Cassia fistula is a deciduous, medium-sized tree with a gray, smooth, exfoliating bark. 4-8 pairs of leaflets are seen, distinctly stalked, oblong or ovate, with a silvery pubescence; the flowers are bright yellow, in axillary, pendulous, lax racemes; the pods are cylindrical, smooth, hard, dark brown or black; the seeds light brown, hard, shiny, biconcave and are embedded in sweetish pulp.
Berberis aristata It is an erect, glabrous, spinescent shrub with obovate to elliptic, subacute to obtuse, entire or toothed leaves. The flowers are yellow and in corymbose racemes. The fruits are oblong-ovoid or ovoid, bright red berries.
Natural herbs capabilities of the laboratory attained greater heights with the installation of the most modern and sophisticated instruments such as HPTLC,
Phyllanthus amarus It is an annual, glabrous herb grows up to 15-60 cm high. Has an errect stem, naked below and slender and spreading leaf branches above. Leaves are numerous, subsessile, pale green, often distichously imbricating, glaucous below, elliptic to oblong, obtuse, and stipules subulate. Flowers arise in leaf axis, very numerous, males 1-3 and females solitary. Sepels of male orbicular and obovate to oblong in females. Stamens 3,
Betel leaf capabilities of the laboratory attained greater heights with the installation of the most modern and sophisticated instruments such as HPTLC,
Embelia ribes is a large scandent shrub with slender branches and elliptic-lanceolate and gland-dotted leaves. The fruit is globular and wrinkled, varying in colour from dull red to nearly black; a short pedicel is often present; the pericarp is brittle enclosing a single seed covered with a membrane.
Ayurvedic herbs capabilities of the laboratory attained greater heights with the installation of the most modern and sophisticated instruments such as HPTLC,
Celastrus paniculatus the capsules are globose, yellow, 1-6 seeded and transversely wrinkled; the seeds are ellipsoid or ovoid, yellowish- or reddish-brown in color, enclosed in scarlet aril, which stains yellowish orange.
Raw herbs a short trunk, and a spreading crown. The bark is dark brown to almost black, longitudinally fissured or deeply cracked. Leaves are 2-pinnate and the main rachis has glands. Stipular spines are variable. Leaflets are subsessile and glabrous. Flowers golden-yellow, fragrant, crowded in long-stalked globose heads, forming auxiliary clusters of 2-5 heads. Pods are stalked,
Pure herbs Tinospora cordifolia: Immunity booster, viral fever, allergies, gout, Jaundice and diabetes.Picrorhiza kurroa: Used in skin diseases and improves eye sight.
Ayurvedic medicinal herbs It is a rational combination of invaluable indigenous herbal drugs. The drugs used are proven for their action as uterine relaxant and uterine tonic.
Terminalia chebula A large tree, young branchlets, leaf buds, and leaves with long, soft, shining, rust colored, sometimes silvery hair Flowers are dull white or yellowish in color with a strong offensive smell. Fruits are ovoid, wrinkled and ribbed longitudinally.
Anacyclus pyrethrum It is a perennial, procumbent herb. Leaves are bipinnately segmented and the segments are linear. The ray-florets are white and purplish beneath. The roots, from the market samples are simple, 7-10 cm long having brown, rough, shrivelled surface, with the root bark closely adhering to the wood.
Ayurvedic raw herbs almost evergreen tree with a short trunk, and a spreading crown. The bark is dark brown to almost black, longitudinally fissured or deeply cracked. Leaves are 2-pinnate and the main rachis has glands. Stipular spines are variable. Leaflets are subsessile and glabrous. Flowers golden-yellow, fragrant, crowded in long-stalked globose heads, forming auxiliary clusters of 2-5 heads. Pods are stalked, flat, compressed 7.5-15.0 cm in length and contracted between the circular seeds.
Solanum xanthocarpum of this plant was in high repute to cure toothache. When smoked like tobacco, the natives believed that the smoke killed the insects, which they assumed caused the pain. In Bengal the plant was used as a diuretic in dropsy. The root paste was utilised by the Mukundara tribals of Rajasthan for the treatment of hernia.
Guggul A small perinneal tree or shrub upto 1.2-1.8 m high.When fresh the oleo-gum rasin is moist, viscid, fragrant and of golden color.Volatile oil, gum-resin and bitter principle. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones.
Saw palmetto The plant grows from 6 to 10 feet high, forming the "palmetto scrub." It has crown of large leaves and the fruit is ovoid, deep brown in color, slightly wrinkled. It contains a hard brown seed.
Leptadenia reticulata L.reticulata is a much-branched twining shrub. The bark is yellowish brown, corky, deeply cracked; the leaves are ovate-cordate, coriaceous glabrous above, more or less finely pubescent beneath; the flowers are in many-flowered cymes, greenish yellow; the follicles are sub-woody and turgid.
Terminalia bellirica This tree, called Vibhitaki in Sanskrit, meaning fearless, was avoided by the Hindus of Northern India, who would not sit in its shade as it is supposed to be inhabited by demons. As long as the influence of Arabian medicine prevailed, it was used medicinally in Europe, having been introduced by the Arabs from India.