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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Gourd and Research Paddy


Africa is the original home of watermelon, and the fruit has likely existed since pre-historic times in the regions known today as Namibia and Bostwana. Indeed, its an ancient fruit with deep roots in historyaccording to the book, High-Tech Micropropagation, remnants of the fruit were found as hieroglyphs on Egyptian tombs over 4, 000 years ago. Watermelon seeds were also found in a cave in Hang-Zhou, China circa 3, 000 BC. When and how watermelon arrived to India is not precisely known, though the fruit likely existed there since ancient times, even before it migrated to China.

In 2011, the worlds largest producers of watermelon were China, Iran, Turkey, Brazil, and the United States, respectively. India ranked 28th, producing approximately 375, 000 metric tonnes in the same yearput in perspective, this amount accounted for a mere .38 percent of the worlds consumption.

The basic seed of parental lines should be obtained from the institute/university where from the hybrid have been developed.

Health Benefits From Carrot:
    • Watermelons are the perfect example of a food that can help you stay hydrated.

    • The watermelon contains fiber, which encourages a healthy digestive tract and helps keep you regular.

    • Watermelons may be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer through their antioxidant properties.

  • The watermelon probably originated in the Kalahari Desert in Africa.
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Onion (Allium cepa L) is extremely important vegetable crop not only for internal consumption but also as highest foreign exchange earner among the fruits and vegetables. It occupies an area of 1064 thousand ha, with production of 15118 thousand tons. The export of onion during 2011 -12 was 13, 09, 863.26 thousand tons with a value of Rs 1, 722.85 crores.

India is the second largest onion growing country in the world. Indian onions are famous for their pungency and are available round the year. Indian onions has two crop cycles, first harvesting starts in November to January and the second harvesting from January to May.

There is a sizeable increase in acreage and production of onion in India.In terms of area, there is an increase from 768 thousand ha in 2006-07 to 1064 thousand ha in 2010-11, while in terms of production it has increased from 10, 847.00 to 15, 118.00 thousand tons.

Health Benefits From Onion:
    • The phytochemicals in onions along with their vitamin C help improve immunity.

    • Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.

    • Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers.

  • Onions have antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and carminative properties to help you stay away from infections.
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    • BOTANICAL NAME:Capsicum annum L., Capsicum frutescens L.

    • Other Names: Hindi : Lal mirch Bengali : Lanka, Lankamorich Gujarati : Marcha Kannada : Mensina kai Malayalam : Mulaku Marathi : Mirchi Oriya : Lanka Punjabi : Lalmirch Tamil : Milagay Telugu : Mirapa kaya Urdu : Lalmirch

The origin of chilies is believed to be as old as 7000 B.C. used in Mexico. Chilies were grown and cultivated from 3500 BC. Mexicans used it to spice up their food. Chili was brought to the rest of the world by Christopher Columbus who discovered America in 1493. Christopher had set from Spain to reach India to bring spices such as pepper back to his country. Christopher not only mistook America for India, but also mistook chili as the black pepper. That is how the chili got the name chile pepper. He took chile pepper back to Spain where it became a very famous spice.

India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of chilies in the world. India also has the largest area under chilies in the world. Chilies are the most common spice cultivated in India. It is estimated that India produced 1060345 tons of dry chili from an area of 8, 84, 183 hectares in 2003-04.

Chilies are valued principally for their high pungency and color. Almost all the states of India produce the crop. The Indian Chilli growing states are Andhra Pradesh (46%), Karnataka (15%), Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Indian Chilli can be grown during the entire year at one or the other partof the country. However, the major arrival season extends from February to April.

Health Benefits From Chili:

    • Capsaicin is used for treatment for many diseases like arthritis.

    • When chilly is eaten, it makes the brain to release endorphins, a natural painkiller present in the body.

    • Chilly contains lots of vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C

    • Sore throat, varicose ulcers, and laryngitis can be cured by using antibacterial chilly.

  • Chilly helps cure many diseases like blood pleasure, insomnia, hay fever, flu.
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Radish is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the mustard family. It originates from Southeastern Asia, where cultivation started 2700 years BC. Ancient Egyptians were also fond of radishes. Cultivation of radishes started even before building of pyramids. Radish is equally popular today. It prefers cooler climate and grows quickly under appropriate conditions (enough sun, fertile soil and moisture). People cultivate radish as a source of food. Other than that, radish has application in medicine and in the industry of fuels.

The higher productivity in these countries is due to the coverage of maximum area under hybrids where as OP varieties occupied major area in India and pumpkin are being cultivated by resource poor farmers through self-saved seed. The demand of hybrid seed among farmers is increasing because of earliness, uniformity and higher yield which make pumpkin cultivation more profitable than traditional/open pollinated varieties.

