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Innovative series IG1100/1200 strain gauges have a unique integral magnet design which incorporates a miniature magnet coil assembly positioned inside a stainless steel tube of diameter 15mm. The same tube has a high tensile strength, heat-treated and tempered steel wire stretched between two end blocks. The more...
Strain gauge, straingauges are used to moniter strains in soil, concrete or on steel structures. straingauges can mesure both compresive and tensile strains. Monitoring strains in dams and embankments during and after construction Mesurement of in steels structres supporting tunnels and underground cavities. more...
Systel Series 1000 model Strain Gage is designed to measure the changes in strain in and on structural members associated with many types of structure. Concrete Dams Buildings over tunnelling works Deep Excavations Retaining Walls Bridges Pile caps Suitable for portable readout equipment or automatic data acq more...
Systel Instrumentation Services Private..
Shaheed Path, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
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Simple & cost-effective for direct indication of liquid levels in bulk storage tanks under low pressure & temperature. As the liquid level rises, a large dia float moves up with the change in liquid level in the tank. The float is attached to a multi strand wire rope, which passes through 2 nos. frict more...
Every company wants the product which applies perfectly and accurately for the specific purposes. Our Gear Tooth Gauges are commendable in nature with accurate measuring. It never leaves any loop-hole. Being a Supplier, Exporter and Importer, we know our customer need and provide custom built gear boxes in ac more...
Level and Flow Control Engineers Manufacturing, Exporting IBR Certified Boiler Drum Level Gauges ln various types-models like : Reflex, Transparent, ColourPort, Tubular types . Reflex is for medium pressure and medium Temp. Transparent is for High Temp. Colourport is for very ver more...