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Medicinal Herbs. Achillea millefolium 'Proa', Organic. Yarrow, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland. Achillea millefolium 'Yarrow' Wildflower of Britain and Ireland. Agastache foeniculum. Agastache foeniculum, Organic. Agastache hybrida, 'Globetrotter' Agastache rugosa alba, 'Liquorice White' Agastache rugosa, 'Liquorice ... medicinal seeds.DiseaseMore..
AKARKARA SEED:-Akarkara is an Indian Medicinal plant used in ayurvedic that enhance male vitality and virility in addition to being a brain tonic. . It is a great antioxidant which gives strength to the body.
USES/BENEFITS: Increases the production of testosterone, enhances fertility, increases spermatozoa and improves libido in male, stimulates desire and increases blood supply to genitals.
CULTIVATION: Land should be well irrigated before planting, sowing of Akarkara Plant is done in the month of August and plant grows well in well drained black or sandy loam soil with pH 6.0-7.5.Akarkara root mature in the month of Feb-March and produces about 500kg dry roots in 1 acre field.
MARKETING: The demand of Akarkara is high in market because it high benefits and uses particularly for men. What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
For more information please you can. contact us here 9926737767
in indian system ofmedicinekalmegh is widely used as a stomachic, tonic, antipyretic, anti-fertility, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immuno-stimulatory andanti-oxidant agent. Androgropholide is the major active principle present in the plant attributing therapeutic activity.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
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Packaging Details : PP bag, Gunny Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
plant the seeds to inches deep and keep moist and in a warm area of between 65-70 degrees f. (18-21 c.). When the growingcauliflowerseeds are ready to transplant, be sure to harden them off before setting them into the garden. Space plants 18-24 inches apart to give them plenty of room for their large leaves.
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Packaging Details : Packet
Delivery Time : 10 Days
The nutrients insesame seedsare better absorbed if they are pulverized, buteatingthem whole is by no means unhealthy. . Addraw sesame seedsto any side dish to add crunch and flavor.
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Packaging Details : PP BAg
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Neemoil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits andseedsof theneem(Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and has been introduced to many other areas in the tropics. .Neemoil is also known as Veppennai.
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Packaging Details : pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
In our extensive product range, we are highly engaged in offering a quality-approved range of Ashwagandha seed. Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera is one of the most powerful gifts of nature and Ayurveda to humanity. Talk about Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety, leucoderma, depression, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, immunity, muscle strength, bodybuilding, antioxidants, sexual stimulant.
the rhizomes of the plant are used in the ayurvedic system of medicine as a bitter tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, and to treat hysteria, convulsions, and epilepsy. The root has been medically used to treat insomnia and blood, circulatory, and mental disorders
jatamansi(nardostachysjatamansi):jatamansiis a small shrub whose rhizomes may speedhairgrowth. It's been shown to increasehairgrowth in alopecia caused by chemotherapy.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Loose
Delivery Time : 10 days
pongamia oil is derived from theseedsof the millettia pinnata tree, which is native to tropical and temperate asia. . Other names for this oil include honge oil, kanuga oil, karanjaoil, and pungai oil
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Packaging Details : PP bag, Loose
Delivery Time : 10 days
rhizomes sprout (buds appear) from the march 1st week. When rhizomes sprout, then only they can be put into the soil to make plants. These plants can be prepared in pots too. Water them regularly. . Attention should be given so that the soil remains wet only.
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Packaging Details : Jute Bag, PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Good news!Gingerisn'tgrown from seeds, but rather from a piece of the rhizome or tuber -- exactly the part of the plant you buy at the store! To start yourgingerplant, simply select a plump, firm piece ofginger, soak it overnight in water, and then bury it in a big pot with good quality potting soil.
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Packaging Details : jute bag, pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 days
KALMEGH SEED:-It is an annual herb of Acanthaceae family Kalmegh is commonly known as King of bitter or Chireta in English. It has been used to treat infection and some diseases. Mostly, the leaves and the roots are used in Pharmaceutical products as well in Ayurveda.
