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Our Product / Services

  1. Surveillance Systems 4 Products / Services available
  2. GPS, Navigation & Tracking Devices

    2 Products available
  3. Photo Frames & Picture Frames

    1 Products available
  4. Business Management Consultants

    1 Products available
  5. Asset Management Software

    1 Products available

Products / Services

Real Time Vehicle Tracking System

  1. Get complete visibility of the fleet. Location, speed, stoppage, distance travelled and other insights in real time
  2. Increase fleet productivity As a business owner or fleet manager you dont have much time to look into everything. Let the Tracer - Real time system help you to make your job easier and productive
  3. Take complete control of the Fuel spend by integrating Fuel level sensor with the Tracer GPS devices
  4. Respond to your customers faster and with accuracy with our powerful admin features customers can monitor their vehicles in real time without calling you
  5. Go Beyond GPS manage the cost per trip using our maintenance module
  6. Generate Reports that suits all needs / role. Simple to use, 50+ exhaustive reports. Each user get only relevant and specific data
  7. Access Through Mobile apps We understand that your require all the critical information about your fleet while you are on the move. Our mobile app allows you to do just that
  8. Receive Critical Alerts and Notifications. Get Crucial updates on vehicle in your mail and SMS

    Suitable for Trucks, Trailers, Pullers, Tankers, Dumpers, Cars etc.,

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Asset Tracking System

  1. Track each Asset Location in real time and increase the visibility of the Assets and get complete control on the Asset
  2. Track each Asset Engine Run Hours, RPM and more. Improvide Asset Utilization and operation performances and thereby ROI
  3. Bucket working Status Tracer segregates the working as per the bucket operations, Front Bucket or Back bucket
  4. Take complete control of the Fuel spend by integrating Fuel level sensor with the Tracer GPS devices
  5. Generate Reports that suits all needs / role. Simple to use, exhaustive reports. Each user get only relevant and specific data
  6. Access Through Mobile apps We understand that your require all the critical information about your Assets while you are on the move. Our mobile app allows you to do just that
  7. Receive Critical Alerts and Notifications Get Crucial updates on vehicle in your mail and SMS Suitable for Earth moving machines, Cranes, Road Rollers, etc.
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Reefer Vehicle Tracking System

  1. Get complete visibilityof the your generator Location, no of hours worked, Power Generated, Generator Start / Stop etc., in real time
  2. Take complete control of the Fuel spend by integrating Fuel level sensor with the Tracer GPS devices
  3. Give Proof of Service with accuracy with our powerful admin features customers can monitor their machines in real time without calling you
  4. Go Beyond GPS manage the cost per trip using our maintenance module
  5. Respond to Generator Breakdown faster by assessing the problem using Fault codes
  6. Generate Reports that suits all needs / role. Simple to use, 50+ exhaustive reports. Each user get only relevant and specific data
  7. Access Through Mobile apps We understand that your require all the critical information about your fleet while you are on the move. Our mobile app allows you to do just that
  8. Receive Critical Alerts and Notifications. Get Crucial updates on vehicle in your mail and SMS

    Suitable for Trucks, Trailers, Pullers, Tankers, Dumpers, Cars etc.,

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Vehicle Tracking System

Transportation & Logistics companies need solutions to track their fleet of vehicles. Tracer Vehicle tracking solutions provides integrated hardware and software solutions that gives visibility of their fleets and performance based data.
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MDF Frame

LEMS offers TRACER range of commercial Vehicle tracking & Information systems in the Indian and Middle East markets.
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