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Our organization proudly introduces the organic bio fertilizer for the benefit of farmers to get better yield and augment the soil fertility, also to produce the agricultural produce organically for the health of the indian consumers, the seaweed is exclusively sourced from affected fisherman family members l more...
Plant Growth Promoters, Organic Fertilizer, Bio Fertilizer •Increase plants shoot, root & stem elongate. •Increase the microbial activity in the soil. •Improve the soil aeration, porosity and water holding capacity. •Improve the root hair formation thereby increase the intake nutrients from the soil. more...
Natradhan™ Natradhan is a powder and liquid based formulation of Azospirillum lipoferum which is associated with roots of monocots, including important crops, such as wheat, corn and rice. Azospirillum fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in assoc more...
Adavtanges-: NPK 13 :65:00 + TE is very onliest highly concentrated source of P along with N and trace elements. This helps in fast and healthy vegetative growth, new sprouts, tillers & root growth. This helps to reduce flower drop, fruit set . It boosts nutrient uptake and resulting into over more...
: Potash Mobilizing Bacteria more...
Mycorrhiza Biofertilizer is a natural and eco-friendly soil amendment that contains beneficial mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi form symbiotic associations with the roots of plants, creating a mutualistic relationship that benefits both the fungi and the host plant. We FARMADIL INDIA LLP provides in two forms: more...
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KEY BENEFITS • Sheer Verti-C does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problems. • Sheer Verti-C does not affect the natural enemies of the pest. It is safe to beneficial parasites and beneficial predators and thus offers a long-lasting pest control. • Sheer Verti-C forms a good molecu more...
Specifications : Based on a fungus Paecelomyces Sps. Very effective biological control for nematodes. Use in Grapes, Cotton, Pulses, Tea, Tomato, Oil seeds, Spices, Vegetables and horticultural Crops more...
Neem Cake is the Future of Farming in Indian and abroad. We have developed a unique Neem Cake formulation which contains more Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Calcium and Magnesium. Benefits: Neem Cake Organic Manure is very effective on growth, yield and quality of agricultural crops. There is significant improvement more...
Advantages Increases Root Uptake Surface Up To 100 Times. The Soil's Ability To Hold Nutrients And Water Improves. Enhances Plant Establishment And Survival When Sown Or Transplanted. Improves Root Structure. Increases Nutrient Uptake. Increases Flowering And Fruiting. Promotes Natural Biology. Reduces The Ou more...