SpecialitiesLess Labour, Time & Power, Dedicated Valve For Cleaning, Large Feeding Tray, Very High Production Capacity, Totally Enclosed Electricals For Safety
FeaturesSturdy Body Build, Industry Standard PLC, Non Stick Coated Cutting Blade, Customizable Production Time, Customizable Dough Ball Size, Optical Sensor Based Measurement, Very Heavy Pneumatic Cylinders
FeaturesHeavy Body Build, Less Peeling Time, Completely Enclosed Electricals, Highly Durable Abrasive Paper, Robust Motor, Dedicated Hose Collar For Water Input
SpecialityCompact Size, Non stick Pressing Disk, Low Cost, Noiseless Performance, High Performance Heating system, Dedicated PLC And Temperature Contollers
FeaturesFlexible Arms, High Stability Stand, Customisable Food Patterns, Very Heavy Pneumatic Cylinders, Customizable Production Time, 360° Reach Area, Scaling Production Upto 8 Times
FeaturesHeavy Body Build, Robust Motor, Timer Based Control, Completely Enclosed Electricals, Highly Durable Perforated Food Holder, Leg Bush For Noise Absorbance And Stability
FeaturesLow Speed Apt For Rice Mixing, Vibration Resistive Motor Bed, Sturdy T Stand, Leak Free & Less Load Transmission Gear Box, Tiltable Up To 108° Degree
SpecialitiesTraditional Grinding Method, High Density Grinding Stones, Leg Bush For Stability, Finest Batter In Every Grind, Switches With Power Indication