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Used engine oil is very precious in the hand of the right person. There are plenty of uses for used engine oil once it has been cleaned of contaminants. The oil can be as an oil-based lubricant for bike chains and hydraulics, industrial burner oil, and a fence stain. It can also be used for flooring finish, l more...
Are you wondering where to get diesel Engine Oil in bulk quantity and that also in limited time? no need to worry anymore, we would like to introduce ourselves as one of the most eminent engine oil suppliers in India. We offer diesel engine oil and automotive engine oil. Our diesel engine oil and others are h more...
Application Recommended for use most types of hydraulic systems, moderately-loaded gears and bearing lubricated by circulation and bath and ring oiling. Feature Excellent anti-wear performance. Provide rust and corrosion protection. Low friction. Excellent water separation, air release and antifoam pro more...
It maintain outstanding engine cleanliness. Provide internal wear resistance and long life of engine. High oxidation and thermal stability. Excellent ability to control viscosity due to soot related oil thickening. Long drain period and suitable for all seasons. General Application & Attributes Recommende more...
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Automatic Transmission Fluid Additive (ATF) 8150 Â Mapco Lube Add ATF 8150 is versatile additive package that offers ability to easily formulate high performance of automatic transmission fluids using wide range of base stocks. Â Category: Grease Additives more...