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Herbs List. AMALAKI (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY) Qualities: Detoxification agent, antioxidant, rejuvenative, fights free radicals. HARITAKI (CHEBULIC MYROBALAN) BIBHITAKI (BELERIC) HALDI (TURMERIC) TULSI (HOLY BASIL) SHIGRU (MORINGA OR DRUMSTICK TREE) TWAK (CINNAMON) YASHTIMADHU (LICORICE ROOT) Herbal powdersare unique formulations and may be available asMore..
lemon grasspowderis actually a seasoning produced from dried out fragrant lemon grass. Also referred to as cymbopogon citratum, it really is traditionally used in sri lankan, thai, indian, malaysian as well as indonesian cooking.
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Packaging Details : PP bag
5 kg, 25kg, 50 kg
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Aritha Powder, also known as SoapnutPowder, comes from the fruit of the Soapnut tree. The pulp of the fruit contains a high level of saponins that act as natural foaming agents. Thispowdercan be used to wash delicate fabrics as well as to wash sensitive skin and hair.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
MesmaraOrangePeelPowderis 100% pure and natural and is extracted from driedorangepeels. Considered as a boon for face and skin care, orangepeelpowderhelps to treat blackheads, dead cells, acne, pores, blemishes, dark circles, dry skin and brightens your face.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : PP BAG 5kg, 25kg, 50kg
Delivery Time : 10 days
bharangiis an ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits. Buy ayurvedic herbs & products on trustherb.com. No artifical, synthetic chemicals.
what isbharangi powder? bharangi is a one of the common herbs used in ayurveda.the scientific name of this plant is - clerodendrum serratum.
bharangi powderby trust herb is used in common cold, cough, allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis and other chronic respiratory problems. It is. Buy at seniority.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Loose
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Curry leavescan be used for treating an upset stomach. You can grind driedcurry leavesand add it to buttermilk. Drink it on any empty stomach for dealing with conditions such diarrhea, constipation and dysentery. Raw and tendercurry leavescan also be eaten on an empty stomach.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Gunny bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
jatamansiis a natural brain nervine tonic and a memory enhancer, which has calming, peacefulness and relaxation features. It is an endangered ayurvedic medical herb had been used since the ancient times for many medicinal purposes. In the market, it is available in the form of root, oil andpowder.
the best way to extract the goodness of the herb forhair growthis by infusing it in oil. Leave it in coconut or sesame oil overnight andusethe infused oil on yourhairroots and shaft the next day. Essential oil of spikenard is equally good and can be added to yourhairoil
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : PP bag, Gunny Bag, Loose
Delivery Time : 10Days
product description. We are the premier supplier of qualitative naturalwhite sandalwood powderenabled in skin remedy.it prevents skin burn, acne pimples, skin soothingchandan powderantiseptic astringent anti inflammatory disinfectant sandal woodpowdertreats skin allergies and rashes problem.
white sandalwoodisusedfor treating the common cold, cough, bronchitis, fever, and sore mouth and throat. It is alsousedto treat urinary tract infections (utis), liver disease, gallbladder problems, heatstroke, gonorrhea, headache, and conditions of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease).
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Packaging Details : PP Bag,
Delivery Time : 10 Days
boil a portion of gokshurapowderalong with raw purified potassium carbonate or dashamoolarishtam. Mix this tonic with water ortakeit raw by adding some honey or as directed by your doctor.takeit regularly early in the morning to alleviate various urinary anomalies
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Packaging Details : PP Bag, Loose
Delivery Time : 10 days
ratanjotis the original natural food coloring that gives the famous kashmiri dish rogan josh its signature red color. . the famous ayurveda oil brands useratanjot powderto change the color of their oil to red. it releases red color when diluted with hot oil.
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Packaging Details : pp bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
sennais an herb. Theleavesand the fruit of theplantare used to make medicine.sennais an fda-approved over-the-counter (otc) laxative. A prescription is not required to purchasesenna. It is used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy.
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Packaging Details : PP BAG, GUNNY BAG
Delivery Time : 10 Days
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : pp bag,
Delivery Time : 10 Days
indigo powderis a naturaldyewhich is very famous now days for coloring hair black. Many people know it as black henna, but it gives a bluedye. When used with natural hennapowderit gives a dark brown to shiny black color. . In botanical language it is known as indogofera tinctoria.
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Packaging Details : PP bag,
Delivery Time : 10 Days
it also improves blood circulation and helps to cure issues like rashes, acne, psoriasis, blood boils and even hinders the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Helps in weight loss: eating or drinking the juice ofkarelastimulates the liver to secrete bile acids that are essential for metabolising fat in the body.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Giloyhelps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that causes diseases and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections. Giloyis used by experts in treating heart related conditions, and is also found useful in treating infertility.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : PP Bag, 5kg, 25kg, 50kg
RTGS/NEFT , online
Delivery Time : 10 days
finepowderofmultani mitti(fuller's earth) it has a natural earthy aroma. Natural source of magnesium chloride which reduces acne and blemishes, absorb excess oil, natural cleanser for hair and skin.
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Packaging Details : pp bag,
Delivery Time : 10 Days
lemon powderis made from the peel of alemonand can beused inplace of zest or extract. It is an easy and inexpensive way to makeuse ofdiscardedlemonpeels.lemon powdercan be mixed with sugar to makelemonsugar, with pepper to makelemonpepper orused toflavor tea, cookies or scones.
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Packaging Details : PP Bag,
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Multani mittiis widely known for its use in beauty and skin care remedies. Primarilymultani mittiface packs to reduce oiliness and lend a.
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Packaging Details : Loose, jute bag
Delivery Time : 10 Days
Amla powderis made from the ground-up leaves of the Indian gooseberry. It's been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat everything from diarrhea to jaundice. people to chalk it up as the next big thing in beauty
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
It is a traditional herbal blend formulated from the dried deseeded fruits of Terminalia belerica. It is extremely useful for treating respiratory infections, recurrent fever, constipation, ulcer, hemorrhoids, etc
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
Made out of 100% purehennaleaves which are ground to perfection! Moisturizes, Nourishes and Provides special care to your hair. No PPD No Chemical No Ammonia. Can be used for Hair
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's
neemleaf is rich in antioxidants and helps to boost the immune response in gum and tissues of the mouth. neemoffers agoodremedy for curing mouth ulcers, toothdecay and acts as a pain reliever in toothache problems.
neemleafpowderpurifies the blood, battles free radical damage, flushes out toxins, treats insect bites and cures ulcers. furthermore, the powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties ofneemleafpowderfacilitates in treating worm infestation, burns, skin disorders and triggers the immune system.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : PP bag
Delivery Time : 10 days
Methiis a staple spice found in most Indian households. This multi-purpose herb though well known for adding a distinct flavour in various dishes and cuisines has innumerable healthbenefits.
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Packaging Details : PP Packaging
Delivery Time : 7 Day's