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With our strong distribution network, we efficiently distribute goods to the desired place. Keeping in compliance with the international standards, we ensure that the raw materials used for varied products are 100% certified and quality approved. This helps us in maintaining a set standard of our products. Th more...
T urmeric Chamomile Herbal Tea contains pure natural ingredients which is loaded with high Anti – oxidants and bio actives. This tea contains turmeric which helps in boosting immune system and fighting chronic inflammation. Chamomile Tea is great for inducing sleep and also makes your mind calm which leads more...
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We are a trusted Exporter and Supplier of Green Tea . We offer green tea from Darjeeling, from Kangra, from Assam and the Nilgiris. The green tea from Darjeeling and kangra are certified organic. The green teas from Assam and Nilgiris are conventional. Pl. send enquiry for current prices and minimum or more...
All types of Green Tea more...
Whole leaf Green tea with natural jasmine flavor more...