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Oil And Lubricants
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are emulsified bitumen, 60/70 Bitumen, Polymer Modified Bitumen, Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen and Bitumen.
is :8887 :2004 (isi marked)itcc bitumen emulsion is available as anionic, cationic and ionic types.usually, it is the type of aggregate and climate that defines what type of bitumen emulsion should be used. Cationic emulsion represents more than 95% of the world consumption today.
the technology for the emulsion chemistry and type of application equipment make it the most logical class of emulsion to use, especially in case of tropical countries and countries with extreme climatic conditions.
the application advantages of cationic bitumen emulsion depend on coalescence of the bitumen droplets when they contact aggregate or road surfaces. Such coalescence is called breaking. Emulsions are broadly classified according to the speed with which they break when contacted with aggregate.
rapid setting emulsion (rs:break is rapid even with coarse aggregate of relatively low surface area.rapid setting emulsion is further sub divided into rs-1 and rs-2 types.
medium setting emulsion (msbreak is sufficiently slow that the emulsion can be mixed with coarse aggregate containing a high proportion of fine material.
this invention relates to the process for the preparation of a polymer and rubber based modified binder which is useful for the construction of roads catering to heavy traffic and also for the formation of airfields and surfacings, besides its use as binder for stress absorbing membrane (sam) and stress absorbing membrane interlayer (sami) for sealing of cracks, preventive maintenance of flexible pavement and delaying reflective cracking. Modified bitumen performs better than ordinary bitumen in high rain fall area and in situation where the aggregates are prone to stripping.
advantages:ITCC CRMB is a blend of selected grades of bitumen and crumb rubber modifier.The modifier restores the required visco-elastic balance of the Bitumen binder, which improves binder resistance to any form of permanent deformation while maintaining high resistance to fatigue, thermal and low temperature cracking.Using Itcc CRMB, the maintenance free life of pavement will increase one and half to two times as compared to roads built using unmodified neat bitumen binders. ITCC CRMB has good adhesion to different types of aggregates which therefore reduce rutting, cracking, deformations, etc.ITCC CRMB meets the performance- based specification of IRC:SP 53-2002.