Features: Versatile clean air cabinets provide optimal storage for cleanroom garments, wipes, and other similar material. Cleanroom garments can attract contaminates during the cool period between storage and laundry washes which may lead to lower productivity and high-quality ismore...
The Drying Cabinet is used for faster drying and conditioning the hand sheets after pressing. The hot air passes through the holes in the drying ring to dry without effecting the surface or Brightness of the hand sheets. The Design is in accordance with more...
Greencold clean room doors are an essential part responsible for sealing the controlled environment of the clean room and reduces the risk of any kind of contamination. Greencold provides key considerations while selecting a clean room door based on its industry rich experience. more...
We, at BLUEFIC INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGIES design and develop highly advanced Biological Safety Cabinets that have earned good reputation as top clean air systems in India. Our Biological Safety Cabinets are known for... Fabricated from of thick board duly laminated shmore...