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Flash Dryer is used in case when material has little moisture. Cyclone Dryer is a pneumatic system primarily used to dry different raw material but the size should be adequate to get sucked by ID fans. It reduces moisture up to 25%. It consists of conveying equipments used to Drift Raw Material from feed end more...
The sawdust dryer is specially designed for drying the biomass materials , such as wood sawdust, small wood chips, rice hull, sunflower husk, peanut shells, etc. more...
SPIN FLASH DRYING SYSTEMS : The SFD is a continuous bulk drying system which helps in energy savings, low labour deployment, uniform quality products, low space requirement and minimal dusting due to negative pressures in the system during drying. The design of the Spin Flash Drying System depends upon produc more...
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Flash Dryer is used to reduce moisture content from 25 % to 10 % which is suitable for briquetting. With the help of furnace, heat is henerated for drying the material. By screw conveyor, raw material is transported in to pneumatic conveyline in the presence of the hot air. Dried material is collected by cycl more...
In Agitated Swirl Flash Dryers , the wet feed is fed into the dryer housing by suitable feeding mechanism above the rotating swirl agitator. The hot air / gas stream is also admitted in the drying duct through specially designed distributor, admitting the air in swirling fashion. The material remains in agita more...