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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Standard Resistance Box SRB-5, Standard Megohm Box, Decade Resistance Box, Decade Megohm Box and Decade Capacitance Box
Used as reference standard to be used with Million Meg-Ohm Meter Model MM-108D or Digital Insulation Tester.
Model SRB-5 ( 10 different Values)
Ranges 100GW, 200GW, 300GW, 400GW, 500GW, 600GW, 700GW, 800GW, 900GW& 1 Tera-ohm resistances.
Max. Applied Voltage = 5000V, Accuracy of Resistance : 5%
Provision for dehumidifier is in-built in the acrylic box & you can have stable readings even in rainy season.
With the help of hard working professionals, we are engaged in manufacturing and supplying ofDecade Megohm Box.Rotary switches used in this box are anufactured using sophisticated machinery and advanced technology in accordance with predefined quality standards and guidelines. Offered box is highly demanded as it gives accurate result as compared to other decode boxes. Provided boxes are tested on various parameters to ensure its functionality. Additionally, we provide thisDecade Megohm Boxto clients at rock bottom prices.
*Portable, StableReading& most suitable for Meggar Testing.
* Resistance Range :0.1 MWTo 111GWat 5000 V
in 6 Decades X 0.1, 1, 10, 100 Megohms, 1G & 10 Geg ohms
*Rated Max. Voltage : 1000V from 0.1 To 100 Mega ohm
& 5000V for 100 Megohm and Above.
*Dials of 0.1 M, 1M & 10 Megohms can also be used at 5000V when they
are connected in series with high value dial.
* Accuracy : 5% * Power Rating : 1 Watt at+ 50C.
* Switches: Specialy designed with thick Fibre glass sheet &
nickel plated contacts.
*Provision for dehumidifier is in-built in the acrylic box & you
can have stable readings even in rainy season.
4 Dials , Standard Range
X .001, .01, .1 & 1 MFD
Range .001 MFD to 11.11 MFD, 250V Max.
All are polyester capacitors
Accuracy + 1 %
4 Dials, Standard Range
4 Dials , X 1, 10, 100mH & 1H
Range 1 mH to 11.11 Henry
Accuracy + 1 %
Additional Information:
Delivery Time : 1 weeks
Standard Resistance Box: Model No. SRB-1 Accuracy 0.5 %
Used as reference standard
To be used with Kelvin Double bridge or Digital Micro-ohm Meter
Range 1 milli-Ohm to 1K Ohms, 7 different values,
7 different valuesof 1 mW, 10mW, 100mW, 1 , 10, 100 & 1KW
Current ratings are for 1mW ( 20A), 10mW ( 10 A), 100 mW ( 0.1 A),
1W ( 50mA), 10W ( 10mA), 100W ( 5mA) &1 KW ( 1mA)
Power Rating ( VI ) of all Resistors is approx. 0.5 Watts.