Uses: Treat heart diseases, kidney, liver & heart problem, jaundice, diabetics, malaria, digestive problem, allergic problem, wounds, skin disease, sinusitis, anti-bacterial, astringent, painkiller, worm treatment, Anti-inflammatory, Immunostimulant.
Cultivation: It suited on wide range of soil from moderately fertile sandy loam to lateritic soil. Seed and vegetative propagation methods can be used for cultivation of Ka-lmegh but it is preferably use by seed for commercial cultivation. The active Andrographolide is present in every parts of the plant therefore the entire plant is harvested, dried and powered for used.
Marketing: Kalmegh market demand is raising in pharmaceuticals, herbal medicines, cosmetics industries
What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 7 days
seedssowing now simple and easy with creative farmer mix agro peat or manure with soil (30:70), this will help in germination ofseeds. . After preparing the soil, insert theseedsinto the prepared to half (0.5) inch of depth.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 days
Though sandy soils are best forAkarkara cultivationbut it can be grown on variety of . such as North Africa, Mediterranean Europe, Arabian countries and NorthIndia. . Along with selling roots , you can sellseedsas well.
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Payment Terms : L/C,
Packaging Details : pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Plant severallemon seedsabout inch (1 cm.) deep to increase the chance forlemon seedpropagation. Moisten the soil lightly and cover the top of the pot with plastic wrap to aid in water retention. . Keep your growinglemontreeseedsin an area that is around 70 degrees
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Packaging Details : pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
We are specialist in making availableAkarkara Plants(Anacyclus pyrethrum) in a . IndianAkarkaraFlowers; IndianAkarkaraDry Roots;Irani Akarkara Seeds.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
turmericis the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used in india for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. . Curcumin is the main active ingredient inturmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant
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Packaging Details : PP bag,
Delivery Time : 10 days
Turmericis the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. . Curcumin is the main active ingredient inturmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Jute Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
The lemon, Citrus limon, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily North eastern India. Its fruits are round in shape.
Lemon tree fruiting occurs atthree to five yearsold, depending upon the rootstock. Blossom drop is one of the key growing lemon tree problems. Many of the newly forming fruits fall off well before they can begin to grow.
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Packaging Details : Poly bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
MORINGA DRUMSTICK SEED:-Moringa Drumstick is a vegetable plant grown for its edible tender pods, leaves and flowers that are rich in nutrient.Moringa tree can reach up to a height of about 8-10 feet.
Uses: Good for pregnant women, lower blood pressure, moderate blood sugar level.
Cultivation: Moringa/drumstick plant grows best in well-drained sandy or loamy soil the plants can be transplanted after 35-40 days of sowing in the polybags.Harvesting is done after 8-9 months. Approximately it yields 10 Kg/plant of fresh drumstick. Moringa is increasingly popular on the European market for food supplements. India is currently the main global supplier and the market value to grow annually
What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
For more information please you can. contact us here 9926737767
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Therapeutic use:-The root of the Hemidesmus plant is demulcent, alterative, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, anti-pyretic, and blood purifier.It is used in leprosy, skin diseases, fever, asthma, bronchitis, syphilis, pruritus and other urinary diseases, chronic rheumatism, and leucorrhoea.
Morphological characteristics:-Anantmool is a perennial, slender, twining undershrub with woody and fragrant rootstock.Stems are numerous, slender, wiry, and laticiferous.Leaves are simple, opposite, variable, elliptic–oblong to linear–lanceolate, variegated, and white above and silvery-white pubescent beneath.Floral characteristics:-Flowers are greenish purple, crowded in axillary cymes in small compact clusters.Fruits (follicles) are paired, cylindrical, pointed, and slender. Seeds are oblong in shape.Flowering is usually sparse and occurs in October, while fruits mature in January.
Distribution:-The species is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of India, especially in upper Gangetic plains, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, and South India.It generally occurs on sub-ravine slopes, twining on shrubs and trees.
Climate and soil:-The plant is found throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of India.Loam to silt-clay loam soils with appropriate humus are suitable for its cultivation.The soil should be slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.5–8.5.
