For keeping the quality of the products intact, our quality experts check all levels including procurement of raw materials, production, packaging and dispatch. Our team members make it possible to conduct online transactions, keeping the details confidential. Our transactions are completely crystal clear and more...
NST P10L PLASMA CLEAN is equipped with a mechanical vacuum pump, while vacuuming maintains the vacuum of the chamber, the pollutants after the plasma reaction can also be pumped away by the vacuum pump; therefore, the short-time cleaning can completely clean the organic pollutants. In addition to the c more...
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Applications HVAC, molding injection machine, big storage management, packaging machine, precise textile machine, logistic system Features DVP-EX2 MPU is built in with 12-bit 4AD/2DA and offers analog/temperature modules of 14-bit resolution. Built-in with 8 high-speed input points (2 points for 100kHz more...
Siemens S7 200 SMART PLC Siemens S7 200 SMART PLC 6ES7 288-1ST40-0AA0 is designed to suit the needs of developing markets that have higher pressures of price and demands on performance. Providing an excellent performance-to-price ratio, SIMATIC S7-200 SMART PLC when combined with other SMART drive products fr more...
Quality packing material and advanced machines are responsible for the safe packaging of the orders from our end. Moreover, our experts keep a strict vigil on the entire procedure. Bulk as well as retail order of the product can be fulfilled by us with ease. In addition, we guarantee to make delivery as per s more...
We are engaged in offering vipa plc system in the global market. The vipa plc systems, supplied by us, are programmable with step®7 from siemens or with winplc7, the programming tool from vipa. The profibus connector "easy conn pb", we offer, was awarded with 2nd position by the readers of "a&d" trade journa more...
Product Details : Supply and Installation of PLC Based Purging Unit This unit is used to createvacuum in the first stage and fill LPG vapour in the second stage in new/hot repaired cylinder. It eliminates the possibilities of storing explosive mixture of LPG and Air in the cylinder. Equipped with FLP enclosur more...
Programmable Cutting System is a prime cutting solution specially designed for paper cutting machines. The concept of Programmable Cutting System is different than other systems in the market as this is PLC & Touch Screen Based highly sophisticated system. Our Programmable Cutting System is a user friendl more...