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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Vacuum Jar and DIN Standard Jasper with Probe Medical Gas Outlet Point
Nurse call system acts as an interface between patients and the hospital administration/nurses. The main unit is placed with the administrator and it subordinate ‘Corridor panels‘ placed outside which are used by the patients to call the nurse. Nurse Call system makes the patient administration efficient and greatly simplifies patient care.The patients can press the appropriate button when he requires assistance, which will then show on the corridor and main panels. It the nurse is near the room. she will see the corridor panel light and immediately assist the patient. Otherwise. the attendant at the main panel can acknowledge the call, which will light up the LED ‘waiting on the bed panel informing the patient his call has been acknowledgedlhe main panel displays the corridor wise and room wise segregation of panels.The usual problems associated with installing such systems are extensive and complicated wiring. The usage of single cable wiring in Nurse Eall System makes sure wiring is easy and not expensive.
The Compact Digital Alarm system shall be complete with a oneeyear warranty. Each module of the Compact Alarm shall he microprocessor based with individual microprocessors on each display and sensor boardihe sensors shall be capable of local lin box] or remote mounting. Each sensor and display unit shall be gas specic. with an error message display for an incorrect connection. Compact Alarm can accommodate up to U7 gases.
Each specific Area service for the Compact Alarm shall be provided with an LEI] digital read-out comprising of [U-1.724 kPa] for pressure and U-3U"-1 HgkPa] for vacuum. The digital read-out shall provide a constant indication of each service being measured. It will indicate a green "NORMAL" and a red "HIGH" or "LOW" alarm condition If an alarm occurs, the "RED" alarm light shall ash and the audible alarm will sound. Pushing the "ALARM MUTE" button will cancel the audible alarm. but the unit will remain in the alarm condition until the problem is rectied.
The default set point on the Compact Alarm shall be variation from normal condition. In the calibration mode the following parameters shall be eld adjustable; High/Low set-points, Imperial/Metric units, Repeat alarm Enable/Disable. Set points shall be adjustable by two on board push buttons.
Each Compact Alarm module shall be microprocessor based and be adjustable. A repeat alarm function shall, when enabled on the Compact Alarm, be capable of turning on the buzzer again [after a preset time] if the fault condition has not been rectied. The box shall be fabricated from i8 gauge [i.3 mrn] steelwith i/A" [M mm] .D. type "K"copper pipe for connection to the service line.The box mounting brackets shalt be adjustable to accommodate for diereut wall thickness. Input power to the alarm is; H5 VAC to Z20 VAC, 50 to so HZ. Complies with NFPA-99. All the gases inlets provide the NIST connections.
Switchover gas manifolds provide a standby gas supply from two equal banks of cylinders, with automatic changeover. The manifold is convenient through regulating gas cylinders pressure to provide uninterrupted gas. it provides a cost effective solution to trailing hoses around the operating room.
Power Column samples the organization of medical service equipment in one aesthetically appealing vertical headwall. It is a modular designed product to provide a clean. sanitary and ordered environment. Furthermore it can enhance the quality in care and medical environment. Due to its systematized design, a network provided for medical care service is applicable to the use of secondary instruments and assemblies.
The main structure consists of uorescent panel, aluminum component and side track. Also includes power lines and medical gas piping. Side tracks are installed at four at angles, and the length is equal to the column. All the assemblies required by medical care personnel can he easily and securely placed on the side track of this column. Applications in mid to acute level environment.
Master Alarm System is mainly used in the system for providing information and current status of multiple gas alarms and is capable of supporting various gas alarms of different gas categories. The main feature is for remote monitoring of various gas alarm installed in hospital's rooms with displayed color LEDs. The main benefits of this product are;
The manifolds manufactured by us are extendable & Non-extendable type with choice of size of cylinders bank for bulk 'D' typeiumbo cylinders. Manifold is suitable to withstand a working pressure of 140Kg/cm. Manifolds have high pressure copper annealed tail pipes with one end having Brass adaptor suitable for cylinders. Manifolds have Brass Non Rrelurn Valves lNRV] for individual cylinders [Cylinders to be provided by the client].
