Air Handling Unit (AHU) Air Handling Units (AHUs) also known as Air handlers are used to supply and circulate air around a building, or to extract stale air as part of a buildings Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Basically, an Air Handling Unit system includes a large insulated metal box that contains a fan, heating andor cooling elements, filters, sound attenuators and dampers. In most cases, the AHU is connected to air distribution ductwork; alternatively, the AHU can be open to the space it serves. Supply air passing through the AHU is filtered and is either heated or cooled, depending on specified duty and the ambient weather conditions. In some buildings, Air Handling Units are used only to supply fresh air for ventilation and extract stale air. For heating or cooling, AHUs may be connected to central plant such as boilers or chillers, receiving hot or chilled water for heat exchange with the incoming air. Alternatively, heating or cooling may be provided by electric heating elements or direct expansion refrigeration units built into the air handler. When AHU systems are used to extract stale air from the building, a controlled proportion of this air may be recirculated to avoid having to condition all supplied air. AHUs can also incorporate heat recovery mechanisms to extract heat from the air being expelled and use it to heat incoming supply air. Air Handling Units vary considerably in size, capacity and complexity, depending on the job they are designed to perform.