This chemical is a yellow solid which is soluble in water. Its use is limited to its hygroscopic property. Its natural forms include mineral metamunirite (anhydrous) and a dihydrate, munirite. This chemical is used as analysis reagent and mordant and it is used for fertilizer, gamore...
It is Yellow-Orange or Rust-Brown Powder. Vanadium Pentoxide is used in different industrial processes as catalyst and alloy additive. It is used for producing alloy steel of ferric and vanadium, alloy of aluminium and vanadium and other alloy and removing carbon and removing sulmore...
Title:Get The Best QuLity Turmeric Powder With Kanchi Food Production The most celebrated and most-used ingredient of all time in the Indian household is none other than turmeric powder. Yes, without turmeric powder, our Indian cuisine is meaningless and imperfect. Being one of tmore...
Nitrite salts are a key ingredient in many industrial processes, and sodium nitrite is the most important of them. It is a precursor to several organic compounds used in pesticides, dyes, and pharmaceuticals. The compound is best known for its use as an additive in processed meatmore...