To maintain satirioally and the correct air pressure the room, all doors into and out should he of the sliding, hermetically sealing type. The doors should meet following specifications Meets international quality & safety requirements.
Design should meet HTM 2020/2021 standards. The doorframe should be made of high quality anodize aluminum and the door panlel shoulg he made of compact laminate that can withstand high abrasion. To ensure efficient sealing of the doors frames should br provided. They will consist of reinforced plasterboard panels faced with same laminate as the door should seal on all four edges in the closed position & should be surface installed type. The track of the door should be constructed with high quality door lock with aluminum extrusion, fixed firmly to the door in such a way they do not obstruct trolley movement through the door.
The storage unit can be made wilh 1.50 mm thick EGP Zinc coated steel panels. Stainless Steel panels, High pressure Laminate panels. The storage unit will he divided in Z equal parts and each part will have individual glass dudrs with high quality lacking system. Each part will he provide with glass racks.
Reusable Collection Bottle is used to collect liquids or mucus resulting from rnedical suction. Constructed of polycarbonate, it can be sterilized in autoclave countless times without losing quality even at i3-4° C for 15mins. it can withstand hard usage and provides trouble free service over a long time.
A Hatch of 600X600mm size will he provided in the Operation Theatre as specified in the scope of the work to remove waste materials from the Operation Theatre to Dirty linen Areajust adjacent to Operation Theatre. Each Hatch will he equipped with two doors and the door will he operated electronically. The Hatch will he designed in such a way that only one door will he opened at one time. The UV light will he so installed that it is kept on while both the doors are closed, this UV light has to be automatically turned oh‘ in case of opening of either of the doors. There will be indicators on both sides of the UT so that the door open/close status can be monitored from both ends.
The laminarflow system shall comprise of the thick extruded aluminum proles frame. The complete unit will have factory prepared fine sealing system along with proper test certificates. The plenum will be suppled at silt duty sealed in factory made packing. The Cornars of the plenum will be made of extruded aluminum sections which support the fire retardant FRP housings in such a manner that the air is passed only through the deep pleat HEPAfilter only. The laminar flow system will have SS perforated diffuser grill. Perfect tightness guaranteed by a seal between filters and holding structure enabling no by pass of HEPA Filters. Complete Filtration System will be factory assembled. tested and packed.
The absolute filters installed in the plenum will be suitable for applications for Laminarflow and clean rooms, these absolute filters will be deep pleat HEPA filters having extruded anodized aluminumbi mm deep frame, and filter will provide flow uniformity exceeding.
British Standard [BS] Medical Bas Outlets are xed to the gas source by safety nut preventing non-competent personnel to connect the outlet to the wrong gas source. The releasing rings are gas specific via color and different shapes and it is absolutely impossible to mix them. Geometrical and dimensional connector keying according to gas used safety. Non—return valve for no interruption in gas supply. Plastic foolpreofing design to prevent gas interchangeability during reassembly. Color coding for different gas source and only accepts British compatible adapters. It can be used on Ell, Compressed Air. Vacuum and NZU.
One operating list beard will he provided in each operating theater. It will be made of ceramic having Magnetic properties and will be flushed to the wall of the operating room. It can be any size as per requirement of.
The Puritan Bennett standard [PB] medical gas outlet shall be manufactured by us under the brand name SAPPHIRE. It is manufactured with a 6-i/2" [165 mm] length type "K" l/2"[i2.7mm] outlet diameter [3/H" nominal] size copper inlet pipe stub, which is silver brazed to the outlet body.The body shall be oil 5/i6"133mm] diameter, one piece brass construction. For positive pressure gas services, the outlet shall be equipped with a primary and secondary check valve and the secondary check valve shall be rated at maximum of ZUU psi [i, 379 kpa]. In the event the primary check valve is removed for maintenance, outlets hody shatt be gas specific by indexing each gas service to a gas specific dual pin indexing arrangement on the receptive identification modute.
