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Waterproofing Chemical

We offer the best product range of MYCRO - EM CIAW7770 Waterproofing Chemical, MYCROPRIMECIAW6557 Waterproofing Chemicals, MYCROCORE CIA630 Waterproofing Chemical, MYCROPAC PRIME Waterproofing Chemical and MYCROROOF Rain Shield Waterproofing Chemical.

MYCRO - EM – CIAW7770 Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Quality Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

MYCRO - EM – CIAW7770 is a two-component acrylic polymer modified elastomeric waterproofing membrane which consists of MYCRO - EM powder and MYCRO - EM liquid acrylic emulsion. It requires only clean fresh water on site mix when mixed in the proper proportions, an easily brush able coating is produced. MYCRO - EM powder consists of specially selected cements, graded hard-wearing aggregates and additives supplied in powder and MYCRO - EM liquid component of blended acrylic copolymers. The polymer provides MYCRO - EM with exceptional adhesion, toughness and durability.


Technical information: Elongation at break % DIN53504 @27°C --- > 500 %





  • Water tanks, reservoirs, swimming pools
  • Roofs and terrace of all types of low- and high-rise building
  • To protects against concrete decay providing a long-lasting barrier to waterborne corrosive salts and atmospheric gases
  • To re-face and even out variations in concrete and masonry surfaces
  • To seal concrete masonry walls and bridges the shrinkage cracks which are static
  • To provide a tough and durable coating which cannot be easily damaged or worn away


  • Minimum surface preparation needed - Low labour costs
  • Applied directly to the damp concrete and masonry
  • Excellent adhesion - Bonds to porous and nonporous surfaces
  • Non-toxic-ideal for potable water tanks
  • Waterproof - Excellent for damp-proofing basements
  • Breathable-allows transmission of water vapor from interior of building
  • Excellent for concrete roof, leaking brick and masonry walls
  • Good resistance to Carbon dioxide and Chloride ion diffusion


Application: Before applying MYCRO- EM, prime the surface with MYCROPRIME – CIAW6557. Apply the mix of MYCRO-EM with the help of brush on the prepared surface. It is recommended that for general resurfacing the total thickness of the applied material be 1 to 2 mm. Areas subjected to moderate and heavy loads/ hydrostatic pressure, minimum 2mm thickness coating is recommended with screed above. Allow the MYCRO - EM to dry before covering with screed. Sprinkle coarse sand on wet surface of final coat for better adhesion of screed. Average drying time is 4 to 6 hours at normal temperatures.



Packages: 1L, 5L, 10L and 20 L


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MYCROPRIME–CIAW6557 Waterproofing Chemicals

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Purity 100%
  • Application Industrial
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Application Method Brush
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Pack Size 1 -15 Litre
  • Quality Superior
  • Gloss High Gloss


MYCROPRIME – CIAW6557 is an acrylic-based primer before waterproofing is essential for ensuring a long-lasting, effective waterproofing system. It enhances adhesion, seals pore, improves durability, and prevents moisture-related issues. Whether for roofs, walls, basements, or wet areas, priming is a key step that should not be skipped.

Technical information: 60% +2% solid contents


Features & Advantages

  • Strongly bonds waterproofing materials to the substrate.

  • Prevents peeling, flaking, or detachment of the waterproofing layer.

  • Fills small pores and cracks in concrete, masonry, or other substrates.

  • Reduces excessive absorption of waterproofing materials, ensuring better coverage.

  • Prevents moisture from seeping into the substrate before applying the waterproofing.

  • Reduces the risk of water-induced damage like efflorescence and mold growth.

  • Allows for faster application of waterproofing membranes or coatings.

  • Reduces downtime in construction or repair work.

  • Compatible with all kind of cementitious waterproofing system

  • Protects against alkali reactions in concrete that can weaken the waterproofing layer.

  • Resists exposure to chemicals, salts, and environmental pollutants.

  • Allows trapped moisture to escape while preventing liquid water ingress.

  • Reduces blistering and delamination of the waterproofing layer.

  • Primers protect against UV degradation, improving the longevity of the waterproofing system.

  • Creates a smooth and uniform surface, minimizing surface defects.

  • Enhances the final appearance of the waterproofed area.

  • Reduces excessive use of waterproofing materials by providing an even base.

  • Improves long-term cost-effectiveness by extending the lifespan of the waterproofing system.




