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We wish to inform you that there is increased awareness about environmental problems generated by synthetic SAP (Acrylate based). In some states it has been made mandatory to use SAP of organic nature (derived from natural polymers) in Hygiene products like sanitary pads as well as in agricultural application.
We are pioneers in the field of manufacturing natural polymer based SAP.
Synthetic SAP leave toxic residues in soil and contaminate ground water and hence some states have made it mandatory to use SAP of natural polymer in agriculture.
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we wish to inform you that there is increased awareness about environmental problems generated by synthetic sap (acrylate based). in some states it has been made mandatory to use sap of organic nature (derived from natural polymers) in hygiene products like sanitary pads as well as in agricultural application.
we are pioneers in the field of manufacturing natural polymer based sap.
Mapectin mapectins are polysaccharides derived from natural biopolymers modified to give gelling at lower temperatures. normal pectin requires about 60 degrees celsius temperature whereas mapectin sets at room temperatures. this is a revolutionary step in the field of food thickener. mapectin can be set without sucrose, hence low calorie sweeteners can be used in preparations using mapectin. Mapectin is first and foremost a gelling agent and is used to impart a gelled texture to products, mainly fruit-based foods. The gelling ability is further utilized where a stabilization of multiphase foods is required, either in the final product or at an intermediate stage in the process. Maple biotech is the company specialized in the field of manufacturing polysaccharides and their derivatives. Jam is the traditional application for pectin, but today this is far from being the only one. Mapectins are finding increasing use, particularly as gelling agents, but also as viscosity builders, protective colloids and stabilizers in a variety of food and beverage products. Selecting appropriate raw materials and processing conditions allows control of the average structural parameters. A wide range of pectin types is available. Pectin for food application is usually standardized to ensure performance properties are kept constant and predictable from batch to batch in spite of natural variation. Applications today, the most significant applications for pectin include: • beverages • soft, diet & fruit juices • juice drink concentrates • nutritional fruit drinks • flavored waters • confectionery • fruit paste (hm pectin) • gelled articles (hm or lm pectin) • fillings (hm or lm pectin) • convenience foods • beverage powders • ketchup & tomato sauces • dressing
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Packaging Details : 25 Kg Fibre drums