What is Gynecomastia?Gynecomastia is a disorder of the endocrine system where male breast tissue gets swollen, over-developed or enlarged. This condition can appear in males at any age.Gynecomastia can be triggered by numerous factors including excess weight gain or as side effects of taking certain medications like antibiotics, herbals like tea tree oil, anabolic steroids, narcotics drugs, etc., but usually, it results from the imbalance of hormones, where male sex hormone testosterone decreases with age.This abnormal appearing chest contour or man boobs can be the cause of embarrassment and distress in men of all ages.Therefore, to take care of this condition and to reduce male breast size, male breast reduction surgery is done where usually Liposuction is combined with Keyhole surgery.This surgery can give men, an improved self-esteem and boost their confidence. gynocomastiaWhat is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?Men who have enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) can definitely benefit from breast reduction surgery. This surgery will improve the chest contour, giving it a better look.Male breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure that will improve the shape and contour of the chest by removing excess fat and tissue from male breasts, thus making the chest appear more masculine and pleasing. It is a safe, effective and permanent solution to gynecomastia. Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery right for me?Male breast reduction surgery is a highly individualized and customized surgery procedure which you should do for yourself and not to fulfill somebody elses desires.If you are facing emotional discomfort and low self-confidence due to over-sized breasts, then Male breast reduction surgery can help you out.You can get this surgery done if you are physically healthy and are of normal weight. You must also have realistic expectations out of this surgery.