Aloe vera capsules A perennial fleshy plant. Leaves sessile, crowded, lanceolate, erect, spreading, spiny toothed at margin, fleshy. Flowers: on a scape, scaly branched and longer than leaves, yellow in color. Fruit: capsule.
Curcumin capsule A relative of ginger, turmeric is a perennial plant that grows 3 to 5 feet high, with trumpet-shaped, dull yellow flowers. Turmeric is fragrant and has a bitter, somewhat sharp taste.
Guggul capsules Demulcent, aperients, alterative, carminative, antispasmodics, emmanogogue, and anti suppurative.A small perinneal tree or shrub upto 1.2-1.8 m high.When fresh the oleo-gum rasin is moist, viscid, fragrant and of golden color.
Brahmi capsules Root is thin, wiry, small, branched creamish-yellow. Stem is thin, green in color, soft with nodes and internodes. Leaves are simple, decussate, green, sessile, 1-2 cm long, obovate-oblong. Flowers are small, axillary and white. Fruit is ovoid and glabrous.
Arjuna capsules The tree has a height of almost 25-30 meters. Bark is available in pieces, at, curved, channeled. Outer surface is smooth and gray, inner surface is fibrous and pinkish.