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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Analog Test Shield IC BOARD, Motor Control Shield IC Board, STM Development Board, Project Boards and EVB BAT BOX.
Analog Test Shield is an Arduino expansion board, supports analog input/output.
FeaturesMotor Control Shield is capable of driving 4 DC motors or 2 stepping motors at one time.
FeaturesNote : when in operation, it's normal that the onboard motor drivers and regulators generate lots of heat.
STM32 development board designed for STM32F429I, features the STM32F429IGT6 MCU, and integrates various standard interfaces, pretty easy for peripheral expansions.
Open429I-C is an STM32 development board designed for theSTM32F429IGT6microcontroller, consists of the mother board and the MCU core boardCore429I.
The Open429I-C supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32 series microcontrollers.
LGS PR51 is Project Development board for students & professional, ready to use
Package Contains:
ESP8266-EVB-BAT is an evaluation board for the highly-integrated WIFI SoC ESP8266EX. The board comes with a custom-cut box HAMMOND box. The board can be powered by Li-Po battery and comes with a battery charger. It is recommended for beginners with ESP8266.
ESP8266EX is very highly integrated SoC which includes Tensilica's L106 32-bit coreprocessor; SRAM; power management unit; RF front end. ESP8266EX has a number of interfaces - I2C, SPI, SDIO and also a number of free GPIO pins. The chip allows the implementation of a WIFI TCP-IP stack with just few extra components beside the ESP8266EX. It's a very popular IC that attracted a lot of attention upon its launch.
A board suitablefor resarch and development of espressif's ESP8266EX chip.The modulebe used forhome automation, smart plugs and lights, mesh networks, industrial wireless control, baby monitors, IP cameras, sensor networks, wearable electronics, etc.
Board features:
ESP8266-EVB-BAT features:
This is a standard 40pin, 2.54mm (0.1) FRC cable 20CM length for connecting any intefacing boards to development board
This 40 Pin GPIO cable cab be use for the Raspberry Pi Model- RPi 3 Model B, RPi 2 Model B , so you can easily connect it to the low-level peripherals.
Package Includes:
12V/2A SMPS Adaptor:
Input - 110-270VAC/0.8A 50-60Hz
Output: 12V/2A max
Normal Jack- DC05 2mm PJ connector
A development solution for NandFlash
OverviewTheNandFlash Board (A)is a development solution for NandFlash memory. It provides your application with extra 1G Bit (128M x 8 Bit) memory.
FeaturesK9F1G08U0E, control interface
Package Contains:
TheUART TO ETHmodule provides an easy way to communicate between UART and Ethernet, it can be configured via web page.
FeaturesARM Debugger is a debugger and programmer which supports the most popular ARM core MCUs including : ARM7/9/11, Cortex-M0/M3/M4, etc.
SpecificationsPasive electrodes for electrocardiography electromiography shields for duinomite, pinguino, maple, arduino like development boards
FEATURESThis is a passive electrode for a SHIELD-EKG-EMG shield which allows Arduino like boards to capture Electrocardiography Electromyography signals. The shield opens new possibilities to experiment withbio feedback. You can monitor your heartbeat and log your pulse, recognize gestures by monitoring and analyzing the muscle activity as done inthis project.
MMA7260is 3-axes accelerometer and measure the accelerations in X Y and Z axis with range +-1.5 g to 6 g.(software selectable sensitivity). Adding the ARM7 with USB interface and the serial flash memory open up possibilities to implement a lot of interesting projects with this small board. The original idea for this board was inspired by the movieMinority Reportwhere Tom Cruise instead of mouse used his hands to interface with the computers from the future. Searching the net for more info on this subject we found similar projecthere. It looks not bad but the acceleromaters used are 2 axis and the whole project was done too complex. Our goal was to make so small PCB which to be able to attach to your finger and with mini USB connector to be able to connect to any PC running Windows and to use it as 3d mouse i.e. moving your finger left - right-up-down to move your mouse cursor and if you move your finger toward the screen to make the mouse "click" action.
