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Expansion Joints

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of LATERAL EXPANSION JOINT, Hinged Expansion Joint, Gimbal Expansion Joint, INLINE PRESSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT and Gimbal Expansion Joints


Lateral expansion joints refer to the direction perpendicular to the center line of the pipe expansion joint. Lateral deflection is also called as PARALLEL OFFSET and TRANSVERCE. The lateral expansion joint are also known as Tied Lateral expansion joints or Tied universal expansion joints.

Incase of absorbing large amount of Lateral deflections universal expansion joints 2 bellows are connected by a center spool (piece of pipe) and the tie rods are then attached on the outer ends for maximum deflection absorption. The length of center spool (center piece) plays a major role. In case the weight of center spool is significant it is supported by lugs. The benefit of the Tied universal expansion joint is it can be used in place where the piping joints are not in one place.

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Hinged Expansion Joint

When the angular movement is only in one plane hinge or angular expansion joints are used. An angular expansion can be expressed when an expansion joint experience bending about its center which is the centerline and half way between the ends of metal bellows.

These types of bellows are used mostly in sets wherever piping direction changes. So you will find hinged joints used at the locations where pipe bending occurs. Due to the hinged nature of this bellow only angular movement is allowed around the hinges. Since lateral movements too take place so there is a piping joint between these 2 bellows. The amount of lateral deflection a hinged expansion joint can accommodate for a given angular movement is directly proportional to the distance between them. To use a pair of hinged bellows effectively the distance between them should be made as large as possible. When only two hinge joints are used as shown in the adjacent figure the piping perpendicular to the hinge segment must deflect to absorb the thermal expansion of the spool containing these angular expansion joints.

When the piping in a single plane system is not flexible enough to absorb the thermal expansion of the spool between the hinged joints a system of three hinged expansion joints may be used. In this system the combination of the three joints absorbs all the thermal expansion of the piping system and no deflection of the piping is observed. This system produces the lowest possible forces on the intermediate anchors and guides

If the thermal growth in the Piping System occurs in only one plane the use of this joint provides the most efficient solution to absorb the thermal deflections.

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Gimbal Expansion Joint

The gimbal expansion joint is the most reliable expansion joint since it is capable of absorbing angular motion in all the planes. Although single gimbal bellows joint can be used in isolation the most common applications use a pair of gimbal bellows joints to absorb a complex multi-plane motion in a piping system. In adjacent figure Gimbal Expansion Joints are utilized in a pair to absorb the thermal expansion from the two horizontal piping arms. However note that the thermal growth of the vertical.

To avoid this deflection in the horizontal piping arms one or more hinged expansion joints can be installed in the horizontal arms of the piping system.

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They are designed to absorb externally imposed axial movement without imposing pressure loading on the system. This is accomplished by using two bellows both at line pressure tied together and acting in opposite directions. It is used where pressure loading on the piping or equipment is not acceptable. While the joint balances out the pressure forces , the force required to move the joint itself is not balanced.

Both the flow bellows and balancing bellows are compressed or elongated in operation and the combined axial spring force acts on the piping or equipment. Since the forces need to move the bellows of the in-line pressure balanced expansion joints are of low magnitude these are usually not objectionable. These joints are usually installed at change of direction. They may also be designed for in line operation. The complexity of the in-line pressure balanced expansion joint makes it an expensive unit. Its use can be justified economically only in those cases where the problems created by the pressure loading would be even more expensive.

The in-line pressure balanced bellows is a unique design which absorbs thermal motion while eliminating the pressure thrust loads on a piping system without a change in the direction of the piping consists of a constant volume device which is created by the addition of a balancing bellows whose cross sectional area is exactly twice the cross sectional area of the line or flow bellows. By proper cross linking the change in the volume of the line or flow bellows due to change in the length (i.e. due to compression or extension) can be made to cause an equal but opposite change in the volume of the balancing bellows, Thus since the volume changes are of equal value the pressure thrust forces that are normally present in the piping system containing bellows expansion joints are eliminated. In-line pressure balanced expansion joint is used where the location of the expansion joint prohibits or makes it very costly to install main anchors.

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Gimbal Expansion Joints

It is one type of pipe expansion joints that are designed to accept angular movement in any plan.

The gimbal pipe expansion joint is primarily the same as thehinge expansion typeexcept that instead of being restricted to deflection in only one plane, it can allow bending or angulation in any plane. Gimbal expansion joints are usually used in pairs of expansion that holds two sets of hooks pins, pivots, the shaft of each set perpendicular to the another.

Every kit of pins is attached to each other with a middle gimbal ring, in much the same way that a universal expansion joint on automobile works. This unit achieves the equivalent type of restraint and resistance to axial energies, such as the pressure thrust, and to shear energies as the pivot type.

stainless steel expansion joints products manufactured as per metal bellows design guidelines decided by EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association).

