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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Fetal Monitor, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor, Bed Side Cardiac Monitor, ISU Multipara Patient Monitor and Multi Parameter Patient Monitor.
BT-300 Dual is an Antepartum Fetal Monitor measuring FHR and UC. It enables a woman in childbed to indicate fetal movement point by pushing the event marker button by herself when she feels that.
BT-300 Dual indicates FHR as numeral by irradiating ultrasound at the abdomen, abstracting doppler frequency of heart beat cycle from the signals reflected from fetal heart, outputting FHR change as a sound, and analyzing these signals. Besides, you can measure UC by using the pressure sensor, indicate, and print the data of FHR and UC.
Indications for use:
ABPM 50isanon-invasive, silent, compact, lightweightandreliableblood pressure monitor for ambulatory application. 2AAalkalinebatteriescansustainmorethan600measurementsin aperiodof48hours. Itprovidesdoublesafetyprotection andcanbeconnectedtoanylaptopordesktopPC. Thesoftwareprovidesa user-friendlyinterfaceandcomprehensiveanalysis.
In-hospital applications include emergency, pre-and post-operative care, ambulatory surgery, intermediate care/step down units, labor delivery and hospital-based special procedure areas.
In-hospital applications include emergency pre-and post-operative care, ambulatory surgery, intermediate care/step down units, labor and delivery, and hospital-based special procedure areas. Suitable for use in physicians offices, clinics, outpatient surgical centers, extended care facilities and other patient care areas, which of require affordable monitoring