Our Product / Services
apaya is a tropical fruiting plant with ornamental foliage. The fruit can be used raw as a vegetable and when ripe as desert. Papaya fruit is delicious and digestive. It is a rich source of vitamin A. Papaya plant is a fast growing tree which can be planted densely. The plants need 6 to 8 hours of daily sunlight.
Flesh is thick, redwith 13% brix and aromatic. It has good shelf life & trans-portability. Crop performance depends on the interaction between the genetic.
Crop germination takes between 12 and 16 days. The papaya seeds should not be stored for a prolonged period because they lose viability quickly.
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Packaging Details : Known You Red Lady Papaya Seeds, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 10 Gram
Offering Hybrid 100% Original Taiwan Red Lady Papaya Seeds, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 10 Gm
Papaya/Red Lady Organic Hybrid Fruit Seeds Special Pack (Pack of AVG-100-150 Seeds) :
Delivery Time : 7 days
- Offering Natural 90% Purity15Numberpapaya seed, For Agriculture, Packaging Size: 200grm
Papaya seeds contain a variety of essential micronutrients. They're especially high in polyphenols and flavonoids, two compounds that act as antioxidants to help promote your health ( 1 ). Antioxidants fight disease-causing free radicals to prevent oxidative stress and ward off chronic diseases ( 2 ).
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Packaging Details : Offering Hybrid 15 number papaya seeds, Packaging Type: Pauch, Packaging Size: 10 G.m
The papaya seeds have a nutty, peppery flavour and can be eaten raw, roasted, or ground into a powder. They are high in iron and have a rich, nutty flavour .
Papaya seedlings raised in polythene bags can stand transplanting better than that raised in seedbeds. Polythene bags of 20 cm x 15 cm size and 150 gauge thickness are used as containers.
Delivery Time : all over india overseas
Thiva Exim - Offering Hybrid 98%Ipb-9CalinaPapaya Seeds, Packaging Type: Pouch, Packaging Size: 10 Grams at Rs 600/10 grams
CalinaPapayais a native Indonesian fruit. This variety is the result of the breeding ofIPBUniversity researchers. Thispapayais widely.
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Packaging Details : Hybrid 99 % Purity Calina Ibp 9 Papaya Seeds, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 10gram.
Delivery Time : 7 days
FRESHSEEDSRed lady (F1)hybrid786papaya seeds Seed(650 per packet) SeedType: Fruit Suitable For: Outdoor Organic PlantSeedSeedFor: Red lady (F1).
It is a gynodioecious hybrid of papaya developed from IIHR Banglore with a cross of the Surya X Tainung 1 X Local Dwarf. Plant height at the time of flowering is 55 cm, fruit weight ranges 1.0 to 1.3 kg, TSS 13-14, pulp colour deep pink
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Packaging Details : 99% Green F1 Hybrid Papaya Seed, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 100g ; Color, Green ; Variety, Red Lady
Papaya Red Lady (F1 Hybrid) Seeds, Packaging Type: 1 & 10 gm ; Soil Specific. Acidic ; Height when Fully Grown. 8-12 feet ; Color. Red ; Brand. Known you seed
Delivery Time : 7 days
OfferingICE BERRY PAPAYA SEEDS, For Plants Growing, Packaging Size: 10 Gram
Apple Hi Tech Sale - OfferingIce Berry Papaya Seeds, For Agriculture, Pack Size: 10 G
Iceberry Variety Papaya is reckoned as a very special variety because of itsWhitish Green outer shell and red flush. It is delicious in taste and has distinctive aroma. We hold expertise in supplying fresh Iceberry Variety Papaya Plants at affordable prices
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Packaging Details : Ice Berry Papaya Seeds, For Agriculture, Pack Size: 10 Gm ; Type. Hybrid ; Packaging Type. 10gm ; Usage. Agriculture ; Pack Size. 10 gm
One gram contains about 50 to 80 seeds, mostly 65 -75 seeds. And it needs 50 to 80 grams seeds per hectare at one plant per hill average of 80% seed germination and 80% successful seedlings
Delivery Time : 7 days
OfferingGREEN BERRY PAPAYA SEEDS, For Agriculture, Packaging Size: 10 Gram
A Delicious, thick, red fleshed hybrid, extra ordinary virus tolerance, 10 time more powerful than any otherpapayavariety, long life production (around.
About this item. hybridseeds; fresh new indian veriety; germination good forseeds; early growing; available on every time. Compare with similar items.
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Packaging Details : Ingredients: 100% Papaya seed. - Color: Natural Black - Packing: PE Bag, Carton - Purity: 5% max - Moisture: 8% max - Characteristics: No other preservatives .
Delivery Time : 7 days
VNR PapayaHYBRIDAmeena(1 GM)Benefits :-Early maturity fast fruit picking The good cold set in hermaphroditicplantsaround 15 degrees centigrade minimum.
PackagingTypePlastic Bag TypePapaya Seed ColorBlack FeatureOriginal Seeds Supply Type Supplier, Trader Preferred Buyer From.
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Packaging Details : Hybrid vnr Ameena papaya seeds, For Agriculture, Packaging Size: 1 G.m 5 G.m 10 G.m
There are two types of papayas, Hawaiian and Mexican. The Hawaiian varieties are the papayas commonly found in supermarkets. These pear-shaped fruits generally weigh about 1 pound and have yellow skin when ripe. The flesh is bright orange or pinkish, depending on variety, with small b
Delivery Time : 7 day s
F1 HybridPapaya(VNR Seeds). byVNR Seeds. No reviews. Save 2%. Original
VNR AmeenaF1 HybridPapaya( )Seeds Brand:VNR Seeds Item Weight: 1 Gm
Hybrid Brown Vnr ameena Papaya Seed, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 10 Gram atRs
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Packaging Details : Hybrid vnr Ameena papaya seeds, For Agriculture, Packaging Size: 1 G.m 5 G.m 10 G.m. 3, 800/ Packet Get Latest Price . View Complete Details.
VNR Papaya HYBRID Ameena(1 GM)Benefits :-Early maturity fast fruit picking The good cold set in hermaphroditic plants around 15 degrees centigrade minimum .
Delivery Time : 7 days