Step 1: Surface Preparation                                         

Clean the Surface:

Repair Cracks and Holes:

Ensure a Dry Surface:

Check for Efflorescence (Dust) 


Step 2: Selecting the Right Primer

Step 3: Mixing the Primer: 1:1 water to primer ratio

Step 4: Applying the Primer

Use the Right Application Method

Apply a Thin, Even Coat

Allow Proper Drying Time


Step 5: Inspect Before Waterproofing

Check Adhesion

Look for Imperfections

Proceed with Waterproofing


Coverage:  The approximate coverage at even consistency with brush application It will cover minimum 56 sq.ft /kg for horizontal surface and 70 sq.ft / kg for vertical surface in 1st coat and 80 - 110 sq.ft/kg in 2nd coat Actual coverage will depends on the texture of the surface and no. of coatings.


Packages: 1L, 5L, 10L and 20 L

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MYCROCORE CIA630 Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Litre
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Pack Size 1 -15 Litre
  • Quality Superior


MYCROCORE CIA630 advanced is acrylic modified elastomeric waterproofing system for exterior horizontal as well as vertical surface. It is 1K acrylic based liquid membrane, ease in application directly apply with the help of brush/roller. It has excellent properties to withstand pressure up to 3 bars of positive waterproofing pressure on vertical surface and 5 bars of positive waterproofing pressure on horizontal surface.

Technical information: 60% +2% solid contents



  • Waterproofing on roofs

  • Waterproofing of balconies, terrace and verandas

  • Waterproofing of all type of old and new concrete

  • Waterproofing and protection of concrete construction like bridge-decks, tunnels, stadium stands etc



  • Cleaning and surface preparation: Clean all the surface to the sound base which is to be treated with MYCROCORECIA630 advanced. Remove dust, oil, laitance any other chemicals oil etc.

  • Crack Filling: Fill the cracks if present on the substrate with MYCROSEAL Exterior properly.

  • MYCROPRIME: Priming of the substrate must be done with MYCROPRIME because priming the surface before waterproofing will provide better adhesion to the substrate and increase durability of waterproofing system.

  • Mix MYCROCORE CIA630 advanced well before use. Apply the mix with the help of brush on the prepared surface. After first coat dry apply 2nd coat immediately to get better adhesion between two coats. Allow the coating for full cure until 24 hours. Areas subjected to moderate and heavy loads/hydrostatic pressure; minimum 1mm thickness coating is recommended for further information you can contact MAYFAIR BIOTECH expert team.


Coverage: The approximate coverage at even consistency with brush application It will cover minimum 8sq.ft /kg for horizontal surface and 15sq.ft / kg for vertical surface in 1st coat and 24sq.ft/kg in 2nd coat Actual coverage will depends on the texture of the surface and no. of coatings.

Packages: 1L, 5L, 10L and 20 L

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MYCROPAC PRIME Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Application Industrial
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

MYCROPAC PRIME a polyurethane-acrylic-based primer combines the benefits of both polyurethane and acrylic, making it an excellent choice for waterproofing applications. It enhances adhesion, seals porous surfaces, and provides long-term protection against water damage.

Technical information: 70% +2% solid contents


Features & Advantages

  • Superior Adhesion

  • High Water Resistance

  • Flexible and Crack-Resistant

  • Fast Drying and Curing

  • Improves Durability & Breathability

  • Chemical and UV Resistance

  • Seals Porous Surfaces

  • Supports Structural Integrity

  • Compatible with Various Waterproofing Systems



Step 1: Surface Preparation

  • Clean the Surface:

  • Repair Cracks and Holes

  • Ensure a Dry Surface:

  • Check for Efflorescence (Dust)

Step 2: Selecting the Right Primer

Step 3: Mixing the Primer: 1:1 water to primerratio

Step 4: Applying the Primer

  • Use the Right Application Method

  • Apply a Thin, Even Coat

  • Allow Proper Drying Time

Step 5: Inspect Before Waterproofing

  • Check Adhesion

  • Look for Imperfections

  • Proceed with Waterproofing

Coverage: The approximate coverage at even consistency with brush application It will cover minimum 56 sq.ft /kg for horizontal surface and 70 sq.ft / kg for vertical surface in 1st coat and 80 - 110 sq.ft/kg in 2nd coat Actual coverage will depends on the texture of the surface and no. of coatings.


Packages: 1L, 5L, 10L and 20 L

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MYCROROOF Rain Shield Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Quality Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place


Features and Benefits

  • Waterproofing protection of up to 7 bars of positive hydrostatic pressure

  • Unmatched crack bridging ability due to elastomeric properties

  • High sheen, brilliant white colour and thick coat results in high levels of heat reflectance

  • Strong adhesion to masonry substrates

  • Provides surface temperature reduction up to 10°C

  • This property is applicable for terraces

Recommended Usage: Can be used for building roofs, terraces, parapets, sunshades and exterior vertical walls. It can also be applied on existing IPS sound brick-bat coba or cementitious waterproofing and drying time will be 4- 6 hrs.




