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Surveillance Equipment
2 Products availableSecurity Alarms & Devices
1 Products availableFire Alarm System
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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of PROXOMITY DOOR ACCESS STSTEM
Fire alarm systems have been specially designed to alert people about fire at theearliest. From single to multi zone i.e. in a building (single) or in different floors of the building (multi-zone). These can also be installed in drawing rooms, bed rooms etc.There are basically three types of fire alarm systems, the functional advantage being that the source of fire is immediately detected and isolated which enables immediate corrective action.
STANDARD FIRE ALARM SYSTEMThese are designed to meet the fire requirements in the buildings, with LCD Display in conventional panel as a latest Technology.
ANALOGUE FIRE ALARM SYSTEMThese are also microprocessor based systems which work on the principle of extended loops and are suitable for large premises. The system gives LED indications in the control panel thereby isolating the source of fire.
These systems give LCD displays which show the exact location of all the detectors room-wise (for example computer room, drawing room etc.) from where fire has started.
lonisation smoke detectors:These help in the fast detection of both visible and invisible smoke particles in the range of 0.01 mm to 1 mm.
Optical smoke detectors:It provides early warning of a fire condition and is particularly effective in case of slow burning fires such as bedding, foam and plastics. This micro-processor system is suitable for small & medium size premises as it enables to isolate the source of fire, immediately.
Heat detectors may be "fixed temperature type (which respond to temperature) or the "rate of rise" type (which respond to sudden increase of heat).
These instruments are used to find the level of fire or smoke in a particular area. They can cover greater area and are suitable for high ceilings such as conference, cinema halls etc.
The often repeated adage that "prevention is better than cure", holds true in all aspects of our day-to-day. We will be courting danger if we do not adhere to it. LKSS offers the following products.
This system with the help of a controlling device restricts the entry of people into
CCTV SURVELILLANCE SYSTEMTo make your presence felt at all times in your organization and to monitor the activities of various application detectors/sensors. The system comprises of a control panel (the heart and brain of the system which processes the signals of intrusions and fire), a communicator ( a mechanism which on receiving signal from the control panel dials out a pre-recorded message to four pre-defined telephone numbers), application sensors(for detecting various intrusions) and electronic siren.
REMOTE GATE OPERATORSThe Automatic Gate and shutter operator gives you the perfect gate management that you want. This works on remote as well as by switch control. This machinery can be installed at your existing gate of shutter roller. The system as a whole can be integrated to Access Control System.
GUARD TOUR SYSTEMThis system assists an organization to monitor the movement of mobile patrol to various predetermined locations. To check your guard's alertness Guard Tour offers you the perfect guard vigilance system.
AUDIO/VIDEO DOOR PHONEA two way communication system that helps in identification of the visitor and allows limited access by way of remote electronic lick release mechanism. A video door phone also enables the user to see the picture of the visitor
METAL DETECTORSBody scanning for firearms of other ferrous/nonferrous metal is achieved either by a hand held ultra sensitive metal detector or a door frame metal detectors. Industrial purpose metal detectors can also be designed for any specific requirement.
FIRE ALARM SYSTEMDeals in the detection systems (Intelligent Analog addressable and conventional type) in domestic / industrial establishment, Hospitals, Airports, Hotels and corporate offices, with an optional facility of Auto dialer to dial telephone numbers case of fire with a pre recorded message.