This of course doesn't limit the applications of this board other cool application to be made is for instance car performance logger: as we have the acceleration and have microcontroller which can measure the time we can easily compute the velocity V = A * t, then the distance S = V * t and as the accelerometer is 3-axis we can calculate at what distance in 3D space the object moves. If we know your car mass we can calculate the force applied F = m * A and from this we can calculate your real car power P = V * A, so having this little board inside your car and knowing your car mass you can have calculated in real time your car characteristics: Acceleration (0-100 kmh / 0-60mph), Braking distance, Horsepower, etc etc and remember these are the actual measurements on your car not catalogue data. Yet another application is to measure the vibrations and shock on objects, for instance put one such device with battery power supply inside your parcel before send it by FedEx and then the recipient dump the info logged - what time it took, what velocity parcel had, did they drop it on the floor (i.e. at what max shock it was exposed), what time it was actually moved and with what speed, how many time it stayed rest i.e. it didn't moved and you can evaluate the different couriers efficiency this way
HMC5883L is 3-Axis Digital Compass with 12-bit ADC that enables 1 to 2 compass heading accuracy.
HMC5883L usses I2C communication interface and can connect to any board with UEXT.
DuinoMite is a Maximite Compatible Basic computer, originally designed by Geoff Graham, with additional features and Arduino like layout. DuinoMite allow you to program in BASIC language and have VGA and Keyboard interface, so you can develop and write your code in Basic without need of any computer. You can store your code on the SD-CARD and to execute it on power up thorugh autoexec.bas main code.
Do not use the "programmer-to-go" button when there is no image on the OLIMEX PIC-KIT3 or MICROCHIP PIC-KIT3 because that might put your microcontroller in an irrecoverable state. We have tested the mentioned scenario and we can confirm that it destroys PIC32 chips (using both our and the original Microchip PICKIT3). We don't take responsibility if you break your chip that way. For more info check the following:www.microchip.com/forums/m635420.aspx.
This board allows you to develop easy Ethernet connectivity application. It have everything you normally would need for such activity: power relays which you can command through web interface. LCD display which will display messages you fill in web forms, analogue inputs for connection to sensors, digital opto isolated inputs, trimmer potentiometer, temperature sensor, Ethernet connector. With this board you can easy automate your home and then control and monitor it from any point in the world via Internet. The extension connector is available so you can connect your custom made hardware hassle free. The PIC18F97J60 have 128KB Flash programming memory and there is external 1Mbit (128KB) flash memory for data storage. The on board DC/DC converter make this board to be very tolerant to the external power supply which could be in 9-25V DC or 7-18V AC range, the bridge rectifier on the input allow AC and DC adapters to be used and makes power supply polarity problems go away.
MOD-IO is stackable development board which add analog and digital inputs and outputs to any of our development boards with UEXT. If you work with any of our development boards with UEXT connector and you need more digital and analog iniputs and outputs you can add these by connecting MOD-IO to your development board. This board allow easy interfacing to 4 relays, 4 optoisolated digitl inputs, 4 analog inputs. MOD-IO is stackable and addressable, what does this means? these boards can plug together so you can add as many as you want input and outputs! i.e. 8, 12 etc! MOD-IO have ATmega16 microcontroller and the firmware is available for modification.
We have evaluated about dozen of different GPS receivers before selectiong this one and we found this to be the most sensitive and with the least power consumption of all devices we tested (Mstar, Skytraq etc), we found that SIRF STAR III chipset allow satelite tracking even withing buildings and with the only 38mA power consumption this device beats all other we have tested.
MOD-VGA is based on the popular Gameduino design. The little changes we made were to add a PS2 keyboard, a UEXT connector which allows all of our boards with a UEXT to connect to MOD-VGA and audio output. Also, we made a version with 32MB of SDRAM which allows higher resolutions than the original Gameduino design.
FEATURESThe Best Brand in Protoboard !!Ideal for prototyping and lab work contact nickel has for durability
Ideal for prototyping and electronic laboratory work, it is the most used in digital and microcontrolled analog electronic classes thanks to its low cost and its work area that accommodates to a multitude of basic and intermediate projects
It has 640 points distributed in 64 columns and 10 rows, including protective metal plate of 0.4.
TheRS485 Board (3.3V)is an accessory board used for adding the RS485 transceiver to your application board.
TheRS485 Board (3.3V)features a SP3485 onboard, integrates pinheaders and connectors to support multiple communication interfaces. It is designed to use 3.3V power supply.
FeaturesSP3485, control interface, communication interfaces
ThePlatform Cable USBa USB compatible cable for in-circuit configuration and programming of all Xilinx devices. It is compatible with the original XILINXPlatform Cable USB.
Key FeaturesOpenEPM1270 is a CPLD development board that features the EPM1270 device onboard. It supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with ALTERA MAX II series CPLD devices.
Allows your boards that are typically powered by a 5V power source (Raspberry Pi, A20-OLinuXino-LIME, BeagleBone, etc) to get powered by an adapter that provides between6Vand16V DC.
