Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Betel Leaf Oil, Cardamom Oil, Mandarin Oil, Thyme Essential Oil and Cajuput Oil.
Betel Leaf Essential Oil is a rare oil that is extracted from the Piper betel plant, a treasured herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. The clean and refreshing aroma of betel leaf essential oil is a delight to the senses, with its uplifting and invigorating scent.
The product is a free-flowing liquid that is colourless to pale yellow in colour. It has a sweet, spicy, warming note, with a woody, balsamic base note. The major components of the product are 1, 8-Cineol and Terpinyl acetate. Cardamom oil is mainly used in flavour and medicinal applications.
Mandarine essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the peel of the Mandarine fruit and is a member of the orange family. It can be produced as yellow, green or red depending upon the origin, maturity or species of the fruit
Thyme oil has antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic, and expectorant, properties. It is helpful for treating cough, flu and other respiratory problems. It is good for cramps and aches due to muscle spasms. Skincare- Thyme oil is used for toning an aged skin.t
Cajuput Oil is the essential oil from the leaves of Melaleuca leucadendra. Cajaput oil is used as an expectorant, for treatment of tooth and gum pain, and for its antiseptic properties. See also: Cajuput oil; calendula officinalis whole (component of); Melaleuca leucadendra whole (subclass of) .
Marjoram Oilis well-known for its ability to balance hormones and, as a result, improve skin health. SweetMarjoram Oilserves to calm skin and prevent hormone-related breakouts by regulating the body's production of sebum.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : Master G Alliance Pvt Ltd
Delivery Time : 2-3 Days