business depends on success of this activity. Strategically planned marketing activities backend by experts have more chances to achieve its goals. It is said that every organization should plan their marketing activities with dedicated budget. Most of the organization plan it with the resources they have and more often they are unable to achieve decided goals, the reasons are no proper planning no expert guidance. And thats why we provide systematically customized marketing activities and we back it by our uniquely crafted services for your marketing department. Our expert will explain all the types of company formation.
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Business Modeling

Business Modelling is one of most crucial and differentiating step in making your business successful. The entrepreneur should know What is the target market, its size, its demographic?What is the need of the market in terms of product, services, after sales?What are the demand, supply, and potential patterns?What product services we should offer to the market?What will be the price?What will be the distribution channel?And many more things. Most of the businesses & entrepreneurs fail to make a mark because of hurdles in business conceptualization.Dont worry; we are there to help you realise your business concept. We can answers for all the above questions and can prepare a sustainable business model for you.
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Company Registration Assistance

After all the planning and business modeling, when you think for actual setting up your start up; the first and foremost things is to give your start up a legal existence in the market. This enables you to raise the funds, to open a banks current account and to start your actual business operations. It is made mandatory by the government to register your business. But, wait we know all the process and documentation, you just need to decide the type of company you want to register and we will take care of this thereafter. You can register private limitedlimited liability partnership (llp)partnershipone person company (opc)non government organization (ngo)producers company our expert will explain all the types of company formation.
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Project Report

When you think of any business, you need a plan to execute your concept and it is big challenge to make a precise plan which will convince all the stakeholders. It is always a good idea to draft a blue print. At mbspl, we have the expertise in business planning and preparation of business report.We provide complete, customized and detailed bankable business plan cum project report. The plan would be completely customized, comprehensive, innovative, bankable and affordable that reflects you, your idea and your future.We dont use ready to go templates to design your business plan because we understand that every business and its market differs from its nature, mode of operations, investments, demographics and certainly all micro & macro affecting business factors.Our each and every plan is meticulously crafted, analysed & validated by the professional experts of business planning and it, therefore takes nearly 10 working days for preparation of the project report. The plan would serve purpose of fund raising and will be guideline doc for rest of the years as well.The report includes detailed financial projections & calculations 3 yrs5yrs.Systematic sales & marketing plan.Registration and legal information related to project set up.Strategic portfolio.Trusted business contact details for each major needs (like for machinery, legal, furniture, employee, web etc)and much more.
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Marketing Planning Services

As it is often said that sales and marketing are start and end of any business, and all the success of business depends on success of this activity. A strategically planned sales & marketing activities backend by experts coaching have more chances to achieve its goals. It is said that every organization should plan their marketing activities with dedicated budget. Most of the organization plan it with the resources they have and more often they are unable to achieve decided goals, the reasons are no proper planning no expert guidance. And thats why we provide systematically customized sales & marketing plan and we back it by our uniquely crafted coaching session for your sales and marketing team.
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Business Coaching

An entrepreneur needs to know business management. An entrepreneur needs to handle departments like Marketing, Business Development, Sales, Accounts, Finance, Operations, Production, Human Resource, PR etc. It is humanely difficult to know nitty-grittys of the entire departments simultaneously. For such people the promoter, founder of startup We have crafted the unique coaching session for business management.Enroll know for the customized coaching session of business management.
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SMO Social Media Sites Profile Creations

The social presence of your business has become a necessity. A good social presence will help you in branding and selling. Our team can prepare professional pages & accounts on social platforms and train you to manage it easily thereafter.
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Food Related Business Consultant

Starting a food related business needs a feasible business idea and meticulous execution planned. Most of the food products are perishable; there are many standards and regulation involved in food business. It also needs skills, as it involves number of processes and documentation. You might drop the plan because of all these hassles. Dont worry, we are there to help you, dont lose your hope, dont let off your idea, contact us and feel free to now enjoy the different world of business which is ready welcome you.We offer consultation to start your food, beverage, dairy, bakery, confectionary, fruits, vegetable unit as a manufacturing and or service business throughout india.We have designed a start-up kit to give you all the needed services under one roof and you need not to visit number of people. Just we & you thats it.So start up your dream business with us and make your mark in this dynamic market with our expertise.
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Land Selection Assistance

Every business whether its manufacturing or services needs a physical place to execute business operations. The main aim of selection of any location is to maximize the benefit of location to the firm. The location analysis typically has a cost focus viz, capital costoperating costdistribution costprocurement cost the locations of project are also depend on sub factor that are :raw material & supplies availabilityproximity to the marketavailability of labouravailability of supporting industriesavailability of infrastructural facility ((power, water, transport)proximity to the social institutes like banks, hospitals, police, fire station, medicals, local transportation etc the location consumes lots of funds and should be selected on strategic basis. We can guide you to make location as the factor for success of your business. Our experts team can help you to select appropriate location, land and site for your startup.
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Letter Head Samples

Our design team has a vast expertise to design logos, brands, letterheads & visiting cards.Get unique designs from us.
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Visiting Card Samples

Our design team has a vast expertise to design logos, brands, letterheads & visiting cards.Get unique designs from us.
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