  • Absorbs angular rotation
  • Eliminates pressure thrust forces
  • Transmits shear and wind loads
  • Supports dead weight
  • Prevents torsion on bellows
  • No main anchors required
  • Minimum guiding required
  • Low forces on piping system


  • In helicopter engine
  • In aerospace components
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Hinged Expansion Joints

Pliant Bellows is the leading supplier and manufacturer of hinged expansion joints using stainless steel. A hinged expansion joint is a metallic assembly, that can rotate in a single plane, used to absorb changes resulting from piping thermal expansion or contraction.

They add hinges, joined to the expansion joint edges with a pair of pins, which allow crossing movement in a single plane, restrain the pressure thrust, and prevent the expansion joint from diverting axially, either in expansion or compression.It is suggested that the hinges should be always used in sets of two or three. The expansion joint hinges provide for angular movement and will maintain pressure thrust forces.

Individual hinged expansion joints are flexible bellows used in piping systems are restricted to pure angular rotation by its flexible joint hinges. As a set, hinged expansion joints will operate together to consume parallel deflection. Advantages of hinged expansion metal joints are that they are typically compact in size and structurally rigid.

  • All pressure thrust is held by the hinge pins and is not imposed on pipes work, anchors or equipment.
  • Force to deflect the bellows is minimal
  • On short pipe runs e.g. boiler house systems, guides are not required. On long runs, only simple pipe guides are required
  • One pair of hinged joints can absorb very large amounts of expansion, offering considerable savings in guides, anchors, and actual joint cost


  • Industrial piping systems
  • In aerospace components
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Universal Expansion Joint

Universal expansion joint bellows manufactured using stainless steel as an expansion joint material. we design bellows which gives flexible joints. The universal pipe expansion joint consists of two flexible bellows separated by a pipe joint section or spool. The primary purpose of this arrangement is to have a unit which will accept large amounts of lateral deflection. The amount of lateral deflection they can accept is a function of a number of angulations each bellows can absorb and the distance between the bellows. For a given bellows element, the amount of lateral deflection capability can be increased or decreased by simply changing the length of the centre spool.

Since deflections are usually the result of the piping thermal expansion, and universal expansion joints bellows are usually long, our units are designed so that the thermal expansion of the entire unit length is accepted as compression by the two bellows elements. In this way, the overall length of the unit does not change when the piping is heated.

The standard units mentioned in brochure have all been designed to accept the thermal expansion of their length when the high temperature is up to the design temperature shown.


  • Industrial piping systems
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Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints

When axial deflections exist, and anchoring is impractical for fundamental or commercial reasons, such as long in the air or short straight pipe runs among two large vessels, the inline pressure balanced pipe expansion joint manufacturing is a powerful solution to a difficult design problem. The main factor of this flexible joint bellows type of unit is essentially the same as the elbow pressure balanced type, in that the axial pressure thrust is reacted by the pressure acting on a cross-sectional area equal to the area of the working or primary bellows.

Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint is designed to absorb axial, lateral and angular deflection. Since this unit is entirely axial, and there are no directional changes in the pipe, such as with the elbow, the cross-sectional area needed to balance the pressure is placed around the outside of the unit. Since the high-temperature pressure forces are generated by the pressure acting on the annular surface between the primary and outer, or balancing bellows, the arrangement of the tie rods shifts balances the load thrust produced in the pipe on each edge. Now the forces needed to compress or extend the unit are only the result of the spring resistance of the bellows, and main anchoring of the pipe or vessels is not required.

These expansion joints are expensive than the other pressure balanced expansion joints however, they may result in a lower overall system cost when the elimination of main anchoring is considered. This expansion joint bellows designs can also be used to replace pipe loops, and its cost advantage may be seen in reduced pumping energy by the elimination of the loop's elbow-generated pressure losses. This may also allow reducing the pipe size for the entire system.

As a trusted inline pressure balanced expansion joints global exporters, we always give assurance & material satisfaction to the customer.


  • For replacing pipe loops
  • For reduced pumping energy

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Elbow Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints

Elbow pressure balanced expansion joint is a type of pressure balanced expansion joints which are used in the piping system and where the pressure thrust is required or changing the direction of the flow needed to be changed. It is also known as corner relief expansion joints.

Manufacturing this type of pipe expansion joint bellow is really a combination of severalmetal expansion jointtypes. The objective is to maintain and stabilize the pressure thrust so that main anchoring of the pipe or alongside equipment is not needed, forces and movements on attachment flanges of a gentle machine, like turbines, are kept to acceptably low levels. The deflections to be accepted are controlled by the proper type of flexible pipe expansion joint, which normally is a tied universal joint type to accept lateral movements. However, the pressure balanced elbow joint is usually required because axial deflections are also present. In order to accept these movements, a bellows is added beyond the elbow with the same cross-sectional area as the ones in the universal section.

