To delete an item, change the quantity to zero and click on update button.Midnight Delivery Time is between 11 PM to 12:30 AM. Midnight order will deliver any time between this time frameFor Midnight Delivery, mention Deliver Date as the date before the occasion. Example : If the occasion is on 15 August, mention the date as 14 August.Fix Time Delivery requires a lead time of at least 4 working hours. The order will deliver close to the time given (+- 2 hour)Early Morning Delivery is upto 10:30 am. Customer need to place order previous day by evening.Fix Time Delivery, Midnight Delivery and Early Morning Deliveries are not available in all the cities. Please contact support for more detailsIn case, the order is not delivered as per Fix Time, Mid Night or Early Morning Delivery Time, Only Rs 300 will be refundedIf you use a non-Indian credit card, your bank will automatically convert to your home currency based on today's exchange rates.