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1 Products availableLED Bulb
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are POPULAR ALKALINE and PREMIUM ALKALINE.
Power solution for high-power consuming device like Toys & MP3. Last upto 5 Time Longer in high drain devices than Heavy Duty Batteries. Often chosen for important usage applications like Fire Alarm, Door Lock etc.
Highly dependable battery for long usage in high drain devices. It's low recuperation time makes it ideal for power guzzler equipments like camera flash.
These high capacity battries are ideal for prolong use in low drain daily use appliances like walkman, wall clock, remort control etc
These high capacity battries are ideal for use in low drain daily use appliances like walkman, wall clock, remort control etc
With its Power full 3Watt Bright White LED light and large reflector make its ideal gear for outdoor and camping purpose.
LAVA LED Bulbs come with unmatched illuminationand its in-built constant current driver ensuresflicker free lighteven under conditions of voltage fluctuations. It can save 10 times of Energy consumptionand designed to last for 20, 000 hours and ensures long life of15 yearsif used at rate of 3.5 hours per day. With the option of yellow or pure white light LAVA LED bulbs are mercury or lead free product having power factor of 0.9 making it undoubtedlythe most environment friendly lighting product.