Very convenient solution if you want to use your 5V boards in a car - the DCDC6-16-TO5will transform the 12V input to 5V/2A output.
The input connector is a standard power jack which can be paired with OlimexPWR-CABLE. The output connector is USB typeA host which you can establish hardware connection to your board via an USB-A mini cable.
NRF51822 Eval Kitis a development/evaluation kit designed for nRF51822, consists of the mother boardBLE400and the wireless moduleCore51822.
BLE400 FeaturesArduino is a massive ecosystem, if there's a way for the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface to adapt to Arduino pinouts, it is possible to use the Pi together with vast Arduino shields and hardware/software resources. The ARPI600 is just intended for this.
What's more, the ARPI600 also support XBee modules, make it easy to add wireless feature to your great project.
Supported Pi
ARPI600 Features
GSM/GPRS/GPS Shieldis an Arduino shield based on the Quad-band GSM/GPRS/GPS module SIM908.
A 7" LCD display with a resistive touch screen component, compatible with Olimex A10, A13, A10s, A20 Allwinner development boards with either 0.1" or 0.05" LCD connector. Suitable for Linux and Android video output.
FEATURESAVR-CAN is inexpensive way to learn AT90CAN128 microcontroller from Atmel. It's in very compact form 60x55mm and the presence of both CAN and RS232 allow the customer to make bridge between UART and CAN networks. All AVR pins are available on extension connectors and the board can be easy snap-on prototype or other mother board where additional circuits are built.
A low-cost and very compact Li-Po battery charger, based on Microchip MCP73833 with three status LEDs for displaying the battery status, works with batteries up to 5000 mAh.
MOD-RTC add real time clock feature to boards withUEXT connector. The time keeping accuracy is tuned to 2 seconds per day, more accurate tuning is possible by adjusting the internal PCF8536 registers.
Breadboard Jumper Wires Male To Male , Flexible Breadboard Cables
Package Contains:
Bundle of 65 wires of differnet sizes jumper wires
rechargable li-po battery 3.7v 1400mah with jst connector
this is a rechargeable li-po high discharge current battery with jst connector ready to plug to:olimexino-328, olimexino-stm32, pic32-pinguino, pic32-pinguino-otg, duinomite and duinomite-mega
the battery has overcharge and short circuit protection.
TMS320F28016 is known to be the world's lowest cost 32-bit Real Time Microcontroller (DSP) with build in CAN and cost only US $3.60 / 1000 pcs quantity. This is very good bargain for 32-bit core running at 60 Mhz, delivering 60 MMACS, 32KB Flash, 12 KB RAM, 8 channel PWM 6 of them with enhanced resolution of 150 ps(!), 2 x 8 channels 3.75 MPSP 12-bit ADCs, CAN, RS232, SPI, I2C.
OpenEP4CE10-Cis an FPGA development board that consists of the mother boardDVK600and the FPGA core boardCoreEP4CE10.
OpenEP4CE10-C supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with ALTERA Cyclone IV series FPGA devices. OpenEP4CE10-C enables you to start your design with the Nios II processor easily and quickly.
What's on the mother board:The length of the cable is 80 cm. The unit does not include gel pads/gel electrodes. They have to be purchased separately
The L3GD20 is a low-power three-axis angular rate sensor. It includes a sensing element and an IC interface capable of providing the measured angular rate to the external world through a digital interface. The board made by Olimex has I2C on the UEXT connector for easier connection with host boards.
This is the new Arduino Uno R3. In addition to all the features of the previous board, the Uno now uses an ATmega16U2 instead of the 8U2 found on the Uno (or the FTDI found on previous generations). This allows for faster transfer rates and more memory. No drivers needed for Linux or Mac (inf file for Windows is needed and included in the Arduino IDE), and the ability to have the Uno show up as a keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc.
The Uno R3 also adds SDA and SCL pins next to the AREF. In addition, there are two new pins placed near the RESET pin. One is the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. The other is a not connected and is reserved for future purposes. The Uno R3 works with all existing shields but can adapt to new shields which use these additional pins.
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements theProcessing/Wiringlanguage. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP). The open-source IDE can be downloaded for free (currently for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux).
Note:The Arduino Uno R3 requires theArduino 1.0drivers folder in order to install properly on some computers. We have tested and confirmed that the R3 can be programmed in older versions of the IDE. However, the first time using the R3 on a new computer, you will need to have Arduino 1.0 installed on that machine. If you are interested in reading more about the changes to the IDE, check out the officialArduino 1.0 Release notes!
Accessory Shield Overview
Accessory Shield integrates common used accessories/components listed as follows :