Application Method


Horizontal surface

Step 1: Follow the standard cleaning and crack filling procedure and then do the priming with MYCROPRIME – CIAW6557 advanced brush

Step 2: First coat waterproofing MYCROROOF - RAIN SHIELD advanced brush/roller

Step 3: second coat waterproofing MYCROROOF - RAIN SHIELD advanced brush/roller

Coverage: Horizontal Surface 0.93 Sq. mtr/ltr and Vertical Surface 2.32 sq. mtr/ltr



Packages: 5, 10 and 20L

MYCROROOF - RAIN SHIELD is a fiber reinforced elastomeric liquid applied waterproofing membrane. It is formulated with select elastomeric and resilient acrylic polymers and reinforcing synthetic fibers. Upon curing, it forms a thick, seamless, durable membrane thus offering ultimate waterproofing.



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MYCROREFLECTS Top Coat Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Litre
  • Application Industrial
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Pack Size 1 -15 Litre
  • Quality Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place


MYCROREFLECTS (TOP COAT) is an elastomeric acrylic waterproof coating. It contains brilliant white pigments and heat reflective ceramic spheres which gives the product heat reflective and insulating properties. It protects the substrate by reflecting up to 90% of the incident solar heat from the surface. MYCROREFLECTS provides a heat and weather resistant, flexible coating that can reduce energy costs (for cooling) by up to 40%.


Features and Benefits

  • Waterproof and weatherproof coating                        
  • Heat reflective and insulating properties
  • Reflects Ultra-Violet (light) rays
  • Allows surface to breath while remaining strongly anchored to the substrate
  • Provides a seamless coating
  • High flexibility and fast drying
  • Reduces energy costs (for cooling) by upto 40%

Areas Of Use

MYCROREFLECTS is designed for application on sloped roofs constructed from a wide variety of materials, including:


  • Concrete

  • Light weight concrete

  • Roof tiles

  • Wood

  • Galvanized steel

  • Asphalt and asbestos cement

Application Method

Surface Preparation 

Ensure substrates are clean and sound. Remove all existing coatings, cement laitance, unsound honeycombing, and spalling concrete by suitable mechanical means.



For dry and porous substrates, is recommended to prime with MYCROPRIME A diluted with water in a 1:3 ratio as a primer coat prior to MYCROREFLECTS application.



Apply one coat of MYCROREFLECTS using roller or spray and let it dry overnight.

On the corners, and joints and around pipes, apply one more coat of MYCROREFLECTS and embed a layer of MYCROFIBER reinforcement mesh (should be embedded when the MYCROREFLECTS layer is wet). Allow it to dry overnight.

Apply the second coat of MYCROREFLECTS as final coat, perpendicular to the first coat, applying each coat at right angles to each other. Allow it to dry overnight.

Ensure that application operation is continuous to avoid dry edges.

Coverage: Horizontal Surface 1.23 Sq. mtr/ltr and Vertical Surface 2.32 sq. mtr/ltr


Packages: 5, 10 and 20L




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MYCROGUARD RCC Tank Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Application Industrial
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Quality Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

MYCROGUARD RCC Tank is a two-component coating composed of acrylic resin, curing agent, inert pigments & properly selected fine fillers additives in water as a medium.  It has an advantage of dilution with water for application over cementitious surfaces. 

It is used as an internal coating for the moisture & dam proofing treatments of water tanks with anti-microbial anti-fungal properties. It has excellent water resistance, adhesion to concrete surface, has good hardness and sets faster.


Features and Benefits 

Application advantage - It can be applied over moisture affected, damp concrete & plaster surfaces and provides excellent water-resistant coating with tough & hard film.

Microbial resistant - Possesses anti-fungal growth property and is very resistant to micro-organisms.

Adhesion - Provides excellent adhesion to all cementitious substrates.

Chemical resistant - Excellent resistance to water, salt water, mild acids, alkalis & soap water

Toxicity – It is Non-toxic. 

Eco-friendly - Non-hazardous and non-flammable

Economical - Water dilutable with high coverage hence economical


Typical Application

  • Moisture & Damp proofing treatment for RCC water tanks.

  • Internal moisture & damp wall treatment

  • As a wall putty with OPC- White cement to fill the fine cracks of internal walls

  • In GMP & sterile areas of pharmaceuticals shop floor, food industries & hatcheries etc.

Packaging: 1, 5, 10 & 20 Kgs

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MYCRO-EMPU CIA630 Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Litre
  • Application Industrial
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Use In Houses, Hotels, Villas
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

MYCRO-EMPU CIA630 is a single-component, liquid applied, elastomeric polyurethane coating for waterproofing of concrete surfaces. MYCRO-EMPU provides excellent resistance to moisture, water, and salts penetration into concrete and masonry surfaces.