The basic seed of parental lines should be obtained from the institute/university where from the hybrid have been developed.

Health Benefits From Tomatoes:
    • Radish contains dietary fibers and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese.

    • Radish is rich source of vitamin C and vitamins of the B group.

    • Radish was used in treatment of kidney stones.

  • Radish can be used to relieve stomach ache, to facilitate digestion and elimination of the excess body water and to regulate blood pressure.
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Carrots is one of those vegetables that is most consumed and always the pricey one in the market. That makes it a very good candidate for a kitchen garden. Daucus Carota, as it is called botanically, is a root vegetable consumed for its swollen tap root. While we are familiar with orange colored ones, there are several colors like Red, White, Yellow and purple. There are also different shapes. In India, the regular orange carrots and the long red carrots are quite popular. In the northern states of India, different varieties of carrots seems to be present.

The higher productivity in these countries is due to the coverage of maximum area under hybrids where as OP varieties occupied major area in India and pumpkin are being cultivated by resource poor farmers through self-saved seed. The demand of hybrid seed among farmers is increasing because of earliness, uniformity and higher yield which make pumpkin cultivation more profitable than traditional/open pollinated varieties.

The basic seed of parental lines should be obtained from the institute/university where from the hybrid have been developed.

Health Benefits From Carrot:
    • Prevention of Heart Disease

    • Blood Pressure

    • Immune Booster

  • Digestion
  • Prevents Cancer
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Fresh Beetroot

  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Color Dark-Red
  • Packaging Type Jute Bag, Plastic Bag
  • Feature Good In Taste, Healthy
  • Packaging Size 10-20kg
  • Place of Origin India

Beetroot a biennial plant is a native to Southern Europe. It has dense, elongated goosefoot shaped, glossy, mid-green leaves with bright red veins and dark red stalks originating from the root. Leaves are olive green on the upper surface sometimes red on both sides if kept in bright light Its root is a tap-root, which is edible and pushes deeply in the ground. Roots can be round shaped, cylindrical or tapered. Their colour can be white, yellow or red according to the colour of the flesh. The leafy tops can also be used as a tasty spinach substitute.
First and foremost benefits of beets is that reduces blood pressure due to its high nitrate content. Those who have high BP can take this on a regular basis and see good results. Beets are low in calories but contains many essential vitamin and minerals. Consuming beets regularly also improves blood flow in the body especially to the brain. Beets are also rich in anti oxidants which help to reduce blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Beetroot is good for your skin, hair and overall health. It detoxifies your blood and helps heal pimples. With regular intake it gives a radiant glow to your skin and also reduces aging. Beetroot is high in fiber and so is good for people trying to manage their weight.
The basic seed of parental lines should be obtained from the institute/university where from the hybrid have been developed.

Health Benefits From Beetroot :

  • If you constantly suffer from indigestion, have beetroot juice regularly. Studies say that it cleanses your intestines and make sure they function properly.
  • Containing carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein, the juice is said to be good for the eyes.
  • Increase your energy levels with beetroot juice. It is also said to make sure your body reacts well to exercises.
  • Reduce high blood pressure levels by have a cup of beetroot juice daily.
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The calabash, bottle gourd, or white-flowered gourd, Lagenaria siceraria, also known by many other names that include: opo squash, long melon, suzza melon, New Guinea bean and Tasmania bean is a vine grown for its fruit, which can either be harvested young and used as a vegetable, or harvested mature, dried, and used as a bottle, utensil, or pipe. The fresh fruit has a light-green smooth skin and a white flesh.

Bottle gourd is a very important crop in India. The fruit in green stage and leaves with stem are used as vegetable. The hard shell of the fruit is used for different purpose.

The seed is sown from January to end of February for summer crops. June July for rainy season crop in the plains and April in the hills. Layout is ring and basin used.

Health Benefits From Gourd:
    • Bottle gourd juice has a cooling effect on your body and keeps your body hydrated especially during summers.

    • Bottle gourd juice is widely used for weight loss.

  • Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fibre, both, soluble and insoluble. Hence, it helps in curing constipation, flatulence and even piles. It is also easy to digest.
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Research Paddy

India is worlds leading producer of white rice, accounting for 20 % of overall production. Rice is Indias prominent crop, and staple food for the native population of eastern and southern part of the country. The country has biggest area of fertile land under rice cultivation.