  • Simple to manufacture
  • Stable at high pressures
  • Absorbs small amounts of axial and lateral movement
  • Eliminates change in pressure
  • No main anchors required
  • Conserves space

This balancing stainless steel bellow is joined by the tie rods to the pipe beyond the universal section; in this way, the pressure thrust is contained as tension in the tie rods. The segment of the flexible expansion joint between the tie rods, which includes the elbow, is now free to move axially, with the only resistance being a function of the spring rates of the bellows. Because of their pattern, however, the spring rate of the entire expansion joint is the sum of the spring rates of the balancing and the universal expansion joints bellows. This is a fixed volume system, in that when the universal end compresses, the balancing end extends the same amount.

All of the lateral deflection is absorbed by the universal end, and there is no lateral deflection imposed on the balancing end. Therefore, the balancing bellows is essentially always a singular bellow.

Pliant bellows provide high-quality elbow pressure balanced expansion joints dealer, and always supply flexible bellows at best rate.


  • Industrial piping systems
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Axial Expansion Joints

Axial expansion joints is a type of metal bellows expansion joints that consume mainly longitudinal moves axially along a straight division of pipe. The length of a stainless steel bellows expansion joint in a neutral position is called free length. The highest working life is accomplished by utilizing the axial shift in both regions as extension and compression.

Axial expansion joints are often equipped with a guiding tube on the inside of the metal bellows. This decreases the flow resistance and stops damage caused by direct contact with the flowing medium. In axial consideration, the thermal expansion of a straight line section connecting two fixed points is absorbed by an axial expansion joint. The length of two arranged points determines the pipeline length expecting compensation, and thus determines the axial movement that must be achieved by the flexible expansion joint.

The material used in designing these bellows are SS304L, SS316L, SS316Ti and SS321, Inconel and nickel-based alloy.

We at Pliant bellows known for designing the best axial expansion joints, as we designed as per the specification using EJMA guidelines. We are the global exporter manufacturing and making available products at reasonable prices.


  • Industrial piping systems.
  • Minimizing the transfer of forces to sensitive components in the system.
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Lateral Expansion Joints

Lateral expansion joints are manufactured by using Stainless Steel as an expansion joint material to form flexible expansion bellows.

Lateral expansion joints are also called as Tied lateral expansion joints. These expansion joints are pipe expansion joints that hold mainly lateral actions - laterally along a segment of pipe. They are implemented with two or more tie rods or swivel tensions that restrict axial movements of the bellows.

Lateral compensation is likewise associated with a redirection of flow by 90 within single-plane or multi-plane piping systems. Usually, lateral flexible expansion joints are installed in existing right-angle redirections in the system. The movement of a lateral expansion joint always consists of the desired lateral movement and a slight unavoidable axial movement that comes from the expansion joint itself. Lateral expansion joints that are flexible joints that are movable in all planes simultaneously absorb expansion from two pipe sections in different directions.

The lateral expansion joint absorbs transverse and lateral movements. It consists of one or two metal bellows with an intermediate pipe and connectors on both sides and a hinged anchoring of these connectors for lateral movement in a single plane or for lateral movement in all planes. Normally, the anchoring consists of round anchors on spherical bearings. The measurement of the lateral movement develops with the twisting angle of both metal bellows and with the diameter of the middle pipe.

Pliant Bellows designs high-quality metal bellows and manufactures tied lateral expansion joints according to client requirement.


  • In helicopter engine
  • In aerospace components
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Metal Expansion Joints

Metal expansion joints also called compensators (expansion compensators). An expansion joint is a flexible bellow made of Stainless Steel which is commonly called as stainless steel bellows expansion joints.

Metal Expansion jointsare necessary for systems that convey high-temperature substances such as steam or exhaust gases, or to absorb movement and vibration.

Flexible bellow expansion joint is often included in industrial piping systems to provide movement due to thermal and mechanical changes in the operation when the process requires large fluctuations in high temperature which lead metal components to change its size. Expansion joints with metal bellows designs are manufactured to accommodate certain movements while minimizing the transfer of forces to sensitive components in the system.

There are multiple procedures that can help to prevent and reduce expansion joint failure. At the time of installation, in order to prevent any damage to the bellows be careful by following the instructions.

We have a large combination of flexible metal expansion bellows joints items which are normally utilized for the pipeline framework. The quality of our product is premium, which produces great output. There is various stainless steel expansion joint supplier all over the world but we at Pliant bellows use hydroformed technology to design metal bellows, a product with greater strength and corrosion resistance as well as improved safety in high-pressure applications. we are one of leading expansion joint manufacturers in India and globally.

  • Gimbal Expansion Joints
  • Hinged Expansion Joints
  • Universal Expansion Joint
  • Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints
  • Elbow Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints
  • Axial Expansion Joints
  • Lateral Expansion Joints
  • Pressure Switch Bellows


  • Industrial piping systems
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Bellow Expansion Joint

Lateral expansion joints are also called as Tied lateral expansion joints. These expansion joints are pipe expansion joints that hold mainly lateral actions - laterally along a segment of pipe. They are implemented with two or more tie rods or swivel tensions that restrict axial movements of the bellows.Lateral expansion joints are manufactured by using Stainless Steel as an expansion joint material to form flexible expansion bellows.
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