Uses:MYCRO-EMPU is used to protect and prevent water leakage and penetration of moisture into the Concrete and other masonry surfaces.

MYCRO-EMPU is ideal for:


  • Waterproofing of Podiums, Sunken Slabs, Terraces.

  • MYCRO-EMPU has the ability to uniformly and completely cover the surface, forming a continuous membrane

Features and Benefits


  • Liquid applied membrane, can be applied with roller, brush or spray.

  • Non-toxic, Provides a seamless coating.

  • Flexible, has crack bridging ability.

  • High bond strength to a variety of substrates and building materials.

  • Resists positive water pressure.

  • Resistant to chemicals.

  • Excellent resistance to humidity and temperature.

  • Excellent resistance to Chlorides and Alkalies.

  • Very high tensile strength.

  • UV stable.

Application Methodology


Step 1: Surface Preparation

Surface need to be cleaned by wire brushing followed by vacuum cleaning so that surface is free of any loose particles, dust, laitance, mould release agents and curing compounds. Water jetting is not recommended. All cracks to be treated with MYCROSEAL – EXT modified mortar. Surface is allowed to self-cure for 24 hours. Ensure the moisture content of the surface is below 5% before Priming.


Step 2: Fillet preparation

Horizontal and vertical angle joints need to be prepared with 50x50mmconcave fillet using concrete admixed with MYCROPROOF – AW+@ 250 g/50 Kg bag of cement. Fillet should be cured to gain strength and completely dry before Primer application.


Pipe penetration sealing: Clean around Pipe penetrations and seal the junction with low viscous solvent free MYCRO0-EPOFILLER admixed with Silica sand.


Step 3: Priming



PU based MYCROPAC PRIME; a polyurethane-acrylic-based primer combines is recommended before application of MYCRO-EMPU CIA630. Mix both the components of Primer and apply by brush on cleaned concrete. Pot life of the mixed primer is only 30minutes.Allow the primer to dry for 4-5 hours.


Step 4: Product Application


Prior to application, thoroughly mix the contents of the container using a slow speed stirrer at 300 rpm. Care should be taken to scrape the sides and bottom of the container with the mixer. Do not add solvent, thinners, water at any time. After mixing, immediately apply MYCRO-EMPU over the tacky primer while ensuring a continuous coating of uniform thickness. A Lambswool roller is recommended for such application. A brush may be used for touch-up and edging work or for areas unsuitable for roller application.

MYCRO-EM must be applied all along the angle fillets, corners, joints around the pipes, conduits etc. Apply MYCRO-EMPU on surrounding walls up to a height of minimum 300mm from FFL. Always apply in two coats in order to avoid pinholes. The second coat can be applied after the first coat has dried (12-16 hours@ 250C) depending on the ambient and surface temperature. To ensure mechanical bonding for protection plaster, granded sand should be sprinkled while coating is tacky.


Step 5: Protection with Screed

Prior to laying of protection screed, use a separation barrier of 160 gsm Geo Textile. >50 mm Screed to be applied as per slope requirement. For vertical application 15-20 mm plaster is recommended.


Coverage: 2 Kg/m2 for 1.43 mm WFT or 1mm Dry Film Thickness (DFT).



Packages: 1L, 5L, 10L and 20 L


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MYCROSHIELD – TEX Waterproofing Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Application Industrial
  • Packaging Type Plastic Can
  • Feature Waterproof
  • Benefit Quick drying
  • Features Longer Shelf Life
  • Quality Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

MYCROSHIELD – TEX is a waterproofing coating for exterior horizontal surfaces like terraces, chajjas and also a waterproofing basecoat for Asian Paints Exterior Emulsion coatings for vertical walls.

Features and Benefits

  • Waterproofing protection of up to 3 bars of positive hydrostatic pressure

  • Unmatched crack bridging ability due to elastomeric properties

  • High sheen, brilliant white colour and thick coat results in high levels of heat reflectance

  • Strong adhesion to masonry substrates

  • Provides surface temperature reduction up to 10°C

  • This property is applicable for terraces


Recommended Usage: Can be used for building roofs, terraces, parapets, sunshades and exterior vertical walls. It can also be applied on existing IPS sound brick-bat coba or cementitious waterproofing and drying time will be 4- 6 hrs.


Application Method


Horizontal surface

Step 1: Follow the standard cleaning and crack filling procedure and then do the priming with MYCROPRIME – CIAW6557 advanced brush

Step 2: First coat waterproofing MYCROSHIELD – TEX advanced brush/roller

Step 3: second coat waterproofing MYCROSHIELD – TEX advanced brush/roller

Coverage: Horizontal Surface 1.23 Sq. mtr/ltr and Vertical Surface 2.82 sq. mtr/ltr


Packages: 5, 10 and 20Kgs

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