Rice is a universal crop and It is grown in all the continents except Antarctica, occupying 150 million ha, producing 573 million tons paddy with an average productivity of 3.83 tonnes/ha. Its cultivation is of immense importance to food security of Asia, where more than 90% of the global rice is produced and consumed. The cultivation of Rice goes as far back as 1500 -800 BC and finds mention in the Yajur Veda. According to historians, rice had been in cultivation in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas in Northern India, through Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Southern China. Rice is the main staple food of more than half the world as well as of India.

    • Free from unwanted chemicals and foreign materials

    • Longer shelf life with high yield potential

    • Tolerant towards stress condition like drought, salinity etc

    • Fine grain

  • Tolerant to significant illnesses
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Helianthus annuus, the common sunflower, is a large annual forb of the genus Helianthus grown as a crop for its edible oil and edible fruits. This sunflower species is also used as bird food, as livestock forage, and in some industrial applications. The plant was first domesticated in the Americas. Wild Helianthus annuus is a widely branched annual plant with many flower heads. The domestic sunflower, however, often possesses only a single large inflorescence atop an unbranched stem. The name sunflower may derive from the flower's head's shape, which resembles the sun, or from the impression that the blooming plant appears to slowly turn its flower towards the sun as the latter moves across the sky on a daily basis.

Sunflower is one of the important crops in India's oil seed production that has contributed to rapid growth in oilseed production during late eighties and early 1990s. Sunflower is the oil of preference among the consumers' world over due to its health appeal and in India too, sunflower oil is the largest selling oil in the branded oil segment. Sunflower is also a crop of choice for farmers due to its wider adaptability, high yield potential, shorter duration and profitability. The crop, during mid nineties, was cultivated in nearly 2.5 Mn Ha (Million Hectare) contributing to 2 Mn MT of sunflower seed production in the country.

Sunflower oil is healthy and natural edible oil known for its light and odorless characters. Rich in Vitamin E sunflower oil is derived from sunflower seed carrying nearly 45-50% oil content. A native of South Africa and North America sunflower is now grown all over thew world.

Health Benefits of Wheat:
    • Reduces Risk for Heart Disease

    • Helps to Prevent Cancer Due to High Antioxidant Content

    • Supports Thyroid Function Through Selenium

    • Helps Combat Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, and Muscle Cramps

  • Balances Blood Sugar Levels and Helps Ward off Diabetes
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Sorghum bicolor, commonly called sorghum and also known as great millet, durra, jowari, or milo, is a grass species cultivated for its grain, which is used for food, both for animals and humans, and for ethanol production. Sorghum originated in northern Africa, and is now cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical regions. Sorghum is the world's fifth most important cereal crop after rice, wheat, maize and barley.

Jowar is grown both as kharif as well as a rabi crop. As a kharif crop, it grows well in areas having mean monthly temperature of 26C to 33C.

Among the different kinds of cereal crops in India, jowar occupies a major prominence. Besides being a staple diet for the poorer section of the society, it is also used for animal feed and industrial raw materials. Different parts of the country have the potential to have this important cereal crop grown, which is also a major product of agriculture in many other countries. Since it can grow in semi arid climates, where other crops do not have a chance of growing, this crop has been grown in these areas. Requiring semi arid climatic conditions, the jowar crop has proved to be a good agricultural practice in the country. In comparison to other cereal food items, jowar has a significant value.

Health Benefits of Wheat:
    • Low in saturated fat

    • No choresterol

    • No sugar

    • High in manganese

  • Prevent heart failure
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Wheat cultivation in India traditionally been dominated by the northern region of India. The northern states of Punjab and Haryana Plains in India have been prolific wheat producers. While this cereal grass has been studied carefully in the past, recent years of painstaking research by India's finest scientific talent has paid off with the development of distinctly superior varieties of Durum Wheat.

Next to rice, wheat is the most important food-grain of India and is the staple food of millions of Indians, particularly in the northern and north-western parts of the country.

It is rich in proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates and provides balanced food. India is the fourth largest producer of wheat in the world after Russia, the USA and China and accounts for 8.7 per cent of the worlds total production of wheat.

Indian wheat is largely a soft/medium hard, medium protein, white bread wheat, somewhat similar to U.S. hard white wheat. Wheat grown in central and western India is typically hard, with high protein and high gluten content. India also produces around 1.0-1.2 million tons of durum wheat, mostly in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Most Indian durum is not marketed separately due to segregation problems in the market yards. However, some quantities are purchased by the private trade at a price premium, mainly for processing of higher value/branded products.

