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Our Complete range of products are Reverse Pulse Jet Type Tubular Bag Filter, Manual Shaker Bag Filter and Pulse Jet Bag Filter.

Reverse Pulse Jet Type Tubular Bag Filter

The term reverse pulse or jet dust collector refers to the air cleaner's cleaning cycle. To clean the filter, a quick burst of compressed air is shot through the filter media in the opposite direction of the dusty air stream. During normal dust collection, dusty air flows through the filter, and a solid layer of dust forms on the filter surface. This dust build-up is called a dust cake or filter cake. A quick burst of air shot through the filter in the opposite direction knocks the dust cake off the filter, breaking it apart. The dust cake crumbles and falls into a collection bin or barrel. Some dust collectors must stop in order to clean, while other can pulse clean while running. Reverse pulse cleaning was first used in fabric bag filters. Reverse Jet In reverse-jet baghouses, individual bags are supported by a metal cage, which is fastened onto a cell plate at the top of the baghouse. Dirty gas enters from the bottom of the baghouse and flows from outside to inside the bags. The metal cage prevents collapse of the bag. Bags are cleaned by a short burst of compressed air injected through a common manifold over a row of bags. The compressed air is accelerated by a venturi nozzle mounted at theReverse-Jet Baghouse top of the bag. Since the duration of the compressed-air burst is short (0.1s), it acts as a rapidly moving air bubble, the compressed-air burst is short (0.1s), it acts as a rapidly moving air bubble, traveling through the entire length of the bag and causing the bag surfaces to flex. This flexing of the bags breaks the dust cake, and the dislodged dust falls into a storage hopper below. Bags are cleaned by a short burst of compressed air injected through a common manifold over a row of bags. The compressed air is accelerated by a venturi nozzle mounted at theReverse-Jet Baghouse top of the bag. Since the duration of the compressed-air burst is short (0.1s), it acts as a rapidly moving air bubble, traveling through the entire length of the bag and causing the bag surfaces to flex. This flexing of the bags breaks the dust cake, and the dislodged dust falls into a storage hopper below. Reverse-jet dust collectors can be operated continuously and cleaned without interruption of flow because the burst of compressed air is very small compared with the total volume of dusty air through the collector. Because of this continuous-cleaning feature, reverse-jet dust collectors are usually not compartmentalized. The short cleaning cycle of reverse-jet collectors reduces recirculation and redeposit of dust. These collectors provide more complete cleaning and reconditioning of bags than shaker or reverse-air cleaning methods. Also, the continuous-cleaning feature allows them to operate at higher air-to-cloth ratios, so the space requirements are lower.

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Manual Shaker Bag Filter

Bagfilter is one of the most efficient and cost effective dust collector models. In baghouse filter, the dust filled air stream passes through fabric bags that filter the dust particles. Bags are made of different material such as woven or felted cotton, synthetic, or glass-fiber. The bags are cleaned manually by giving a manual shaker mechanism. The dust from the bags is collected in the bin below the hopper. rotary airlock or double gate dampers are given so that the air is not leaked from bottom. Selecting Bag Filter Bag Media Important considerations while selecting fabric filter material for bag filter:
  • Temperature of incoming dusty air stream
  • Moisture levels in the collector and hydroscopic nature of dusts
  • Electrostatic nature of dust particles
  • Abrasion levels caused by dust particles
  • Acid chemical resistance and Alkali chemical resistance of fabric
  • Fabrics capability to release dust cake easily
  • Fabrics permeability to allow air to pass
  • Size of dust particles
  • Fabric cost


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Pulse Jet Bag Filter

Reverse jet cleaned tubular bag filters designed for continuous operation in bulk handling and process applications. This on-line high efficiency reverse jet cleaning. Filter areas range from 9m2 to 820m2. All units have generous integral pre-separation chambers to increase their dust load capacity whilst reducing the load on the filter bags.Normal maintenance is from the top, within handrails if specified, but bag changing may be IT some Features Robust welded steel construction, Weatherproof for exposed locations, Compressed air pressure typically 6.0 bar , large integral pre-separation chamber, Crushing, screening, sieving: from quarried minerals to pharmaceutical powders.
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