Our Product / Services
Our product range contains a wide range of Kapasya Khali
Hybrid Driedagrixsunflower seeds, For Agriculture, PackagingSize:2 Kg Packing;PackagingType,
About this item. 100% Natural , Organic , Chemical Free, Unpolished Whole Moong; Easy to prepare & can be used in many dishes.
Chia seeds contain several components that, when eaten as part of a balanced plant-rich diet, may prevent the development of various chronic diseases. Of particular interest by researchers is chia seeds'high content of alpha-linolenic (ALA) fatty acids.
Maatitatva Agro Industries Pvt Ltd
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Payment Terms : D/P
Packaging Details : In 1kg-2kg-5kg-10kg-25kg-50kg Packing
Delivery Time : 2-3 days
Aloe vera gel contains carbohydrate polymers, such as glucomannans or pectic acid, and various vitamins and essential amino acids, as well as other organic and inorganic compounds.
Maatitatva Agro Industries Pvt Ltd
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Payment Terms : D/P
Packaging Details : packed in 1kg-2kg-5kg-10kg-25kg-50kg
Delivery Time : 2-3 days
According to Lutzi, you can try cutting the clove into four small pieces and swallowing whole like a pill to avoid the pungent effect from chewing it. Some other ideas for eating raw garlic include: Mince a garlic clove and toss into your salad or salad dressing.
Consuming garlic on a daily basis (in food or raw) helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the antioxidant properties of Allicin. It is also immensely beneficial to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. . It is imperative to consume garlic raw or semi-cooked to derive any of its benefits
What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
For more information please you can. contact us here 9926737767
chia seeds 100 days crop with great returns .
easy to manage less water oriented .
overseas demand good rates .
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Payment Terms : D/P
Delivery Time : 3 days
Maati tatva agro Plant is Early, Vigorous & Productive. Plants begin to bear fruit at 60-80cm height and have over 30 fruits per plant in each fruit-setting season. Fruits are.
FRESHSEEDS Red Lady 786 Papaya Taiwan SeedsF1 HybridSeed(100Seeds)Seed(100 per packet)
Red LadyAlternative - Red Nemesis Red fleshed fruit averaging 1.5 to 2.0 kg. Good sweetness. Sets fruit at average 70 cm above soil. Tolerant toPapaya.
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Packaging Details : Hybrid 99% Purity TAIWAN RED LADY 786 PAPAYA SEEDS, Packaging Type: Packet, Packaging Size: 10 Gram Packing at Rs 2150/packet
Delivery Time : 7 days
Two decades have passed sinceIndianfarmers first got interested instevia. The input costs are still high because the cropcanonly multiply through costly methods like stem cutting or tissue culture. AgenciesSteviais sometimes referred to as meethi tulsi byIndiancultivators.
Currently, contract farmingrequires registration with the APMC in a few states. This means that contractual agreements are recorded with the APMCs, which can also resolve disputes arising out of these contracts. Furthermore, market fees and levies are paid to the APMC to undertakecontract farming.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Gunny Bag
Delivery Time : 15 Days
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 15 Days
Theashwagandhaplant is a small shrub with yellow flowers that's native to India and North Africa. Extracts or powder from the plant's root or leaves areusedto treat a variety of conditions.
Decoction and Tea: Boil one teaspoon ofdried rootin 1 cup of water, then bring to a simmer for 20 to 45 minutes. Tincture: Tincture thedried rootsand take 1/4 teaspoon, three times a day.Ghee and Honey: The powderedrootcan be mixed with ghee or honey.ToDry:
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Packaging Details : pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
one days training program on cultivation of medicinal & aromatic plants (stevia, moringa, safed musali, aloevera, kali haldi, shatavari, chia, lemongrass, gudmar, kalmegh, giloy, lemongrass, palmarosa etc)
1) buyback agreement/ contract farming for all crops.
2) quality planting material & organic fertilizer
3) in depth information related to 12-15 different medicinalplant from land preparation to harvesting
4) expense- income for all crops
5) government subsidies for medicinal plant cultivation
6) organic certification process and guidance
7) other important aspects related to cultivation.
8) other query/ feedback/ discussion
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Packaging Details : NA
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
ashwagandhais a small evergreen shrub. it grows in india, the middle east, and parts of africa. the root and berry are used to make medicine.ashwagandhais commonly used for stress. it is also used as an "adaptogen" for many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these otheruses.
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (family Amaryllidaceae) is anendangered rasayana herbwhich is popularly known as "Kali Musli". The plant is native to India, and holds a special position as a potent adaptogen and aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic system of medicine.
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Packaging Details : Availabel in 5 kg, 10 kg, 30 kg, 50 kg packing
Delivery Time : 2-3 days
agribee sunflower hybrid seeds 2 kg packet
In Indian cuisine, dal are dried, split pulses that do not require soaking before cooking. India is the largest producer of pulses in the world. The term is also used for various soups prepared from these pulses
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Packaging Details : PP bag
Delivery Time : 7 days
Kalmeghis a plant which is also known as Green Chiretta and the King of Bitters. It is used for various medicinal purposes and is bitter in taste. It is mainly used for liver problems as it protects the liver against damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
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Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Adulsahas antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and blood purifying qualities. Useful in stopping abnormal bleeding due to vitiation of pitta, through the mouth, nose, genitals, or the urinary systems. Useful in treating respiratory and digestive problems.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Papayatrees should be watered regularly, particularly during hot, dryperiods. . with soil in whichpapayahas never been grown - by the time therootsextend.
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
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Packaging Details : Packat Of 1Kg.
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Todrythe stalks or leaves, cut them into pieces while the plant is still fresh, as they can become crumbly and difficult to cut whendry. .Dried lemongrasscan be used for up to a year.
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Delivery Time : 7 Day's
herboleaf organicarjun chaalterminaliaarjuna dry arjunaherb works as a heart tonic that helps maintain heart health. .arjunasupports the blood's absorption of lipids indicating it has cholesterol-regulating propertiesarjunaherb helps to reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
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Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Hibiscusor Gudhal, commonly known as China rose is an attractive redflower. External application ofHibiscus powderor theflowerpaste with coconut oil on the scalp helps in promoting hair growth and prevents greying of hair.
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Maati tatva agro It is a rich source of vitamin A.Desi papaya seedsgermination will take place in 6-8 days. Buy Organic Papaya Seeds online at Sams Garden Store. Check our.
Specifications ofPapaya seeds; Sunlight. Grow best in full sun. Papayas love the heat and sunlight. ; Water. Lot of water required- above average ; Temperature.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : Natural 99% Purity Desi Papaya Seeds, Packaging Type: Bag, Packaging Size: kg ; Delivery Time, 3 Working Days ; Production Capacity, 10000 Kg.
Delivery Time : 7 days