Health Benefits of Wheat:
    • Controls Obesity

    • Improves body metabolism

    • Reduces Chronic Inflammation

    • Prevents Gallstones

  • Protects Against Coronary Diseases
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    • Main Name:Pearl Millet

    • Biological Name:Pennisetum glaucum

  • Names in Other Languages:Grano (Spanish), Type de graine (French), Bajra (Hindi), Kamboo (Tamil & Malayalam), Sajjalu (Telugu), Bajri (Marathi, Gujarati), Bajra (Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi & Urdu)

It is cultivated in countries of Africa and the Indian subcontinent since prehistoric times. Pearl millets, earlier known as bird food, come in several delicious flavours. What is unique about this cereal is that it may be as creamy as mashed potatoes or as fluffy as rice. In India, pearl millets are regarded as one of the major sources of dietary energy and nutritional security for poor farmers and consumers. Apart from offering excellent taste, these millets contain essential mineral and nutrients, which provide the body with a variety of advantages.

Health Benefits of Pearl Millet:
    • Good source of energy

    • Promotes heart health

    • Helps digestion

    • Helps prevent cancer

  • Possess anti-diabetic effect
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Cotton is a type of flowering plant that belongs to the mallow family. Cultivation of cotton started approximately 7000 years ago in Mexico and in India and Pakistan. Out of roughly 43 species of cotton, only four are cultivated on a large scale. Cotton grows in tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, Africa, Australia and America. People cultivate cotton because of the seed that represent valuable source of fibers and oil. Each year, around 25 million tons of cotton are produced in the 70 countries around the world. International cotton trade is 12 billion dollars worth business. China is the greatest manufacturer of cotton in the world.

Cotton is the most important fibre crop not only of India but of the entire world. It provides the basic raw material (cotton fibre) to cotton textile industry.

Its seed (binola) is used in vanaspati industry and can also be used as part of fodder for milch cattle to get better milk.

    • Cotton propagates via seed. Harvest takes place 180 to 200 days after planting.

    • Cotton fibers are used in the medical industry for the manufacture of bandages, cotton swabs and tents.

    • Cotton oil extracted from the seed is used as vegetable oil in the human diet.

  • Cottonseed meal (leftovers of seed after extraction of the oil) is used as food for animals.
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Mustard and rapeseed (canola) is the third largest vegetable oil traded in the world, next to soyabean and palm oil. A genetically modified variety of rapeseed (Brassica sps.) that was developed by Canadian plant breeders specifically for its nutritional qualities and its low level of saturated fat is known as Canola, which is a short form of Canadian oil.

Rapeseed oil reported to be used as a marine and industrial lubricant during World War II and consequently, the market for rapeseed oil plummeted in the post war period. Production of rapeseed has been rising rather steeply during the past two decades and has outpaced the production of other oilseeds including peanut, cottonseed and sunflower.

Rapeseed and mustard can be cultivated in both tropical as well as temperate climates. Its growth is most vigorous in temperatures between 10C and 30C with an optimum temperature of around 20C. Seed oil formation is optimum at a temperature of 10C to 15C. The crop is very sensitive to high temperatures as well as for frost at the time of flowering. Crop growth is healthy at a rainfall of 350-550 mm.

Economic Importance:
    • Seed:Rapeseed and mustard is grown for its oil rich seeds. Apart from extracting oil, seeds are also used directly in the preparation of almost all Indian curries particularly in a process called tadka

    • Oil:Well-developed rapeseed seed contains 40 to 44% of edible oil.

  • Meal:Seed extract after recovering oil is used as a feed.
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Maize is mainly a rainfed kharif crop which is sown just before the onset of monsoon and is harvested after retreat of the monsoon. In Tamil Nadu it is a rabi crop and is sown a few weeks before the onset of winter rainy season in Sept. and Oct. It requires 50-100 cm of rainfall and it cannot be grown in areas of more than 100 cm rainfall.

Fertile well-drained alluvial or red loams free from coarse materials and rich in nitrogen are the best soils for its successful growth. Well drained plains are best suited for its cultivation, although it grows in some hilly areas also. The cultivation of maize in India is characterised by inter-culture i.e. along with and in pulses, vegetables and oil seeds.

The leafy stalk of the plant produces separate pollen and ovuliferous inflorescences or ears, which are fruits, yielding kernels (often erroneously called seeds). Maize kernels are often used in cooking as a starch.

Health Benefits of Wheat:
    • Aside from containing varying amounts of water, corn is mainly composed of carbohydrates, and has small amounts of protein and fat.

    • Like all cereal grains, corn is primarily composed of carbs.

    • Corn contains a fair amount of fiber.

    • Corn is a decent source of protein.

  • Corn may contain a fair amount of several vitamins and minerals.
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