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Best Quality Varnish Available in 1 ltr 1/2 ltr and 5 ltrs                                                                                    more...
EDISON-1AR CLEAR IS AN AIR DRYING FINISHING VARNISH. EDISON-1AR is phenolic resin insulating varnish. After evaporation of the solvent by means of a circulating air in oven the resin reacts under application of heat to give a tough and hard material. Available in – 200ML, 500ML, 1LITRE, 5 LITRE, more...
We have gained expertise in manufacturing and supplying of a wide variety of Insulating Varnish Liquid Organic varnishes are superior electrical insulators with long life can withstand temperature from 90°C to 180°C and above. In order to attain utmost client satisfaction, we provide our range in vari more...
Insulating varnish for Power tool motors, wiper motors, Power steering motors, startes motors, etc more...
For those who wish to prepare thinned specimens by one of the window techniques, Lacomit peelable varnish is very valuable for blanking off portions of the specimen which are not to be polished. A solvent for the varnish is also available. It may also be used for thinning the varnish consistency if desired. L more...