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Our offered Product range includes Steam Flow Totaliser, Gas Flow Totaliser and Water mass flow computing unit.

Draft Gauge

The Digital draft gauge 4475-PX accepts the draft pressure input as the signal and displays it in terms of mmwc. It also delivers 4 -20 mA output proportional to the Draft. The Draft transmitter is a field mounting unit and is a two wire system delivering 4-20mA output proportional to Draft Input.The Transmitter can be mounted in the field thereby avoiding long lengths of impulse lines and also errors due to the lengths.Principal Features :Digital Display (so No Confusion)Much Better Accuracy compared to Mechanical Gauges.Wide Range of Draft measurement possible.Typically, 50 mmwc to 750 mmwc.Transmitter being Field Mounted, Errors due to Long Impulse lines are avoided.
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Process Indicator With Alarms

The PI - 100 D series is a compact sized Process Indicator, designed to accept input from any two wire or four wire Transmitter. It has a seven segment, , bright LED Display to read the Process Value in terms of Engineering Units or percent as is desired. The alarms can be set anywhere from 0% to 100 % with both High or both Low or one High and one Low configuration. The Output , 4-20 mA proportional to PV is isolated from input and power connections


Compact in Size

Field Programmable Parameters.

Linear/ Square Root operation programmable.

4 Digit Display available to monitor Process parameter

Value from -9999 to 9999.

Isolated 4-20mAD.C. output proportional to Process Variable.

Process Indicator with Alarms, PI-100 series

Adjustable Two Alarm Settings with various options of Operation.

Transmitter Supply 24 Vdc suitable for

2 wire as well as 4 wire Transmitter.

Serial Interface with Computer through MODBUS RTU.

INPUT : 4-20 mAd.c
AUXILLARYOUTPUT : Isolated 4-20 mAd.c. proportional to process variable.
ALARM SETTINGS : 2 Nos. on process variable with internally fixed hysteresis of 0.5%, typical.

24 V D.C @ 100 mAsuitable to power one two-wire Or one four-wire Transmitter.

OPERATION : Linear or Square Root , Programmable from front key pads.
DISPLAY : 4 full digit, 7 segment, 0.5” LED display for Process Variable to read values from -9999 to +9999 with programmable decimal point.
ACCURACY : ±0.1 % of F.S.
KEYBOARD : 4 Nos. of Keys for Parameter Programming.
STORAGE FACILITY : Program and Data is stored in the EEPROM.
OPERATING TEMP. : 0 to 50 °C
TEMPERATURE DRIFT : Less than ±0.015 % / °C max of F.S. on PV display.
HUMIDITY : 90% R. H. max non condensing.
MAINS SUPPLY : Universal Supply (85 V AC to 265 V AC at 50 Hz.)
MOUNTING : Flush Panel.
DIMENSIONS (in mm) : Bazel - 96(H) x 96(W)
Cutout - 92(H) x 92 (W)
Depth - 150 including terminal length.
CONSTRUCTION : Plastic Molded

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Steam Flow Totaliser

Suitable For Saturated & Superheated Steam.

Three nos. of 4-20 ma dc i/p from DP / Flow transmitter, Pressure transmitter, Temperature transmitter/RTD PT-100.

Universal power supply.

Isolated 4 20 mA output proportional to Flow rate.

Accuracy of 0.25 % of Full Scale

4 digits LED display for flow rate & 6 digits for total flow are available.

Linear or Square Root operation.

Serial Interface with Computer through MODBUS RTU Protocol.

The unit has two alarms, configured on pressure input.

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Gas Flow Totaliser

Suitable For compressed gas & air

Linear or Square Root operation.

Accuracy of 0.25 % of Full Scale.

Three nos. of 4-20 ma dc i/p from DP / Flow transmitter, Pressure transmitter, Temperature transmitter/RTD PT-100.

Universal power supply.

Isolated 4 20 mA output proportional to Flow rate.

4 digit LED display for flow rate & 6 digit for total flow is available.

Serial Interface with Computer through MODBUS RTU Protocol.

Two numbers of alarms is available on instantaneous flow rate.

If Flow rate exceeds the set reference flow, the lower 4 digit Display for Flow rate blinks.

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Water Mass Flow Computing Unit

Suitable For boiler feed water with density compensation.

Online Computation For density Reducing Errors in Measurement Due To Pressure & Temperature.

Isolated 4-20mA D.C. output proportional to Flow Rate.

Linear or Square Root operation.

Availability of panel & Wall mounting.

Serial Interface with Computer through MODBUS RTU Protocol.

Two alarm settings are available and single alarm output is available.

If Flow rate exceeds the set reference flow, the lower 4 digit Display for Flow rate blinks.

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