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  1. Industrial Machinery 6 Products available
  2. Measurement Gauges & Fittings

    2 Products available
  3. Testing Equipment

    2 Products available
  4. Testing Equipments

    2 Products available
  5. Measuring Instruments & Equipment

    1 Products available
  6. Spectrometers

    1 Products available
  7. Laboratory Apparatus

    1 Products available

Industrial Machinery

Our product range contains a wide range of cbr testing machine, Charpy Impact Testing Machine, chemical testing machine, Computerized Universal Testing Machine and Mechanical Universal Testing Machine

CBR Testing Machine

The California bearing ratio test is penetration test meant for the evaluation of subgrade strength of roads and pavements. The results obtained by these tests are used with the empirical curves to determine the thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used method for the design of flexible pavement. The laboratory method for the determination of C.B.R. of undisturbed and remolded compacted soil specimens, both in soaked as well as unsoaked state.
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Charpy Impact Testing Machine

Impact tests are designed to Measure the Resistance to failure of a Material to a suddenly applied force at different Temperature. The test measures the impact energy, or the energy absorbed prior to fracture. We are offering an Izod Impact Test and Chary Impact Test. Machine is calibrated by NABL Calibration agency and certified by NIST. Today it is utilized in many industries for testing materials, for example the construction of pressure vessels and bridges to determine how storms will affect the materials used
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Chemical Testing Machine

We also perform test for the Soil Investing, Testing of Building Materials and Road as per the requirement of Indian Standard (IS) and MoRTH. We provide the services for the NDT at site like Rebound Hammer, Core Cutter, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, and Pile Load, Pile Integrity with Ultrasonic Test for Plates and Casting, MPT Test, DPTLPT test and Radiography Test for Weld Joint as per the requirement.
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Computerized Universal Testing Machine

Computerized Universal Testing Machine provide a relatively inexpensive way for determining the tensile, compression, shear strength and elongation of variety of raw materials such as rubber, leather, fabric, plastics, belts, wires etcetera. They are based on constant rate of traverse principle in which one end of the test specimen is held in a stationary grip, (or place on the compression plate) while the other end is made to move at a known fixed speed with the help of motor, two gear boxes and duel screws arrangement. The load exerted on the stationary grip is sensed by a load cell and indicated by a digital load indicator and also indicated with graph on the monitor of the computer.
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Mechanical Universal Testing Machine

Electro-Mechanical Servo Universal Testing Machine is designed to test a wide range of materials, including, but not limited to rigid and reinforced plastics, composites, geotextiles, sheet metal, welded specimens, adhesives, and medical products and components, in tension, compression, flexure, shear, tear and peel etc. These machines offer force, displacement or deformation closed-loop testing.The machine can be equipped with a variety of accessories including: grips, fixtures, compression frames, thermal cabinets and extensometers covering all relevant applications as testing of rubber, plastics, foils, films, textiles, adhesives, paper, foods, foams, timber, wires or other metallic or non-metallic specimens and medical, electronic and other components.
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Universal Tensile Testing Machine

Computerized Universal Testing Machine with different type of Load Cell, Hardness Tester, Portable Hardness Tester, Positive Material Identification (PMI), Compression Testing Machine etc., amongst others.
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