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2 Products availableGreen Chilli
1 Products availableBamboo And Bamboo Products
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1 Products availableFresh, Dried & Preserved Vegetables
1 Products availableDussehri mangoes aresmall to medium-sized fruits, averaging 9 to 15 centimeters in length, and have an elongated, straight oval shape with blunt, curved ends. The skin is semi-thick, smooth, leathery, and subtly waxy, ranging in color from light green to yellow-green, transforming into a golden yellow hue when ripe.
Bamboo poles are a versatile and sustainable alternative to wood for construction, landscaping, and creative projects. Bamboo is a type of grass that is strong, grows quickly, and is recyclable. It is also three times stronger than timber and has a higher tensile strength
Green chillies arehollow, and the pith and seeds are the hottest part. Green chillies have a different flavour to other coloured chillies. Chilli heat is related to capsaicin content and measured in Scoville units.