FilterEach dryer iseouipped with a Pre-filter to protect desiccant frorn free water contamination, dust, scales, etc., and an after-filter to avoid desiccant dust carry over.
Pressure Gauge
ValvesCheck valves with wel I designed orifice for highly accurate purge flow
Life Care Products provides a range of X—ray viewing screens [any size] meet the electrical safety codes for high and low voltage system. The theatre is to be equipped with a Z plate X—ray viewing screen, incorporating high efficiency electronic ballasts, circuit to provide flicker free luminance for the film viewing purpose. It can he installed flushed with theatre wall for hygienic and easeof cleaning purpose or desktop model. The X-ray viewing screen is designed for the purpose of front access. life Care Products X-ray viewing screens provide high levels of luminous density from Milli] to 5400 cd/sqm. life Care Products range of X-ray viewing screens is ideally suited for general, surgical and dental using modern hospitals. The flush and wall mounted models are supplied with 2 meters of heat resistant cable, with plug. available in one, two, three, four, six and nine plate models. The glare free diffuser has spring loaded white clips to secure the X—ray.
Single Arm Motorized Medical Pendant is mainly used in the Uperating Rooms. Intensive Care Units. Emergency Rooms. etc, to supply Medical Gases. Electrical Power. Communicating Ports, and to load the medical equipments such as patient monitors, infusion pumps, surgical instruments, endosnopy equipments, etc.
Single Arm Motorized Medical Pendant is mainly used in the Uperating Rooms. Intensive Care Units. Emergency Rooms. etc, to supply Medical Gases. Electrical Power. Communicating Ports, and to load the medical equipments such as patient monitors, infusion pumps, surgical instruments, endosnopy equipments, etc.
Reversible sodalime canister fitted to cuntrul head by means of a central tube which is screwed into the head with a large plastic hand wheel.
Vacuum is one of the most versatile of power sources it can lift. hold. compact evacuate, move, dehydrate, agitate, actuate, form, rotate, filler, clean and simulate high altitude.
Producing a vacuum for modern Medical! Industrial requires a method of Air removal that is simple, dependable and economical to operate and maintain.
2-stages Continuous Model Vacuum Regulator is to measure and adjust the vacuum level within the context of medical suction. It is used to remove substances from the patient's body during surgical and other procedures. The vacuum regulator should be connected to a wall source of vacuum using a direct probe orthrough a rail mounting system‘ Applications include all medical and emergency applications.
It will be trolley mounted. The unit will include one regulator having gauge mounted on the stand. Having two reusable each Zllllllml plastic collection bottles mounted on base of trolley unit connected with regulator and low pressure tube inter connections. The base of the trolley is fitted on castorwheel arrangement to rnove the system from one place to another place easily.
Oxygen flow meter is a pressure compensated flow meter that delivers an accurate prescribed ow to patients from the gas source. [Jur oxygen flow meter provides an accuracy of 15% of full scale reading and is pressure compensated to ensure that the flow meter maintains its accuracy independent of varying gas supply pressures. It is suitable for most type of respiratory therapy.
We manufacture semi automatic gas control panels with manitoldsihese equipment are used for checking the gas level. Fitted with control panels, our product are known for their ability to yield accurate results.
The surgeon control panel should meet electrical safety codes for high & low voltage system, wired to the current I EE regulations. The surgeon's control panel should be designed to cope with changing technology Kr equipment In operating environments. Control panel will be user friendly & ease of operating & maintaining purpose. The panel should be "Membrane" type, configured room staff required. The fascia should be made superior quality UV resistance membrane with sterilization feature.
The Panel should contain 6 or 9 service tiles below:
It will be trolley mounted. The unit will include one regulator having gauge mounted on the stand. Having two reusable each Zllllllml plastic collection bottles mounted on base of trolley unit connected with regulator and low pressure tube inter connections. The base of the trolley is fitted on castorwheel arrangement to rnove the system from one place to another place easily.