Boerhaavia diffusa are long-petioled, ovate or oblong-cordate, entire or sinuate; the flowers are red, pink or white, in small umbels; the fruits are ovate, oblong, pubescent, five-ribbed, glandular anthocarps.
Liquorice are in axillary spikes, papilionaceous, lavender to violet in colour; the pods are compressed and contain reniform seeds. The rootstock, which is stout, throws off a large number of perennial roots. The dried, peeled or unpeeled underground stems and roots constitute the drug known in the trade as Licorice.
Andrographis paniculata slightly enlarged at the nodes. The leaves are glabrous, dark green, arranged opposite decussate, lanceolate and pinnate. The flowers are small, in lax spreading axillary and terminal racemes or panicles. The capsules are linear-oblong and acute at both ends. The seeds are numerous, sub-quadrate and yellowish brown in colour.
Pterocarpus marsupium Found commonly in hilly regions throughout the Deccan Peninsula, and extending to Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa.A moderate-sized to large deciduous tree. The bark is grey, rough, longitudinally fissured and scaly. The older trees exude a blood red gum-resin. The leaves are imparipinnate: the leaflets are oblong; the flowers occur in large panicles, they are yellowish and fragrant; the pods are orbicular, flat, winged.
Indian herbs the pods, curved, longitudinally ribbed, turgid and densely clothed with persistent pale brown or grey, irritant bristles; the seeds, black, 4-6 in a pod and ovoid.
Gloriosa superba The perianth lobes are brightly colored and wavy margined. Colchicine is the major compound isolated from the rhizomes. They have abortifacient, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antileprotic properties.
Tinospora cordifolia It is glabrous climbing, succulent shrub with gray dotted bark. Leaves are broadly ovate and 10-20 cm in diameter. Flowers are small greenish yellow in color. Fruit is pea like and red in color.
Asparagus racemosus Shatavari is a thorny climber, which grows to the height of 180 cm. The plants are hardy vines found trailing on bushes along the dry hill slopes.
Azadirachta indica A moderate sized to fairly large evergreen tree of height 12-15 m, stout trunk and spreading branches, compound and alternate leaves. Fruit is oval in shape yellowish in color.
Ocimum sanctum is the most common; the second type (Krishna tulasi) bears purple leaves.The plant is an erect, herbaceous, much-branched, softly hairy annual. The leaves are elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, entire or serrate, pubescent on both sides and minutely gland-dotted; the flowers are in close whorled racemes, purplish or crimson. The nutlets are sub-globose or broadly ellipsoid, slightly compressed, nearly smooth, pale brown or reddish and show small black markings.
Eucalyptus leaves It grows well in India from the Nilgiris (5, 000-8, 300 ft.), the Annamalai and Palni hills in the south to the Simla hills (4, 000-7, 000 ft) in Himanchal Pradesh and Shillong, Assam in the east of India. Now it is cultivated throughout the dry districts of India.