Propagation material:-The plant can best be propagated from stem and rootstock cuttings obtained from more than one-year-old plants.Rootstock cuttings have better sprouting and survival rates than stem cuttings.Agro-technique:-Nursery technique:-Raising propagules : Planting stock is raised in nursery through stem and root cuttings. The cuttings are planted in polythene bags or styrofoam trays between July and September. The cuttings establish or initiate roots in 30–45 days. The cuttings may be treated with commercially available root-promoting hormones before being planted in the nursery. Nursery can also be raised in shade net house in early summer under humid conditions.
Propagule rate and pretreatment : About 28 000 rooted cuttings are required for planting in 1 hectare of land. No specific treatment other than dipping in rooting hormones is required.Planting in the field:-
Land preparation and fertilizer application : The field is ploughed and harrowed, and levelled properly. Pits of size 30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm are dug at a spacing of 60 cm × 60 cm in the prepared field. A basal dose of about 1–2 kg of FYM (farmyard manure) is mixed with soil and sand in equal quantities for filling in the pits.
Transplanting and optimum spacing : Rooted plantlets can be transplanted in the field at three- to five-leaved stage in August and September under rain-fed conditions. The propagules are planted in 30 cm3 pits with a spacing of 60 cm × 60 cm for better harvest.
Intercropping system : Since Sveta Sariva is a twiner and needs support for growth, it can be intercropped with trees in orchards/plantations where it may get staking support.
Interculture and maintenance practices : Only organic manure @ 1–2 kg/ plant is recommended to be mixed with the soil at the time of field preparation. As many as three to four weedings are recommended for the crop. The interval between subsequent weeding and hoeing may be 30–45 days. Common weedicides based on glyphosate may be used at the time of land preparation.
Irrigation practices : The crop may be irrigated at the time of transplanting. Two subsequent irrigations are required during establishment stage, 15 and 45 days after transplanting. The crop grows as a rain-fed crop under humid tropical conditions, thus not much irrigation is required.
Disease and pest control : No serious damage by diseases and insect pests has been observed in the crop.
Harvest management
What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
For more information please you can. contact us here 9926737767
Black mustardoil isused forthe common cold, painful joints and muscles (rheumatism), and arthritis.Black mustard seedisused forcausing vomiting, relieving water retention (edema) by increasing urine production, and increasing appetite. Some people make a paste by mixing groundblack mustard seedwith warm water.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
A perennial herb that is grown and widely used in Ayurvedic and other traditional medical treatments to cleanse the respiratory tract, promote healthy digestion and relieve gas. It grows up to 40-60cm in height with round oval shaped leaves (2-4cm long). The flowers are present in compact clusters having purple to reddish colour and produces tiny rust – coloured fruit.
In India, it is considered to be the most sacred of all the herbs and is found in almost every household. The plant is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes and for its essential oil.
Soil &climate:
Land preparation:The land should be ploughed 2-3times to bring the soil to a fine tilth. For better yield add around 15 tonnes of FYM before sowing and set up proper drainage to avoid waterlogged conditions.
Harvesting & yield:
Marketing:The global market for basil demand is wide spread across the globe for its Ayurvedic purposes. Due to its high and effective medicinal properties; the demand of Tulsi in the market is growing rapidly.
What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, We will try to give our best service to you and If you have an issue with you can come to us with your issue, we'll help you to resolve your issue. Because we believe happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
For more information please you can. contact us here 9926737767
steviais not as easy togrowas most culinary herbs, but it has been successfullygrownin climates ranging from southern canada to the american south.steviais hardy in plant hardiness zones 11 and up, anddoes bestin semi-humid locations with acidic, well-draining soil.
sowstevia seedsindoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost in spring. sowseeds inches deep inseed-starting formula. sow double or triple the amount ofseedyou usuallywouldfor other plants as thegerminationrate can be lower than for otherseedvarieties. seedlings emerge in 14-21 days.
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Packaging Details : PP bag
Delivery Time : 7 days
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, gunny bag
Payment terms
Delivery Time : 10days
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days