Our Product / Services
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Rakta Chandan Soap, Aloe Vera Mint Soap and Neem Tulsi Soap.
Rakta Chandan soap heels the scars and removes the marks. Removes the excess oil from the face and facilitate reduction of pimples & acne, used in treatment of insect bites. Aids in removing the tan tightens the facial skin. Powerful antiseptic, used in treating minor skin abrasions.
Aloe Vera helps to soothe and moist flaky skin in harsh and dry weather. Mint is a good anti septic and excellent skin cleanser. This combination purifies the skin, cures infections, itching etc.
Neem is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-parasitic which makes it perfect for treating acne. Tulsi has a very good purifying and antiseptic qualities to a greater extent. Strong smell of this combination can destroy many kinds of micro organism.