These are buffalo intestines and rumen plus internal buffalo organs large and small intestineswell cleaned and then frozen block pack in 20 kilo boxeseach organ seperate.
These are buffalo silver sides individual weight range 5 to 7 kilograms prime cut huge demand in our major markets china, vietnam, russia , middle east and africagreat taste 20 kg block packshelf life 12 months under -18 centigradegreat stuff for retail and industrial food sectorenjoyable mouth flavoring meat cut !!.
These are buffalo fore quarters block pack 20 kg 98 vl meat all mixed cuts of fores without trimmings great stuff for grounded meat , sausages, burgersfor industrial use and restaurants.
These are buffalo rumps prime cut huge demand in our major markets china, vietnam, russia , middle east and africagreat taste 20 kg block packshelf life 12 months under -18 centigradegreat stuff for retail and industrial food sectorenjoyable mouth flavoring meat cut !!.
These are buffalo blades prime cut huge demand in china, russia , middle east and africagreat taste 20 kg block packshelf life 12 months under -18 centigradegreat stuff for retail and industrial food sectorenjoyable mouth flavouring meat cut !!.
These are buffalo briskets prime cut huge demand in our major markets china, vietnam, russia , middle east and africagreat taste 20 kg block packshelf life 12 months under -18 centigradegreat stuff for retail and industrial food sectorenjoyable mouth flavouring meat cut !!.
These are buffalo neck boneless meat cuts prime cut huge demand in our major markets china, vietnam, russia , middle east and africagreat taste 20 kg block packshelf life 12 months under -18 centigradegreat stuff for retail and industrial food sectorenjoyable mouth flavouring meat cut !!.
These are buffalo salted tripes well cleaned by natural procees of force washing salted and kept for dehydration packed in 30 kg gunny sacks with marks of producer or buyer.
These are processed buffalo feet without nails hot delicacy in europe , africa, pakistan, middle eastblock pack 20 kg average weight per piece 2 to 3 kilograms.
These are frozen buffalo cooked tripes especially made for china this is a 20 kilo block pack the average weight of each tripes is 3.5 to 5 kilograms after processing.